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RE: 💎 Steemit Vision Quest - Week 4: Bliss In Stillness

in #svq6 years ago

Oh wow @lildebbiecakes this illustration is absolutely gorgeous!!! I love what you wrote too.

Oh my, yes, that ice storm! I live on a hill, our neighbors down the block had a good giggle watching me try and drive up. I finally made it! Haha, and then refused to leave the house after that.


Hi friend! Oooo I’m glad you made it home safe! That was a nasty storm there. About 30 years ago we had an ice storm here that was so bad that everything all stores were shut down for three days. No electricity. We all huddled up in are kitchen because we had a gas stove to keep warm. Played board games for three days, kinda fun really. Oh and thank you @renascence!

Thanks @lildebbiecakes. Oh wow! Hopefully it's another 30+ years before that happens again, oh my. That definitely reminds me I need to round up an emergency kit for unexpected events though! That's not a bad idea.

I wasn’t planning on going anywhere today, but had throw some ice melt on a sidewalk downtown. I warmed up the car to try and help scrap off the ice and the window cracked. 😢 and then as I was driving it cracked some more 😭. I knew I didn’t want to leave the house. At least I stayed upright.

Oh no!!!! I'm sorry, that's horrible : ( I figured we'd have a rough winter after getting lucky with the last couple.

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