Steemit Vision Quest Week 11 - Time On My Hands

in #svq6 years ago (edited)

Well this prompt took me on an interesting journey! The prompt of 11:11 meant nothing to me. I meditated a bit... blank. I gave google a try.

I had never heard of the 11:11 phenomenon. Yes, as a matter of fact, I DO live under a rock, if by "under a rock" you mean I do not pay any attention to anything on the television or in movies. According to some of what I was reading this was popularized by a movie, "I Origins." I have not only never seen it, I have never even heard of it. Wait, it gets worse...

One article begins by explaining the significance of the number: It is the only time on a twelve hour clock when the numbers are all the same. I grew up with dial clocks and still have one in my kitchen. I pay little attention to it, or any other clock but I "think" in dial clock, these newfangled digital ones are a second language to me. 😜

The google search return for "11:11 meaning" contains some intriguing words, like "unusual" and "powerful" but the one that really caught my attention was the phrase "Angel Number." According to this article, if you see 11:11 on the clock your angel has a message for you NOW! And I am left to wonder if my angel speaks dial clock like me... because I have never noticed my angels waiting for any particular time to give me messages.


There was a story I read once, I cannot recall where, about a Zen practitioner who removed the hands from his clock to remind himself that it is always "now." I always liked that story. Among the notions I have embraced along my spirit walk is "Indian Time." I have put a lot of effort into learning to use that clock too. It has hands but they don't really spin, you just move them up and back however it works best like the ones we made of paper plates as children. Put those hands wherever you want or need them! You can tell when you have slipped into Indian time by the addition of "ish" onto any chronological designations: "What time is lunch?" "One o'clockish."


I like that loose reckoning of time, it allows more room for improvisation. I do not really want to be in tune with a phenomenon that requires I notice a clock. It is something I used to do when I punched a time clock, maybe that is why it feels unnatural to me. I really tried, I waited and waited for Universe to show me what I was missing. Finally today I realized I had seen what I needed to see, it was time to just say what is in my heart.

Yesterday, I roasted coffee. It takes 15 to 20 minutes and I started at 11:04. I stand there spinning the roaster the entire time, and after the first 5 minutes I check it every minute. It is the one time I am rather compulsive about clock watching. After the coffee was all roasted and winnowed and cooling on the porch I realized I had to have looked right at the clock when it said 11:11 and I did not even notice. It really is just not a "thing" for me. I am not trying to reduce the significance for anyone else. The things in life that have meaning FOR us are thing that give meaning TO our life, and there is just NOTHING that "one size fits all." If this is a device that makes you stop and be in the now for a moment, well that is a wonderful thing!

One of the Electric Universe scientists explained time to me in a way that resonates to my core, let me attempt to relate his story. Here is the full video if anyone is interested. Imagine the universe is a faucet that drips. How fast is the drip?

Go ahead, think about that a little longer. How fast is the drip?

You cannot know. You do not have enough data points to assign a time span between drips. Now imagine a second dripping faucet. Every time the first one drips three times, the second one drips once. I won't ask anyone to do any math, I presume you can see that now you can measure time in some way but it is relative. You must have at least two things to compare. Time does not, can not, exist on its own.


In that video there is a picture of a clock that is the model for my little visual aid. Those paper plate clocks bothered me even as a child. My clocks had THREE hands. 11:11:11 was one second long. The teachers had me only putting two hands on my clock, so the idea that time was precise was already getting blurred in my little head. Furthermore, I could see that in this class, it said it was 11:11 but in the next room it said 11:12, the clocks could not even agree on what time it was.

Digital clocks would leave you a full minute to notice it was 11:11, but 11:11 where? On which clock? How would I ever be confident my angel and I had synced up watches when I don't even wear one? Perhaps the biggest hurdle for me is the notion that time is circular and that the same time can happen twice a day every day. Time moves in a spiral, it will never be the same time twice, ever!


Maybe that will mean something to someone, I do trust no one is insulted by my thoughts on what I am sure is very meaningful to many people. 11:11 just isn't really my thing. I am a Fibonacci girl...



I'm a Fibonacci girl, too! Love this post, @fishyculture. :-)

❣️ LOVE THIS!! I had seen a photo, never seen this before. THAT is a clock I can relate too!

Yes, I love this thinking on the flexibility of time. I've heard there are many states of time, and one is called "fluid time," which I think is similar to your concept of "Indian Time," with its "ishes" and bends. And your visual aids are so meaningful as illustrations to your thoughts. You rock, you know. I am with in in being a Fibonacci kid, sister!

We celebrate your Creative Spirit, and we appreciate your entry in Steemit Vision Quest.

May you receive all you seek.

I hope, and believe, that something in your core understands how special this little Quest has been for me.

I really appreciate you for saying so. Thank you. Namaste.

i really love your digging into this concept of loose time. i think especially for us in the west, what a blessing to have the reflection to look more loosely at time. i think it is healing to let go of time and the clock like you have done here and ask the big question about how fast the universe drips time along. that's a life changing question!

The Thunderbolts Project team often puts words on things I knew intuitively, words with scientific backing. I just love those guys!

I love your words always.
You have shared many times the things in life that spark your spirit. I similarly don't invest in numbers with meaning. To me they are applied by us to rationalise and organise the universe in a linear way. Cycles and synchronicity are of course a part of our existence, and the abstract placement of numerals somehow helps us decipher these things I suppose.
I have heard of the 11 11 idea. I think we see things when we are conscious of them. I ran a marathon event that was represented by 777. I see it everywhere now, but I'm sure it is because my brain has been trained to recognise something that would otherwise not register.

I did read a reference to this number and twin flames, so maybe I can sneak my poem from last week in (that I didn't post in time).

Hey, I am all about being fluid with time frames... sounds like you will be posting it right when it was meant to be posted lol!
Thanks for the kind words!

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

Time to me is what I can get done in a day. I hardly look at a clock for my own day. Abbi has things tbat are on a clock schedule and I am always a bit late sometimes. Living life dictated by a clock is going to happen, but at home I can be me. You be you. I loved the read of your piece.


Yeah, medical conditions that require medication or treatments attach you to the clock for sure. There is certainly a USE for marking time, it is just not something I go out of my way to pay attention to.

I applaud you my dear! I do really enjoyed this post! Excellent!

Thank you for the encouragement!

Insulted by your thoughts? Never. We need more people like you!!

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