Steemit Vision Quest: Catch The Dream

in #svq6 years ago (edited)


This is a video of me making a dream catcher. It is not very exciting - unless you want to learn to make a dreamcatcher... I did want to learn, so many years ago I asked a delightful Native American man I met in a rock shop to teach me. He promised he would, I promised to return as soon as I could for my lesson. He just smiled. A few nights later, I had a dream: Just hands making a dreamcatcher, a little like my video.

A few months passed before I got back down around Mt. Ida and Clarence's rock shop was empty and boarded up. There may be many things about making dreamcatchers that I do not know but I will always honor Clarence by making them the way he taught me. The one thing I am trying to show and not sure I got it across is that the string is twisted and looped, not knotted. Other than that, wonky, weird and wonderful is fine. It is fitting if they are as unique as dreams!

(I DO apologize for the poor camera work, trying to make this wrapped around a camera was tricky. I needed the natural light to see, so there is glare to contend with... just pretend you are dreaming too!)

I do not meditate by sitting in the lotus position and Ohming. I meditate by giving my hands something to do that can absorb my thoughts - then I can find inner silence. It is a little harder these days, there is almost always someone else in the house and to really get myself into a trance-like place I need silence. Yesterday I was able to turn everything off - I even unplugged the fridge for a while - and just basked in the stillness... Blissful!

This is my contribution to this project by @cabelindsay:

Edit: I just found this challenge, and I think my post fits it also for the Sunday / crafts topic.



Remember your dreams and fight for them. You must know what you want from life. There is just one thing that makes your dream become impossible: the fear of failure.
And yah good work , camera work doesn't matter your work deserves appreciation.

Thank you for the kind words! I am convinced that right to the phrase "That is just a dream" there is an effort to make us disregard our dreams... I believe they are our "practice realm" for our next life so possibly more important than our waking hours.

You are welcome.

I need to make one now. I can remember over half of my dreams & always analyze the symbolism within. I find the study of interpreting dreams very interesting, I studied Sigmund Freud & Carl Yung when I was younger whether folk think they were quackers or whatever, they were interesting fellows for their era.
I will leave a link for you here to a site I use to help analyze dreams just in case you or your readers would like to elucidate further.
It covers lots of common dream symbolism & an insight into the psychology behind our sub conscious.

Thanks for the link! That is a cool site. I worry about people who take those interpretation guides to be some kind of Bible... I looked up what seeing a dreamcatcher means and while their interpretation makes sense, it was not what was going on with me when I had the dream mentioned. We have to get comfortable in the dreamscape so we can have some sense of what the dream means on our own. No one knows our minds better than we do, IF we stop long enough to look around in there!

Literature is just a tool for learning in my opinion, I don't profess anything I know to actually be a fact, It's all subject to change at a moments notice. Theories come & theories go, everyone thought Newton had gravity licked until Einstein came along & upset the apples.
Here's what Sigmund had to say, I think this is very clever...

Eh, never really cared for the old pervert myself. He thinks everything is about sex. I have had several dreams that were communication across dimensions. I am sure he would call me crazy. The feeling is mutual... ;)

As a personality judgement you have Sigmund's number there, You left out cocaine addict & how good can anyone be at psychology when they take their own life right?
I think that article is very clever not because of the author but because of the originality of the thinking behind the human dream psyche, Nb I say clever not fact. A learned person is a fool if they think they are full of facts, they aren't, They have been deemed competent to follow instruction & pass an exam on it. 'I have some pretty certificates that were difficult to earn' is a fact. What else is a fact is very open to interpretation & subject to change at a moments notice. theories come & theories go, everyone thought Newton was right until Einstein came along.

:) And Wal Thornhill et al are proving Einstein was not really so smart either, but it will be a few generations before the plebes are taught the newer more accurate information...
I'll go have another read, I saw Freud and sort of glazed over...

I can forgive anyone for glazing over a quack like Freud, He was an ass of a man.

Awesome haha, I also do need something to fiddle with in order to find silence in my mind.

Drawing, fiddling with a stone, spinning my staff, moulding clay. All sorts of things absorb my thoughts, and oh, I long for the warm forest where there is absolutely no way anything can bother me.

The birds and sounds of wind are excellent for meditations. I just want to run into the peaceful, blissful woods. <3

Yep! I was way into yoga - still do it - but in my youth I was pretty serious about it. I was good enough that I got myself invited to go meditate with a couple who were serious Zen practitioners. I thought we would do some yoga together, that is what we were doing when we met, that was what our conversation was about and THAT WAS meditation to me! When I arrived and plopped easily into the lotus with them, I still expected to do a little grounding, then start some yoga. They thought I knew what I was doing... Tick, tick, tick, tick... I tried REALLY hard not to let my inner 2 year old run the show. I thought I was doing really well, actually. When they finally spoke about an hour later, the first time either he or his wife so much as twitched, the first thing he said was "You've never done this before, have you?"
And never since!

So good of you to show us how to build a dreamcatcher. It's perfect. The teardrop shape is a symbol I've been playing with a lot lately, in fact. I admire your awareness, you know. So conscious of you to recognize the dreamcatcher as a symbol representative of SVQ, and to bring us up-to-speed on the why and how of it. Thank you.

We celebrate your Creative Spirit, and we appreciate your entry in Steemit Vision Quest.

May you receive all you seek.

Glad you liked it. That was the thing I said was not sure it was OK to do when you first announced this, I could not really ask permission of the person who taught me. Silly me... Turns out just thinking about it was asking permission and that request was granted.

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