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RE: If You Don't Know Where To Invest: Invest Into This Planet! 🌄 Sustainability Starts With Consciousness And The Will To Change

in #sustainability7 years ago

The tragedy of the commons is a bitch. Too many people just don't care, and nothing will make them care when no one can claim ownership to take responsibility. Kudos to the volunteer groups you mentioned though, and best of luck! Perhaps a gofundme or indiegogo campaign can help encourage people to pitch in from outside the region.

"Too many people just don't care, and nothing will make them care when no one can claim ownership to take responsibility."

That is a good point, but there is also a good counterargument: most of humanity, even in the West, can't barely afford basic necessities. How do you expect everyone to care when most people are solely preoccupied with surviving day to day??

Of course, the present predicament we all find ourselves in is a direct consequence of the fake fiat money machine that has eroded the living standards and purchasing power of workers across the globe. Unless this cancer is removed, picking up garbage off the beaches - while a noble cause - won't do a damn thing to stem the tsunami of garbage.

Mass adoption of cryptos, which has the potential to lift the masses out of poverty, is our only hope!

You are right. A lot of people in the world are facing challenges that are on another level.

However, the situations I mentioned here don't refer to these people. Someone who leaves a plastic bag, a cigarette, a can or whatever trash at the beach isn't somebody who's trying to survive.

Picking up garbage off the beaches - while a noble cause - won't do a damn thing to stem the tsunami of garbage.

Then you'd recommend to just leave it there and look away until cryptocurrencies come over to safe our planet? :-) I think decentralized systems will support our efforts to change the world for better - and they already do - but they're not the solution to all our problems.

He said that everybody was aware of the serious waste disposal issues the islands were facing, but that there wasn't enough money to solve them.

The owner of your guesthouse pretty much told you what I'm trying to say.

Got it. But still I'm not willing to sit and wait ;) Cryptocurrencies might play an important role in the future, but until then life goes on.

Marly, you're a beautiful soul and I am fully behind your effort. Maybe you can launch your own SMT token to raised funds for cleanup. I'll invest just on principle.

Thanks for your encouragement! You are right: too many people don't care. Most of them because the've never heard anything about environment or sustainability. They drink water from plastic bags, coke from cans - and once they've finished their drinks they through these packings out of the window of their cars while driving down the street. I've seen that MANY times here on my island...

It's all about education!

I wonder what kinds of incentives can be offered to encourage better behavior. Threats of fines and punishments don't work.

If there was a fine on these doings, I bet it would help at least a bit.

Look at places like Singapore where you're not even allowed to eat a chewing gum walking down the street. These locations are totally clean.

First of all, you need to educate people from the very beginning. If these things were taught at school, we wouldn't face the problems we're facing right now later in time. But the little ones learn form their parents - the ones who throw the plastic bottle out of the window...

Well, "Don't Litter" is taught in the US from preschool Sesame Street programs through college, and it doesn't stick. And I am leery of just demanding more government control as a real solution. Perhaps tax breaks for those who participate in verifiable cleanup projects would be a better government incentive.

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