The primary goal of humanity

in #survival6 years ago

The current goal of humanity is a goal that has been ongoing as long as humans have been.
The aim of humans is to outlive earths current ecosystem and the next and the next...

Earth is an ever changing compilation of ecosystems growing and spreading trying to be the dominant system, bacteria, fungi, parasites, plants, animals, all forms of of life have the aim of being the dominant form and spreading as far as they can.

For the most part most different forms of life find a way to coexist, life lower on the food chain often reproduce faster so they can counteract them getting killed of by life higher in the food chain, or through a variety of other methods I am sure you all are aware of.

Humans on top:

Humans are constantly fighting for the top spot on the food chain but as we get closer other life also gets closer, over time humans have been able to be more dominant over complex life through outsmarting and outproducing, we have been able to understand how other animals think thus giving us the capability to tame all sorts of animals and we have created ways to protect ourselves from the animals we can't tame.

So as far as animals go we are sitting at the top, however when it comes to other forms of life we are in a constant struggle to be dominant, we quickly reproduce to naturally build up stronger immune systems and we constantly research into cures for all different ailments and illnesses.

We find a way to weaken something at it finds a way to adapt or overcomes that weakness, as we travel bacteria finds way to travel with us and that is the real struggle of humanity. Can our bodies and our minds outsmart and out evolve competing life? Though as we try and dominate and outlive these other life forms we are getting closer and closer to ending ourselves.

Can we keep holding on?

Coming back to my original point it all comes down to; If we can outlive the current ecosystems and thrive in the ones to come? There are too many factors involved to say if we can or cannot but for the short term we seem to be doing okay and we seem to only be improving faster and faster. At this time it seems the biggest threat to humanity as humanity and catastrophic life ending cosmic events, that later is really out of our control at this point in time. Though we still always need to stay on our toes because we don't know what might adapt and come for our top spot next, it could be a super virus it could be a whole heap of things.

Even if humans make earth uninhabitable for themselves and find a way to inhabit new planets we will still not be safe. I won't go into detail of what struggles a new planet could bring because there is an almost infinite amount of variables. If humans were to inhabit a new planet they would still bring vast amounts of bacteria, practices and so on, with them which would continue the struggle to hold the top spot on the food chain.

Do you think humans will always be able hold our place on top? Or do you think something will eventually take the spot? Let me know your thoughts in the comments, upvote if you enjoyed and follow for more.


its just like eating one another in current penned down effectively.Very soon we can see end of the world like these.

Do you think humans will always be able hold our place on top?

Depending on the metric used, this is very open to debate...


@therealwolf 's created platform smartsteem scammed my post this morning (mothersday) that was supposed to be for an Abused Childrens Charity. Dude literally stole from abused children that don't have mothers ... on mothersday.

You should read Homo Deus, it explores a lot of the themes you mention, as long as we don't blow each other to oblivion, then I fully expect human beings to become the first land organism (barring accident) to never die.

In fact the last person to die a natural death, may already have been born . . .


Thanks for the suggestion I will have to get myself a copy.

If people do discover a way to eradicate natural death I wouldn't mind being the first human to hit the big 200.

great post would love if you can follow and upvote

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