
Oh yes, phwoarrr is right, lol. And I met these boys, because my daughter is in love with this show. Went to one day of a convention last year, this year we're doing the entire three days, the cast, all of them are awesome. It was super fun...and it will be during their next filming season, so the beards they had the last time will be absent. (How shallow am I that I'm glad about that, lol) Plus Jeffrey Dean Morgan will be there, mm. In one of my posts, might be the comment section, I put some pictures of my daughter with the guys, yep, she got pictures, lol.

OMG I am so jealous I love these guys the Supernatural, Me and my daughter are mad about them. Ita not fair living in the UK I want to come too. :(

My daughter tells me that they do a convention in the UK, I think once a year. It's called Asylum or something, lol.
Here's my favorite pic of that day: (She brought the props hee)

Yeah I have heard of it but not sure if Jensen or Jared come to many. You are so lucky to be so close arrgghh I think I would have passed out lol

The picture zoe took with jensen was in the morning, so before any panels, before we saw anyone or anything else, we were suddenly in a room with him. And trust me, I had a starstruck moment. Like, Holy Shit, that's Dean, I'm standing here with Dean. I may have teared up a little ;) Oh, and they smell soooo good. LOL

Oh my god that sounds like heaven, I would have been floating for days on that. It's a dream of mine to meet them but might have to move first lol

The Pittsburgh convention, which is the one we go to since they don't actually come to NY, is about a five hour drive from my house. It's in September, there are still tickets available. If you were in a position to visit the U.S., firstly you would be welcome to stay with us and also to ride with us. We're most likely going to stay at a cheaper hotel, not the ridiculously expensive one attached to the convention center. But here's a link to the site with the tickets. We got the copper package but there's also general admission which is half the price.

Just figured I'd throw the offer's most likely the last one we'll be going to since Zoe will be seventeen this year, and the following year she will have other things on her mind :)

I wish I could, that was an amazing offer. If I come into some money I might just do it. My daughter is 19 and still loves the boys. It would be a dream to see the Winchester boys. You will have to kidnap Jensen ands send him over to me. Lol thanks again for the fab offer :)

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