Now is the time to buy Superior Coin and HODL
Why is now the right time to buy Superior Coin?
Superior Coin is at the lowest price it will ever be and will never be this low again. People are flocking in to find out more about what is on offer and it's gaining popularity extremely fast! Get ready, big breakout about to happen in Community Friendly Superior Coin.
Bitcoin Story
This is analogous to how Bitcoin started. If you had bought $5 USD of Bitcoin back in August 2010, when Bitcoin was $0.067 USD a coin, you would have had 75 Bitcoin and your initial $5 investment would be worth $504,021 USD at today's price of $6,720.28 USD!!
Don't have access to a Time Machine then buy Superiorcoin!

How would you like to see this in the in the future? Let's do this together.
I am part of the Superior Coin core to and as such I make no guarantee or any prediction for what the price will be over the next 12 months as growth is dependent on the market demand and other crypto prices across the cryptocurrency market.
Initial Investment
Below are 2 tables that show you how a $5 USD investment in Superior Coin could be worth over time.
Description | Values |
Initial Dollar Investment: | 5 |
Initial Dollar Price: | 0.0006 |
Initial Coins: | 8333.33 |
Projected value at different price points
Coin Price USD | Projected Value |
0.0006 | 5.00 |
0.0007 | 5.83 |
0.0008 | 6.67 |
0.0009 | 7.50 |
0.0010 | 8.33 |
0.0020 | 25.00 |
0.0030 | 25.00 |
0.0040 | 33.33 |
0.0050 | 41.67 |
0.0060 | 50.00 |
0.0070 | 58.33 |
0.0080 | 66.67 |
0.0090 | 75.00 |
0.0100 | 83.33 |
0.0200 | 166.67 |
0.0300 | 250.00 |
0.0400 | 333.33 |
0.0500 | 416.67 |
0.0600 | 500.00 |
0.0700 | 583.33 |
0.0800 | 666.67 |
0.0900 | 750.00 |
0.1000 | 833.33 |
0.1100 | 916.67 |
0.1200 | 1000.00 |
0.1300 | 1083.33 |
0.1400 | 1166.67 |
0.1500 | 1250.00 |
0.1600 | 1333.33 |
0.1700 | 1416.67 |
0.1800 | 1500.00 |
0.1900 | 1583.33 |
0.2000 | 1666.67 |
0.3000 | 2500.00 |
0.4000 | 3333.33 |
0.5000 | 4166.67 |
0.6000 | 5000.00 |
0.7000 | 5833.33 |
0.8000 | 6666.67 |
0.9000 | 7500.00 |
1.0000 | 8333.33 |

Click to Buy/Sell Superior Coin with SBD/STEEM

#SuperiorCoin with #Kryptonia = #Upvotes on #Steemit
Need to hold
I hope you are right
How do you withdraw, or exchange it?
It is available on 3 Exchanges so send to Exchange and can sell there. Here are 10 ways to get SUP
Wow okay intresting. Good Post. Keep it up
Thank you for the headup
Excellent advice with detailed insight to ponder.
buy and hodl. great information as always Colin. DISCLAIMER: I am Project Manager for Kryptonia and Superior Coin.
Thanks for this. I have since regretted not investing in bitcoin. That is another chance
thanks man.