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RE: The Old Dog Asks: Is Red at Night Really a Sailor's Delight?

in #sunthursday7 years ago (edited)

Though the old humanity didn't have the scientific research and tools as of today, but they were equally intelligent and their power to draw conclusions based on continuous observations were quite strong. Such sayings came from continuous observations for generations and based on high chances of probability.
What about Weather Channels today, still not certain but highly probable.

Another thing, the older people have lot of leisure time we lack today, so they were more spiritual as they got more time to be closer to themselves. Many of them took advantage of it and went deep inside themselves.
"JO Brehmande, Soi Pinde"
JO - Whatever
Brehmande - Universe
Soi - Same power
Pinde - Our Body

In English "Whatever runs the vast Universe, same power is inside our body"

How somebody told it 500 years ago?


You're right. In our fast paced society we can easily lose touch with our spirituality. We need to make the time!

I don't know where will it stop, but since I started to note my kids have lesser personal time than me when I was in their age.

Great comment! @mathworksheets

Love, being the greatest gift in life, it is of my opinion that a close (yet increasingly difficult thing to acquire) second is the leisure to enjoy and share that love with others. <3

~may all hatred cease...let there be peace~

Thanks a lot @cryptologyx.
"Love, being the greatest gift in life, it is of my opinion that a close (yet increasingly difficult thing to acquire) second is the leisure to enjoy and share that love with others. <3

~may all hatred cease...let there be peace~"

Each word above is a pearl!

That's very kind of you to say so @mathworksheets

~smiles fer miles~ Thank you so much...that felt good!

Thanks a lot for your so blissful conversations @cryptologyx. God Bless You dear brother.

My dear @mathworksheets , I have had many conversations with many Steemians since joining two weeks ago. I apologize if I have forgotten another with you. My memory fails me. Therefor I feel I'm less than blissful at this time.

I will take such blessing gladly though. :-)


Dear @cryptologyx, just see the parent of the comment above my reply, you will find yours. Have a great and wonderful Canada Day Long Weekend my dear brother.

ahhh I see what you mean, I did see that earlier. Your words touched me purely. Was my confusion.

Thank you again for the kind words and well wishes. Tomorrow is a rest day.


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