SunThursday - Sun rays

When it relates to photographing the sun I actually prefer the sunset time

(it could be sunrise too...if I could keep my eyes open)

I'm not a photographer and never searched much about that, but I believe pointing the camera into the sun may harm the lens. That's why I avoid it to the fullest.

But one of this days...

I pointed my camera (quickly) into the sun and caught these perfectly symmetric​ rays!


I only understood the final result at home when downloaded the photos to the Pc.

I got happy with that photo, because my first try was this one!


It's ok too, but it doesn't show the sun grandiosity as the first one!!

I'm glad I took that photo!

#SunThursday tag was initiated by @uwelang, now it is led​ by @lizanomadsoul!

Please do not forget to check the other daily photography challenges:


I always love sun photography

Me too, mainly sunset ones!

Wonderful capture, Liliana! People look so small down there, you got a really nice spot over there!Today I started to take part in #sunthursday contest as well, it's a shame I haven't found it before!:) Have a great day, Liliana!

With so many challenges running these days, ​it's easy to miss some of them! Have a great week!! :)

Gotta try new things. White sun with rays spectacular.

I did it again this weekend ;) My poor lens...but I got great photos!

Where in Portugal did you take this great shot?

It was in Paredes beach that I shared this week here. :)

Definitely need to go there next winter from Albufeira, as it seems a good place to get great shots!

All the West coast is very picturesque!! I totally recommend​ it :)

Ahhh, I decided to go through the participants of this day and it turns out you are here! So I decided to go through your blog and damn, you pretty much post on every theme daily :D Well well, I guess Ill see you around then :)

I started to post to #TreeTuesday, #BeachWednesday and #SunThursday since April, and never missed one until recently. Lately, I've entered​ in some of the ColorChallenges too, but even hating​ to miss the BeachWednesday, I can't be present on all anymore!

I know! Even if you have the material to post everyday about colors and challenges, if you want to post other ideas posting every day more than 3 or 4 posts seems too much right? Also people might get flooded by our content! I think I am going to refrain myself amd maybe only d 4 or 5 posts a week between colors and the day challenges :D

I will try to take more beach pics to participate more! Because currently I just post about what I have in my memory card! No old photos (I would love to have more material to post) but everything is back home :( Read you around my friend!

Gotta love that golden hour :)

That first photo really is beautiful, the reflection on the water is amazing!!

Thanks a lot @rynow!! Thanks for the time to comment :)

Fabulous photos! First one is Masterpiece! :)

Thanks, ​dear!! My camera didn't disappointed​ me :)

Stunning photos of some beautiful pieces of nature :)

those are some lovely views!!

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