Bitcoin back on Track and Summer Plans - Random

in #summer3 years ago


Well, so many people were calling for a huge drop I figured BTC might stabilize here, but it's too soon to tell.

In any case, I don't expect a strong recovery before September, but I'll be happy to be wrong, if I am.

Either way, this summer I don't want to sit around watching charts.


Joe's treatment has changed to infusion of Immunotherapy every 6 weeks. So, we are going to spend a month at a nice private camp ground after his next treatment, if all goes well.


It's kind of a camping club, you own you lot and can decorate it as you like, while enjoying camp fires, hiking, fishing and nature. But also, private swimming pools a local bar, basketball courts, etc.

We love it up there and have never had a chance to spend this much time away from home.

More on this in my next posts.



Nice work! You just got yourself a $3.21 upvote. Enjoy! Check us out at or swing by for a chat at ACOM Discord

Most predictions indicate that the price of BTC will hit 100K by December. What's your take on this matter?

Best regards to Joe, it is hard to be sick really @whatsup

Bitcoin in the other hand has its crazy moves, I will have no choice but to wait. :)

Joe's treatment has changed to infusion of Immunotherapy every 6 weeks. So, we are going to spend a month at a nice private camp ground after his next treatment, if all goes well.

I learned a lot from you, that family is everything, family is the main thing that must be cared for and must be loved completely

I think next few week is going to be crucial. lot of things are related with bitcoin . Involvement of chinese government, Elon Mask may create an impact also. You said it right that it's too early to say anything. Wish you nice family time. Enjoy your time.

I also agree with you it’s not possible to recover before September, maybe recover or go down more than that because it’s in very very bad position now.

Hope everything will be fine , soon you will enjoy with your family this wonderful place, we also waiting to see your beautiful moment with natural beauty, best of luck.

This drop will help btc to go up at $70,000. I also love hiking, camping with friends. The place in this photo is looking very beautiful. Thank you.

I've pretty much given up on trying to predict these short term gyrations... too much volatility based on "what Elon Musk tweeted" and other bits that are irrelevant to the fundamentals. I think BTC will be significantly higher by year end. What happens between now and then is anyone's guess!

I hope you and Joe have an awesome and relaxing time camping; you guys sure deserve some downtime after all you've been through!

The time is really going very bad. I can't say anything about what happens in September. Good and bad can go both ways. I hope it will be good.
This photo is really beautiful. Spend time with family and enjoy for now.

with the current conditions, we can not be too quick to make a decision. I hope btc can return to its peak of glory.

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