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RE: Suicide IS an option! Part one: Intro

in #suicide7 years ago

I am not for or against suicide.
I do have n opinion tho. The difference there is I respect the point of view of another and while I will debate my point, I do not hold the other view as wrong. The other view is an alternative view to the view I hold myself.

On suicide, I believe there may be times when suicide, Such as euthanasia for various reasons which are personal to the individual. I do not believe any reason should be valid for this use of morality.

After that, I view suicide differently. The reasons for the suicide may vary from person to person, Heartbreak, Personal loss, Debt, Desperation, Loneliness, or other not listed here. I look on many of these as death that need not have took place in such manner. That if as a whole we were a different kind of people. That itself would reduce suicide. For those I blame ourselves as a society. For someone to take their own life because they cannot see another way out if a fault on society. The underlying issues need to be addressed and that is how we treat each other. The respect we show and give each other. The willingness to assist another with no compensation but the good feeling.
The cool thing to do these days seems to be to say FU and not to offer a hand of assistance. Kudos to all you non cool people :)

A bit more reaching out to help others before they start drowning, a bit more community and working together. People will feel they have more support and more people to talk their problems with.


The only flaw in this is that some people do such a good job of hiding how they’re feeling, that no one knows that they need help. Sometimes there are no real signs. I know that when I’ve been in in my darkest times, I wasn’t having marriage trouble, kid trouble, friend trouble, money trouble, job trouble, any trouble. There were no red flags. Nothing for anyone to take notice of and approach me about. I just get depressed. But I would cry in the shower and make myself get out of bed and go through all the motions when anyone was around. I was embarrassed for couple reasons. 1) I’m ashamed of weakness, and not being able to control my own emotions, I perceive as a weakness. 2) One of my worst fears is someone thinking I’m just looking for attention. Even though my family wouldn’t think that of me, the fear is there.

I believe that contemplating suicide and considering suicide are two diferent things. I’ve contemplated it several times. I’ve “looked thoughtfully at it for a long time.” I haven’t considered it. I haven’t “thought carefully about it before making a decision.” There was no decision to be made. I’m too afraid of what may or may not be on the other side. More afraid of the unknown than of living with the depression.

But to share that I was contemplating it would set my family and friends to worrying about something I had to intention of carrying out. It could possibly land me in a position where I was being forced into therapy and drugs. I hid my secret with all my heart.

But for someone actually considering it, what would be the motovation to allow anyone to know about it? If they thought they may truely decide to do it, that they might want to do it, why would they take a chance on someone stopping them?

I believe that most of the people who let it slip are either desperate for help, and need really get someone’s attention, or they didn’t mean for anyone to find out.

So, I don’t think it’s society’s fault at all. Nobody, no matter how close to the situation they may be, can address a problem that they can’t see.

nothing is 100% Maybe just having time for others, some wont go to that frame of mind.

One question. How many suicides did not happen because someone was there?

You’re right. Nothing is 100%. And I don’t know how many suicides have been prevented by someone being there. I’m just speaking from my point of view, that was developed through my own experiences and thoughts.

I do see your point, and it is very valid. But i still feel the same, If as a society we have not provided a route for you to have that someone to talk with, or feel left with no place to turn, Maybe you could provide insight into some of the things within society. Which may prevent people from reaching that point, or if they do have somewhere to turn.

I respect your point of view. :)

There are a few more chapters. There is so much more to it and so much less. I personally have a chemical imbalance. I covered my feelings pretty well. People were surprized when I finally snapped.

I wrote this years ago, before I got help. I'm on meds now and they make a world of difference.

I do not judge you sweetness :) Me I blame the rest of us for not been there for you when you needed it. Happy you found something which helps.

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