in #success6 years ago

The bright side of it all

This is part 2 of 2 of my blog FINDING WORK AND LOSING A DREAM. To read part one and be well acquainted with this post, please click this link Part one . This is the sweet part.

First month on the job

After discontinuing my course I felt a bit discourage. On the other hand I was employed so things were not that bad.

The first day was a bit nerve racking. Meeting everyone for the first time, not knowing what I was going to say to them or if they'll even accept me. I was worried for nothing. They welcomed me with open arms. The then principal had a bright idea of introducing me to a class of grade sevens as their new teacher and then leaving me to my own demise. She is the "If you want to learn how to swim jump in the water" kind of woman. But she gave me my first job so I'll forever be grateful to her for that. Funny thing is she is my former grade 9 teacher. To bump into her years later like that and finding her in that position that she in was fate.

My first month on the job was just amazing. I got to know my kids and my colleagues. Let me tell you my colleagues are in their late forties and fifties but they are a hyped and crazy bunch that always act like teenagers. They love going out and acting the fool. I love them to bits.

Since I was still new, my learners feared me and so behaved themselves. That didn't last very long. I got to know children in a different setting and learnt to handle a little bit better. This is a primary school so most of them are just so don cute!

Here's the funny way of how I got a job

Here I was studying my masters. Since I didn't have to be in a classroom anymore I moved back home where my then girlfriend of many years, who is now my wife, was waiting for me.
She had finished her studies the year before and was looking for work whilst working as a cashier at fast food shop in town. She studied HR and office admin. Because I had a lot of time on my hands I decided to help her by going around schools, clinics and a hospital submitting her CV.

I got to this other school and spoke to the principal about my wife's CV. Unfortunately there was no job opening there. We ended up talking about me and what I was doing. He told me that should I submit my CV he could guarantee me a job as they where in need of teachers. I really wasn't interested. I was already busy with something important. I thanked him for his time and before leaving he told me that should I ever change my mind I know where to find him. I then left.

Disappointed that I've been turned down yet again, I was sceptical about going to another school. Since this other school was close by I just said what the hack?! I got to the school and asked to see the principal. I was told to wait in the waiting area. When she arrived, to my surprise it was my former teacher! I was excited to see her. She was excited to see me. It was an awesome reunion between teacher and student. She was my favourite teacher and I like to believe that I was her favourite learner. I was at the top of my grade after all.

So here we are catching up. We talked for over an hour at least. I had totally forgotten why I was there. As I was about to leave I then remembered the reason for my being there. I told her about my wife and gave her the CV. There was no opening there as well. Just like the previous principal, she proposed that I come work for the school and help out as they were in need of teachers. She was my favourite teacher, I had time to spare. needed money, made since. Submitted my CV. I took the job.

We can't escape our fate

What's even funnier here is that I initially applied to study teaching after completing my grade 12. I was accepted for the course. I spoke to someone after that and they managed to change my mind and so I switched. Four years later when I was suppose to be done with studying and start working as a teacher I got a job as a teacher without that qualification. How insane is that? It blew my mind.

I felt that I had sacrificed a dream when I discontinued my Masters studies for teaching. I've never been more wrong in my life. It turned out to be the best turn of events I've ever experienced. I love my job! My learners are a handful but I'd protect them with my life. I am responsible for shaping young minds that are future leaders of this world. This is a monstrous responsibility to carry and I'm honoured to be amongst those who carry it.

This is the end of my two part blog. I hope you've enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Picture source


I'm delighted that love teaching!

And I always strive to enable my learners perform at their best. I hope part two wasn't a disappointment after part one.

I was actually hoping there would be a plot twist.

Lol. If I was writing a fiction story I would've gone that route. I did contemplate it. But I would have been dishonest. I decided to just keep to the facts. My writing will get better and I'll develop some interesting stories just for you.

I enjoyed part two. I think my comment was vague, in relaying that message. Plot twists not only occur in fiction, but is real life. Part one focused on losing a dream and I saw your finding your purpose as the plot twist.

I apologize for the confusion. I should of written, "I was actually hoping for this plot twist."

I was a bit confused. Thank you for clearing that up. Once again I am happy you've enjoyed part two.

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