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RE: The Goal Should Be....$2.74 A Day!

in #success6 years ago

I have seen this formula before my friend! It works and that is what everyone needs to know. My friend @carlosmarin teaches a similar principal. Your mind can't fathom hitting double your income... but, if you break it down into smaller goals before you know it can and will be doubled. Having the right mindset is the key here! If you think you can't do it... well you won't do it! If you think you can do it... well you will do it! Once you set your mind to do it ... guess what you have done it! So think it bite size chunks... and bam you are off and running! There is my value as in the value of the 2nd line of the 2nd payout! :)


yup. great point. the smaller goals get you fired up to grow more. if we take on too much, we may just give up.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yes exactly what I as getting at! I heads just can't wrap around the fact we can do it if we have never done it before!

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