in #success7 years ago


It is not new seeing a hardworking individual having no single positive result at the end of every activities.
At a point it will be as if the harder the work the increase their failure.

At a point we look firmly at our position then conclude that the village people are at work, which are people that are really seeking with every Amory our downfall.

But what if we are really the cause, maybe our village people are just there to help us achieve our aim?


Success Resistors and Success Combatants works hand in hand to accomplish the same purpose.

Success Resistors are the worst set of people in this world.

They derive joy in setting one in motion for failure.

They are human being like you and I, but they made themselves available to be used and at the end, they end up in a frustrated life.

Such people are found among our family members, friends in school, and at work. They are the village people and can exert pressures on its target friendly , by proxy or underground.

I do personally suggest, don't share your problem with the person that can not help you. A mistake you can never undue!

when you come across them presenting your dreams, and vision, instead of encouraging you, they either try to frustrate you, and also make you to believe that you don't have what it takes to achieve such aims in life.

They are very dangerous, so be careful because you are swimming with sharks and it takes a wise man to overcome the foolishness of evil men. If you don't stand on your instinct, you will end just like them.

can you believe one thing?

Let me tell you this every visionary must know that nobody can stop your vision except you the visionary.

One must posses some characters that will make him or her immune to success resistors and combatants.

In many things that happens to one, we truly approved them knowingly and unknowingly.

Can we stand firm and achieve full success in all? I think yes with the below suggestions.

>The more you talk, the more likely you are to sin, if you are wise you will keep quiet.
>A good person's words will benefit many people, but you can kill yourself with stupidity.
>Never get a lazy person to do something for you, he will be as irritating as vinegar on your teeth or smoke in your eyes.
>People who are proud will soon be disgraced. It is wise to be modest.
You see yourself trying to make all the end meet yet you move no distance. What is that I am doing wrong, yet I can never triangulate. What is that I have achieve yet no result...unknowingly your failure lies within and with you at that very point of making a distance. And the question keep pomping out, who are you or what is that thing you are associating with? **A success resistor, a success Combatant and an entity of withdrawal** look around, be of good courage, take responsibility and know who and what you really call a friend.
>If you are intelligent you will be praised. If you are stupid, people will look down on you.
>Stupid people always think they are right, wise people listen to advice.
>Hard work will give you power. Being lazy will make you a slave
>If you are lazy, you will never get what you are after, but if you work , hard you will get a fortune.
>Be careful what you say and protect your life. A careless talker destroys himself.
>No matter how much a lazy person may want something, he will never get it. A hard worker will get everything he wants.
>Some people pretend to be rich, but have nothing. Others pretend to be poor, but own a fortune.
>Arrogance causes nothing but trouble; it is wiser to ask for advice.
>If you refuse good advice, you are asking for trouble, follow it and you are safe.
>Keep Company with wise people and you will become wise. If you make friends with stupid people you will be ruined.
>Homes are made by the wisdom of women, but are destroyed by foolishness.
>Stay away from foolish people they have nothing to teach you
>Your joy is your own, your bitterness is your own, No one share them with you.
The decision you make today is your success or failure tomorrow. Avoid taking many options of success because some success are negative success which at end must reduce those positive ones. The same to who is with me... Will he elevate or depress my success. ***The positive success of all human are known from the quality of entities associating with him and not by Quantity.*** in all embrace love and help those in need. Our needs are unlimited! #### Can we achieve an optimum success no matter the Resistance?
>What you think is the right road may lead to death
>Laughter may hide sadness when happiness is gone, sorrow is always there
>No one like the poor, not ever their neighbors, but the rich have ‘many friends.
>If you want to be happy, be kind to the poor. It is not good to despise anyone.
>Work and you will earn a living. If you sit around talking you will be poor.
>If you stay calm, you are wise, but if you have a hot temper, you only show how stupid you are.
>Knowledge is spread by people who are wise not by fools
>Get all the advice you can and you will succeed without it you will fall.
>Wisdom is a fountain of life to the wise, but trying to educate stupid people is a waste of time.
>Violent people deceive their friends and lead them to disaster.
>If you listen to advice and you are willing to learn one day you will be wise.
>Drinking too much makes you loud and foolish. It's stupid to get drunk
>If you spend your time sleeping, you will be poor. Keep busy and you will have plenty to eat.
>Plan carefully and you will have plenty, if you act too quickly, you will never have enough.
>Don't visit your neighbors too often they may get tired of you and come to hate you.

In all believe in yourself, avoid distractions, clear your mind and taught from village people, follow the right track, associate for greater success and have a target.


images authorities :: 1 2 3 4


Highly motivational @drigweeu! My little question is this; how do we define 'being successful'

I asked because I don't wanna make mistakes, I am a happy man yet my ledger is not a skyscraper. I don't have it all yet I am contented but not being lazy.

I am successful inside of me but men do judge me by what they see around me and they always conclude that I'm poor and miserable.

What height can one reach before we know that he/she is successful?

For you to notice unsuccessful man is by seeing a lazy man.

Come to your question, a successful man must have a drive to achieve mayb respect, fame or wealth or even all.

A successful must have a target and hit that very target. Thus there must be a valid result from that particular activitily. Activity is not define by quantity but by quality.

A succesful man takes responsibility of all his or her failures and work out success.

Finally if you are yet looking who to blame for your unhappiness thus you are yet not successful

Thanks dear for your answer.

For me, success is simple without any ambiguity!

A successful man is a man who is at peace with himself and his neighbors, all those attachments to being successful are all ephemeral.


Well nice definition. But if there exist no bet then the word success will never exist... Either a success or a failure

it is tru nobody can stop my vision except i give in. Thanks for sharing this

Welcome bro

Igwe these are the words of a wise man. You are intellegent men. Nice post

Thanks bro. Hugs u

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Excellent post @drigweeu.

This statement, "The decision you make today is your success or failure tomorrow." couldn't be any truer.

I'm constantly telling the younger generation that, The way you...

  • Think
  • Speak
  • Act will have an impact on your future. One young man has seen it and making the changes (at full steem ahead too) and if he keeps his course he'll be one of those homeless to millionaire stories you keep reading about.

Sure, he still has a lot to learn, but I'm watching him do it from a tent in the woods (where he currently lives) and he's already gained some traction and assets that are going to help speed up his journey to getting him under a solid roof in just a couple of months (without the use of gov't help!)

To see all this and do it is one thing...

But to watch someone going through it gives life a whole new meaning.

Proud of you @mikeg85

Great reply. TSA, many youth ends up not doing the A part which is to act. It takes determination to carry it on.

I hope all will hold A so firm

Hell, most don't even do the thinking part.

Great enjoy a lot want to see more of this in future. @drigweeu

Welcome sam. Im happy you are following

This is really lovely. Village people is one of the most popular word used when we want to blame someone for our failures.

Sure. We keep blaming we keep failing

You post should be embedded in gold cos that is what it is.

Hugs u. Thanks alot

in addtion to this, we also need to take into consideration that wisdom is the principal thing and in all your getting get understanding. You see, most of the times, when strength fails wisdom comes to play. The only person that can denial himself or herself success is the you in you. What defines your success is understanding your strength and weakness,knowing what to do at every point in time.

Coming down to success resistors and combatants. This is my point on it. Solomon in the Bible that I mean the Old Testament where he stated that you should be diligent, for in so doing you shall stand up kings and queens and not mere men. To overcome your resistors and combatants you need wisdom to achieve your desires and goals you need discipline.

Nice Work Igwe. I celebrate your ink

You rock bro. Reallh hit many points. Wisdom enhances once ability to act, couple with understanding is bomb. Welcome

Every Nigerian need to read this
village people keep taking the blame

Village people are innocent ooo

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