Scenes On A Sunday Drive

in #sublimesunday5 years ago

#SublimeSunday is a tag presenting you with the unique opportunity to post something a bit different, wacky, crazy or just whatever takes your fancy, initiated by @c0ff33a ☕️

Taking a Sunday drive along the highway into Charlottetown I saw an Amish horse and driver ahead on the highway. It’s a scene that makes time stand still in our hectic lifestyle of today with fast foods and faster cars.


Going a little bit further there is another Amish turning over the soil using the two horses to pull the old fashioned tiller. Many Amish have settled on PEI the last few years and have brought old farms back to life.


These are beautiful horses to see on a lovely #sublimesunday.


Lots of dandelions for the bees and butterflies. People are becoming more aware of the importance of letting the dandelions grow.


It always does my heart glad to see people letting the dandelions grow. They only last a short while and are so important to nourish insects and animals in nature. I know the rabbits love the dandelions as I see them munching them down on the lawn.


A new house construction with a great field of dandelions to add a splash of yellow to the environment.

Stopping by a lake on the back roads, I noticed the water is higher than last year.


The above photos are scenes I saw on the highway. The stores are open here on Sundays from noon until five. I did some shopping and returned home along the same highway.

I hope everyone has a great week ahead and enjoying the lovely June weather and all the flowers in bloom.

In closing, I leave you with this lovely Lady Slipper that grows on the property.





Howdy redheadpei! Great photos there! I love the fact that the Amish can come in and take over old farms. They can do the work with lower costs and of course the availability of local organic produce should increase.

Thanks Cowboy! I’m looking forward to see what they bring to market.
Appreciate the support.

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With these photos the time really has stopped and the feeling is so calming.

Thanks Neli. It was a relaxing day and highway drive. 😊

What beautiful Sunday scenes!

Sometimes exceptional lifestyle is necessary in our life and you have captured beautiful horses, dandelions for the bees and butterflies and pretty blue color lake photos beautifully.

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This post has been manually curated, resteemed
and gifted with some virtually delicious cake
from the @helpiecake curation team!

Much love to you from all of us at @helpie!
Keep up the great work!


Manually curated by @carrieallen.

Thanks so much @helpiecake and @carrieallen. Appreciated. 🍰 ❤️

These photos are amazing!

I love the feel.
And yes! Dandelions! YELLOW IS THE BEST COLOR!
I LOVE when the fields fill up with them.
Soon our roads/fields will be filled with wild sunflowers. It's like a magical sea of yellow blowing with the wind.

While we don't have Amish here (in Colorado), I grew up in Kansas were, though I was in a city, this was very normal to see on the back roads.

Thanks for sharing this!
#helpie #helpiecake

Thanks @carrieallen! Yes, seeing the yellow is wonderful and the happy sunflowers coming next. 🌻 💕

Great photos! Their religion promotes such an interesting lifestyle. I know they dislike having their photos taken, do you hide your camera?
The goldfinches quit coming to my feeder when the dandelions go to seed. It is an important food source for them, too.

Thanks! I haven’t had a problem with the camera being out in the open, Melinda. I try not to photograph their faces, although with the full beard one would be hard pressed to know who it is.

The dandelions are so important and finally people are catching on to let them be and not spray them as that is killing so many necessary critters.

I had an Amish man get angry at me for taking a photo. It was years ago, but I have never attempted another Amish photo! He 'told' that I should never take a photo of an Amish person and that I was very disrespectful. He scared me enough that I have never tried another picture!

They do have different ideas about things. I wonder what the no photo thing is inspired by. Maybe the biblical ‘Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.”

I think that is exactly what it is.

Very interesting photos @redheadpei It must be very rewarding for the Amish people to see the land respond to their care and good farming practices. That is a very good point that you make regarding dandelions.

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