A Sublimely Beautiful Sunday


Welcome To My

Sublimely Beautiful Sunday

Nope not a mistake!


See what the scent is??? It is so chilly outside that it feels more like Christmas than Spring, so why try to fight the tide, I just decided to go with it lol. Wow this makes the house smell divine! Also make me hungry!


The Beautiful Sunday and Sublime Sunday tags are some of my faves! I want to thank @ace108 for running the beautiful Sunday tag every week and keeping such detailed stats and supporting the accounts. Also, a shout out to @c0ff33a for the sublime Sunday tag where your random Sunday posts are always welcome!


This home made sushi is a bit different! I made a video of it for tomorrow. I call it the deli sushi!

We decided to go for a hike and I got a few nice shots. It was about 45 degrees, so not terrible!


I hope the week ahead is a good one for us all


Thanks for stopping by!

All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites. Now I must add that some of the shots I steal from my son Ben @silver314 , but I feed him so he can sue me lol.



It still looks beautiful there. A little gingerbready frosty, but, you cannot beat the color of the emerald grass.

And who doesn't want a ham/sushi roll? I ask you?!! A video too? Be still my heart! I say bring it on!

Even you have to admit it's pretty as you meander the roads of Michigan. I know that spring has been laying in wait for so long, any warm day will be popping out those leaves! As an aside, it should make you feel better that it is also cold here this morning. Take it back!!!

Take it back!!! Have a most fabulous week ahead!

Upped and steemed


I know right? So much goodness all packed in one post?!? I mean I totally impress myself LOL!!! OMG you are too funny. Be still your heart, you wouldnt get ten feet within a deli sushi LOL.

Of course not to be a topper, but no only do we have the cold, we have the rain as well. Only thing missing from the trifecta is high winds, but hey the day is not ever yet! I am bringing my checkbook, I want my piece of the Camelot cake!


We had high winds last night, so maybe they are on their way?

Just remember portion control and leave a little bit left for me. ;)

Active makes you young. Sharing it on steem makes your rich (eventually)

Gonna have to rename yourself youngguyphotos

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Grass is green in Michigan, too!
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🎁 Hi @old-guy-photos! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

Check out @dswigle blog here and follow if you like the content :)

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beautiful photography..... thanks for share.

Posted using Partiko Android

I think I can smell the gingerbread from here !

Deli Sushi.... ha.....

Winter, Winter.... go away ! :)

Frosty gingerbread ~ That's a new one for me. Must have smelt so delightfully warming. Love the first photograph. I hope you have a wonderful week too. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎

That looks very like the English countryside! Although, here, in the Midlands, our trees are already in leaf.

Looks like a beautiful sunrise, hopefully it warmed up a bit. We had 45 degree weather in January for about a week, that is chilly! A nice gingerbread candle will get me in the baking mood for sure, lol I bake enough as it is so I have to be careful lol Glad you got a nice hike in, nothing worse than cabin fever during spring :)

Hmm... what's with that remote control and the candle. :-)

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