Sometimes Sunday Can Be Wonderful!

in #sublimesunday6 years ago (edited)

Inspired by #sublimesunday a tag from @c0ff33a, #beautifulsunday (hosted by @ace108) and a beautiful Sunday, I will try to show how this Sunday was for me...hoping someone would be interested in finding out.

Sometimes Sunday can be wonderful, sometimes not ... it was now!

In my opinion, a beautiful day has to start with a good coffee, enjoyed in the small courtyard of my house.

Inspired by the beauty of the day and the taste of the coffee, the program of the day is much easier and enjoyable. We decided to go (my wife and I) to listen to a conference at the National Theater. There we will meet some good friends.

The National Theater building is an important building in Bucharest, the capital of Romania. It is a building whose architecture is inspired by the traditional Romanian houses. It is in University Square, probably the most famous place in Bucharest, famous for events during the 1989 Romanian Revolution. In December 1989, the communist regime was destroyed and replaced by a democratic society. We hope to be a democratic society, after almost thirty years we are not yet convinced that we are in the right direction.


The sculpture in front of the theatre, called the Comedians Caravan, is highly suggestive and inspired by the world of theatre ... the world of the theatre a hundred years ago.



The main reason for seeing this conference was the protagonist. Mihai Sora, Romanian philosopher, former minister of Education. Mihai Sora is almost 102 years old!

Image source

Romania, in this state configuration was formed in 1918, so Mihai Sora is older than our country. The conference was a great success, Mr Sora answered many questions and presented his conception of life and death, about democracy and the current situation in our country.


At the end everyone wanted to have an autograph.


Mihai Sora's speech, I repeat ... is almost 102 years old, has managed to make us think more closely about our lives, what we want for the future and the fact that we have to enjoy life as much as possible.

Taking into account Mr. Sora's recommendation...

We went to walk through the city and look for a quiet place to eat and talk about the conference and many more, of course.


We walked on the streets with over a hundred years old buildings trying to imagine our town when Mr. Sora was young.



... and so slowly, we slowly approached the last goal, the restaurant.


The restaurant is called La Mama, that is, at the mother's home. They mean to eat like at our mother, where it's the best food, of course.


Well, the food was not exactly like at my mother's home but the atmosphere was pleasant, the weather was very nice and warm and we stayed for a few hours there, on the terrace. But as everything that is beautiful must end, we have gone to our homes. With the fresh memory of a wonderful day.

Home, sweet home!

And yet, home for me is the best. Here I spend the most wonderful days!


I can not wait for next Sunday! I hope to be even more beautiful, we must always want a better one.



Have to respect a 100 over years old former minister in a democratic land. Glad you are happy with the choice of the restaurant.

Thank you for the comment. I agree with you, we must respect age, culture and wisdom. We have to learn! I was happy to meet friends.

You're welcome.

Ce duminica frumoasa, mi-ar fi placut si mie sa particip la aceasta conferinta, dar din pacate nu am stiut!
cum este ziua ta de luni?

Da, a fost frumoasa si sper sa fie cat mai multe. Ziua de luni este un pic mai confuza, mai ales in legatura cu Steemit. Cateodata imi place ce fac aici...alteori sunt aproape de a renunta, simt ca ceva imi scapa, ca nu inteleg de fapt ce se intampla si ca merg asa, intr-o inertie.

What an amazing day, the statues in front of the National Theatre are beautiful.

And a speech by Mihai Sora who his 102 - incredible, and such valuable experience.

The meal in the restaurant looks fantastic, and such a wonderful view of your garden to finish.

Thank you for joining in #SublimeSunday, I really enjoyed your story and wonderful pictures to go with it.


Thank you very much. I'm delighted that you read and you enjoyed my post. The theme you introduced is on my pleasure and I think Sunday must be a special day. Posts in this category can inspire us to spend the most beautiful day. I hope I will have such days in the future that I can show here.
Regarding Steemit, I have to say that I also use bots to have some extra votes. I followed your advice and considered them very good. However, as you have well noticed, there are many who disagree and are quite disagreeable. I do not understand, it is said that here is a decentralized, unrestricted platform ... but many try, I do not know by what means, to create restrictions!

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