What are Life Skills in Coping with Stress

in #stress3 months ago

In our world, everyone experiences stress. Stress is familiar to everyone. Doctor Lecturer Neslihan Yaman says stress impacts many aspects of our lives, including job, relationships, mental and physical health, so coping with it is crucial.

Modern stress is emotional and bodily tension caused by challenging or distressing events. Some youngsters handle problems well, but others find it distressing. Each child handles stress differently, as do stress conditions and perceptions. One child's excitement may be another's terror.

To understand stress, one must consider their environment, abilities, and temperament. Stress might result from a genuine occurrence or a "dangerous" mental image.


An severe stress reaction that protects the person also lowers quality of life. Stress is part of life, and physiology, biochemistry, and neurophysiology treat it differently.

Stress is usually caused by an internal state (e.g. tension), an external event (or stressor), or an interaction with the environment.

Stress raises blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, and muscle tension. Stress can affect you physically, emotionally, cognitively, and socially.

Physical symptoms include heart palpitations, muscle stiffness, low energy, weariness, fast breathing, gastrointestinal issues, headache, dizziness, and diminished sexual desire. Distancing, forgetfulness, indecision, and difficulty focusing are mental symptoms.

Emotional symptoms include stress, loneliness, mood swings, despair, hopelessness, and anxiety. Problems sleeping, eating, procrastinating, and using alcohol or drugs are behavioural symptoms.

We all know stress is part of life in our world. Indeed, we all know what stress feels like.

Many questions need to be answered: “Do only negative experiences and experiences cause stress, or do ‘positive situations’ also create stress?”, “Is stress external or internal?”, “Are only major events stressful, or can minor events also be disturbing?”.

“Should stress be understood as events that only have negative consequences, or can stressful events sometimes have positive consequences?”, and “When we say being stressed, do we mean

These questions might be answered differently depending on the context and person. Developmental stages, family reactions, cultural influences, and past experiences influence how children express and experience emotions.

Stress is also influenced by the environment and the individual's psychological, hormonal, or immunological traits.

However, natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, and fires, technological disasters like industrial, chemical, or nuclear accidents, wars, accidents, rape, violence, divorce, dismissal from work, loss of loved ones, and daily stressors like work, workload, and economic problems can cause stress.

Exams, starting school or changing schools, school pressures, unrealistic expectations for children, bullying, ridicule, difficulty making friends, the end of friendships, making new friends, feeling "different" from peers, illness or physical disability, constant inadequate stimulation (e.g. boredom) are all stressors in children's daily lives.

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