Why I prefer to use the Steemit front-end right now

in #stress6 years ago

There's been some people asking me lately why didn't respond to their question or why I didn't notice their post. At first I was wondering what they were talking about, I usually check most of my replies many times per day. Then they went on to ask which front-end I use for my daily activity on the blockchain and I told them that I use busy now and then for posting but mostly just Steemit.

"That explains it then, you haven't noticed my mentions" they said. I went on to explain to them why I don't use busy or gina bot at a time like this (although people have told me that you can customize gina a lot more nowadays - which I should give another try) but I thought I'll try and talk about my reasoning here as well.

I remember when I first started my Steem journey, connection was a very important aspect of getting any visibility or rewards on Steem. If you weren't using the early slack channel or steemit.chat then you had a really hard time connecting with other authors and curators and if no one even bothered responding to you than it felt like you were hitting a wall and not going anywhere. Of course nowadays we have a lot more of awesome projects and curation initiatives but there are still newcomers who might need that first push or have questions they want answered by someone with more experience. That's why I try my best to be around and reply and give everyone a chance, how those interactions go is for another post that I want to address, but for now let's go back to why I don't like notifications so much.

Although right now during the bear market and more silent times on the blockchain it has quite down quite a lot, but if you were to log onto my busy.org account and check the notification bar and especially mentions you'd wonder what I had done to piss so many people off. In reality it was users who right after the notifications from Steem were pulled off were still spam tagging a lot of users, they had literally created bot accounts just to tag people in comments to certain posts, etc all just hoping for that extra visibility or a chance for upvotes. It made it impossible to browse the platform normally and have regular back and forth discussions with people when the notifications were going wild.

I kept feeling more and more stressed about it and same thing happened on steem.chat and discord too. Thankfully I realized early how to remove the sounds cause that trigger was stressing me out so hard, no matter what you were doing a random sound would go off from somewhere of a tag or DM. Even after I turned the sound off it was pop-ups instead. It took turning off pop-ups and people not being able to DM me unless they were in the same discord servers as me for me to finally have some peace and quite again.

I read about this later that it's a huge stress trigger when receiving notifications and random times. Their test they had done was about having your phone further away from you so you can't reach it and constantly getting texts while you were trying to concentrate on something else made you so stressful. Now those texts were from your phone on test subjects that were getting texts from people they knew and probably wanted to receive them, now imagine how after some time it started to feel when people were constantly asking the same questions. Daily new people asking how this works, how that works, why this happened, why this person did this, why his posts aren't earning any rewards, etc, etc. It got to a point where I just decided to leave all channels on steem.chat and just not log in at all for a long time. The thing I liked doing when I had some more influence after knowing how difficult it was for newcomers became something I started to really hate. My stress was causing me to constantly be tired, have really weird sleeping patterns where I'd push my sleep a couple hours forward daily and rotate back to where I started after 2-3 weeks. Worst of it all were the chest pains I started to get. It felt like I really needed to take a break from it all and reconsider everything I was doing.

I managed to ease back into it a couple weeks later, constantly being "appear offline" on both steem.chat and discord and taking more time to myself and my own activity I wanted to do on Steem which I really enjoyed such as engaging with other people on the chain and posting with my account.

That's why I prefer Steemit with their non-working notifications, it's a lot more chill. As I said though I've been involved more and more during the bear market with the chats and glad to be helpful, but I learned that I have to balance my real life a lot more. Take breaks more often and just sit back and watch a movie or tv show more often and especially before going to sleep, it has helped.

Anyway, enough about my problems. Has anyone felt similar stress towards this subject? Our smartphones and PC's are such a huge thing of our daily lives now it feels as if we forget to do the things we used to before they came along.


I definitely get stressed out by notifications on my phone all the time. I don't really mind the notifications through my browser most times though. But Discord is fucking annoying as fuck! It simply won't shutup a lot of times. I have to completely mute it, because I simply can't deal with it sounding off all the fucking time.

But I like using SteemWorld for all my Steem notifications. I just watch it for upvotes and mentions and such. When I get a mention, it just pops up a browser notification, which quickly disappears.

As to what you were saying about people mentioning and messaging you...I kinda think that's rude as hell. If I have a question about something, I'll ask in a chat room if possible and try to avoid annoying someone in a message.

I also wouldn't dare ask about why someone didn't upvote something... I might press them if they thought something was wrong with it, I guess, but that's only my trying to improve myself.

I know exactly where you're coming from re the always on syndrome.

Getting rid of notifications constantly pinging every few minutes or more is just a crucial part of staying in control.

I allow myself 3 or 4 periods a day where I check and respond or 'go live' - then try and spend 10 hours a day offline.

My last two posts were about precisely this.

My fave technique has been to switch my phone to monochrome - now it's much less anxiety inducing!

Posted using Partiko Android

I silenced Discord and most other apps and, at night, I put my phone in airplane mode before I go to sleep, and only turn the signal back on a couple hours after I wake up, when I have had breakfast, taken a shower and relaxed a bit. I put it in silent when I turn the notifications on and put it away and wait for the bulk for nightly stress come in. I check it relaxedly and delete most of it and prioritise what I attend to.

I also send a few messages, and then I silence most things again, listen to music and let the important stuff come in. I like to filter out almost everything except what I like and need.

I wouldn't go as far as putting it in airplane mode. I just turn down the notifications if it bothers me.

Too bad the developers aren't smart enough to put in something like "Night Mode" or something, so you would only get emergency notifications, or calls, or whatever you set.

I actually had that in a Moto G4 Plus that I had before, but someone mugged me and stole my phone. :( Now my "newer" phone (actually got a used one that is older than the one I had before) doesn't have it.

I hadn't even considered airplane mode. That's a good call right there!

Sounds like yer on top of it. Similar to what I try and do!

Posted using Partiko Android

<3 The problem with airplane mode is that when the phone falls under the bed or under the pillow or you leave it somewhere outside of your room, it's practically impossible to find because you can't call it or ping it from the internet. It's risky and requires a lot of attention to where you leave it. Also, people can't contact you in emergency cases, so make sure you don't have dependents who might need you when you turn on airplane mode. If I had family members who haven't returned home yet, I wouldn't feel safe cutting off the signal.

Cheers. It does sound a bit hardcore. I might just use good old silent mode.

Posted using Partiko Android

I use steempeak for general browsing/posting and love it.
I'm set up so I have to go looking for stuff.
I fire up steemworld.org to see who's mentioned me.
I check notifications to see who's replied.
If I'm not seeking out the info, I don't know about it.

What do you think makes Steempeak better than the other platforms?

Saved templates and drafts
Saved users and topics
Filters in Activities and Wallet tabs
No HTML coding required
Dashboard stats
Coming soon.... keychain browser extension support, so no more steemconnect popups.

Templates is good. Is that trail like Steemauto but without Steemauto?

They're working on the voting part; just displaying what you've upvoted for now.
Cool slider under the cog.
If I only want to see posts you've upvoted at more than 75% I can filter the others out.

Oh, nice. Hmmm, is it closed source? I wanted to see if I could speed things up.


Not sure. They're really responsive in discord.

@jarvie and @r00sj3 are front of house, @asgarth is dev.

Sounds nice. :D

I'm lucky enough to close my phone as long as I want, even it's stressful. Whenever I open it I saw same messages over and over again, where are you, call me back. 99% of those has no importance in my life. I just need to connect to internet time to time while I was out, that's why I get out of plane mod. But still getting those messages, mails, I kinda feel guilty for not turning back to some of them but freaking technology is a big snitch. "Oh he opened his phone, oh he opened that app, oh he's still not replying to you!."

I'm not a popular guy so I have no trouble on discord I don't even know if it has a sound notification, all the servers already muted but one. That's where I'm always on, and nothing is popping from nowhere.

And I feel you about sleep cycles, it sucks. Being tired all the time, having occasional pains out of nowhere, It's all there even without notifications.

Ah, I don't even get messages on my phone :D Only on Whatsapp and only by one person (I haven't had my phone for long and very few people have my number, and most of them live with me, soo...)

I try to respond to every message. If it's spammers, I block them. If it's friends or people in need of help, I answer or try to help them. Fortunately for me in this case, I am not very popular, so I get very few of these too. But I do feel an urge to respond ASAP to my friends because I have been in need before and know that it's annoying if a good friend is not picking up the phone just out of laziness or annoyment.

I'm using only the steemit front end too... I'm not even using ginabot though I have been told to install it countless times, I kind of have a group of people I do check manually no matter what and I keep my feed consistent to my tastes and to people that actuallly tend to resteem things I like and help me discover... if I can't handle it I'll seek other tools.

Hmmm, Ginabot is not a program. It's a bot on Discord. All you have to do is ask her to register you on the Minnow-Power server, and then confirm with a 0.001 Steem transaction to her account with the memo she gives you. She's very useful when you're trying to stay up to date in real time with the interactions to your content.

If you have not tried yet, you can use steempeak.com with UX better than Steemit imho and you can enable/disable notifications and choose which type of notifications you want to receive.

Oooooh, I didn't know this! I really have to check it out. Let's goooo.

It's buggyyyyyyyyy!


What is the issue?

It was upvoted to the top, so I think the vote should counter the greyness as it does in Busy and Steemit.

Another issue is that in textfields, Ctrl + Delete should delete the whole previous word like it does on any other text editor, but on Steempeak it doesn't work. I have to delete the words by pressing Delete multiple times, or leaving it pressed for a little while, or selecting the whole word to delete. :O

A different behaviour doesn't mean it is buggy. Also, they've heard the request about deleting a while word and they will work on it.

I also can't switch to Simple Editor when I'm in a child comment. I only feel comfortable using the simple editor, so if I could make it default, I would add many points to the review! :D

Ok, and I just found that you cannot set the "simple editor" for comments as default and have to switch to it every time in order to get the familiar texture to it. :( It's the little reasons that make me not want to use this as my main browser. The night theme is also too grey :O, I prefer the darker and slightly greenish tone of Busy and Steemit, it looks prettier.

This is actually so funny! I didn't expect this explanation at all. I was ready to be like, "Um, dude. Use steempeak" or whatever. But I can honestly say this is a legit excuse, espesh from someone as popular as you obviously are. Ha ha!

Well, good luck with the notifications.

Well, I just found out about Steempeak, so I don't think everyone knows about it yet. :D

No, it is fairly new. And not super prolific yet. But to me, it's the Ferrari of Steem UI's.

If it were a person, I would marry it.

I can definitely relate to this, though I’m sure you get 100 times more notifications daily than I do. I’m quite noise sensitive and all the random beeps drive me crazy so I keep my phone always on silent, and have turned off pop ups for almost everything. It’s enough for me to see the red dot on an app to check it when I feel like it. I used to have steemworld open all the time, but now I just check it a few times a day to see if there are mentions. I much prefer checking everything manually and answering when I have time to concentrate on it.

Thisss! Being on Steemit and on Discord has made me particularly sensitive to red dots. Before, it would take me many minutes to hours to realise that I had a notification in an app, and that there was a red dot or some other signal, but now, every time that I check the notifications, they're from seconds ago. It seems I have effectively trained myself to notice these differences right away and consider them important.

Hmmm, I hear you on checking things manually, and I do that with my phone, but I prefer to have notifications for Steem-related stuff because sometimes, people will only answer to a response if it comes immediately (otherwise they will respond, stay for 5 minutes and go somewhere else and come back in a few hours or days to read what you said).

I was like than before too, constantly checking everything and trying to answer everyone as soon as I could, but now I'm more relaxed. The messages will all be there later too, and rarely it's anything that time sensitive.

I like steemworld.org to check my mentioned. But I can see how it could be overwhelming with so many people. Good call on stepping away. Steem is awesome but not life. The best part about real life is the food and friends.

Aaah, but Steemworld is so slow! I prefer most other notification methods for mentions (namely Busy and Gina).

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