Streetart #8 - Bogotá (English/Español/Deutsch)

in #streetart7 years ago (edited)



As I told you before in my last post about Bogotá, there is a lot of street art in the city.

The government prohibited it officially and try to cover them, but people keep on painting.

For the inhabitants of the city it´s a way to express their opinions about the drug war, politics, nature and their native roots. They do that, because often the newspapers or the government is ignoring important facts due to corruption.

I went to the poorest neighborhoods to discover the graffities bevor they get erased and was surprised by the artistic talent!!

This is part one of three street art posts with focus on the politics. Native Roots etc. are following.- Enjoy!!

Cheers, Liz


Como ya les había contado en mi último post sobre Bogotá, hay un buen de arte en las calles de la ciudad!

El gobierno prohibió este tipo de dibujos oficialmente y intenta borrarlos, pero la gente sigue pintandolos.

Para los habitantes de Bogotá es una manera de expresar sus opiniones sobre la guerra de las drogas, politicas, naturaleza y sus raices nativos.

Lo hacen, porque muchas veces el periódico y el gobierno ignora temas importantes por causa de corrupción.

Fui a los barrios más pobres de la ciudad para encontrar muchos de esos dibujos antes de que el gobierno lo puede borrar y me quedé muy sorprendida del talento de las artistas!

Esa es la primer parte de una serie de tres sobre los graffitis de Bogotá con focus en las politicas. Los proximos posts serán sobre las raíces indigenas etc. - Disfruten!

Un abrazo, Liz


Wie ich schon in In meinem letzten Post über Bogotá berichtete, gibt es sehr viel Graffities hier in der Stadt.

Die Regierung hat das offiziell verboten und versucht so viele wie möglich zu beseitigen, aber die Leute sprühen munter weiter.

Für die Einwohner der Stadt ist es einer der Wege, ihre Meinung über den Drogenkrieg, Politik, Natur und ihre indigene Wurzeln auszudrücken.

Für sie ist es wichtig das zu tun, weil oft wegen Korruption wichtige Themen und Ereignisse unter den Tisch gekehrt werden - heisst weder von der Regierung noch den Zeitungen erwähnt werden.

Ich bin für euch in die ärmsten viertel der Stadt gelaufen, um die Graffities abzufotografieren, bevor sie wieder von der Regierung entfernt werden und war überrascht, wie talentiert einige Künstler sind.

Das ist der erste Teil von drei Streetart Posts mit dem Schwerpunkt auf der Politik, indigene Wurzeln etc. folgen in den nächsten Blogs - Viel Spass dabei!

Servus, Liz

4 150 000 Victimas desplazam. forzado - ME MORIA / 4 150 000 victims forzed to disappear - I would die / 4150 000 Opfer dazu gezwungen zu verschwinden - Ich würde sterben



No se quede mirando / Don´t watch / Schau nicht hin


La paz es ahora! / The peace is now! / Der Frieden ist jetzt!




Recuerda y construye! / Remember and construct! / Erinnere dich und konstruiere!


Guerrero / Warrior / Krieger


Cero Maltrato / Cero cruelty to animals / Keine Tierquälerei


Droga - Perversa / Perverse Drug / Perverse Drogen









La Paz / The Peace / Der Fieden




Arte para la vida / Art for life / Kunst fürs Leben


FARC - Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia = Ejercito del Pueblo / FARC - Armed revolutionary forces of Colombia = Military of the Village / Bewaffnete Streitmacht der Revolution von Kolumbien = Soldaten des Volkes



Los derechos no se ganan en las urnas / You don´t get rights through ballot boxes / Mein erlangt keine Rechte durch Urnen (Wahlen)


Somos tantos, somos MAS / We are many, we are MORE / Wir sind viele, wir sind MEHR


Imagine Circuito / Imagine the circuit / Stell dir den Kreislauf vor



Somos de todo / We are from everything / Wir sind aus Allem


Orfanato / Orphanage / Weisenhaus


Bacatá (la capital original de los Muiscas) es agua / Bacatá (the original capital of the Muiscas) is water / Bacatá (die ursprüngliche Hauptstadt der Muiscas) ist Wasser.



I hope you liked the street art! There is more coming soon (less political) so stay tuned :)

Espero que les haya gustado el arte de la calle! Hay más pronto (menos de politicas) asi que mantenganse actualizados :)

Ich hoffe euch haben die Graffitis gefallen! Bald poste ich mehr darüber (weniger politische Themen), also haltet euch auf dem Laufenden :)


This is awesome! Love it. Followed...

Nice thanks! - There is more coming soon :)

Impressive arts. How are you liza? Its been a while :)

Hey! Yeah... Haven´t have a lot of internet here. I´ve been great! Have a lot to share on Steemit ;) You?!

That's great. Im fine too, still steeming on :)

Its hard to get Internet here but I am trying my best :) - Hope to have more time soon to check out your posts! - Anyways you have my vote ;)

That's okay. Just trying to say hi :)

You did it again: a great post to enjoy and learn about the world outside our office.
Good luck, sweet

Thanks man! Glad you liked it... its always a bit dificult when politics is involved! ... but I did a great effort to walk in this favelas and get these pics... the next part is less strong and more beautiful :D... just wanted to show that the drug cartels and war is still present in the colombian politics, as well as corruption. - These are things that the poor people think about.

"that the drug cartels and war is still present" And now, they have to deal with @lizanomadsoul !!!
Soooo, would it be safe to be around for someone that has never been before in the country?

(by the way, what camera are you using?)

Haha I guess it is safe as long as you are following the rules... like dont be in certain neigbourhoods at night.. dont walk around with expensive stuff visible etc... It wasnt safe to get into this ghettos and take those pictures.. thats for sure :D - That is why I brought 4 male friends to protect me haha :D - But I took the risk to show the art to the world muhaha :D I am using a lot of diferent cameras.. ipod 6, go pro, sony etc. :D

Great pictures and loved the effort to write the post! well done!!!

Great shots and story! Stay safe.

Thanks I always try my best ;)

Que bello esto, has mostrado una parte muy bonita de Bogotá, la parte multicultural. Gracias.

Awesome post! I love street art and those are some unique pieces!

Thank you for a great post.
I like how the people are using StreetArt as a medium to get their political messages across. And your effort to document it.
There are some very strong ,bold statements here.

If your interested in StreetArt, please consider checking out my #sreetartchallenge.

The challenge encourages people to explore their area and share the art they find.
There is SBD to be won each week.

If you would like to check it out here is this week's post

Hey, sorry I saw this comment so late! I do love streetart and will check out your challenge! Thanks for your comment.

Oh now I really wanna go to Medellin very soon!

Thats Bogota :D

Oh wait. Yeah. Hahaha~ my brain got excited I didn't see it's Bogota. I guess they have a lot of that everywhere? Hmmm.

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