Sign up with and vote with me on my trail - its free and you make more curation rewards.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #streemian7 years ago

lasseehlers trail2.png

*the numbers for my trail is artificial, just for fun, the trail is very serious ! :)

You need to use your Private Active Key (and your password to see that and copy it to the Streemian site). Then its also a good idea to follow 3-5 trails (including mine). You can experimenting with scaling the vote (for instance to 60%):

trails scale votes.png

Steem on!

Lasse Ehlers

Copenhagen, Denmark





what does scale vote @ 60% mean?? what is the best set or a good setting? do i use 60% then of my 100% for this one automated vote by streemian?

i stopped using Streamian and vote only manually now... the 60% means a vote with the power of 60%

okay so if i have 70%, just 1 vote costs me 60% down to 15%? thats a lot so streemian would not vote a lot for me i suppose

No, that is not the case.

Your voting power, shows how much you have left. You have 10 100% votes each 24 hours.

ah so the 11th reduces my voting power then per 2%, is that right?

Actually after the hardfork I am still not updated on how exactly it works. I thnk it is 10 votes pr day at 100%, but I am not sure about it. Check @klye post here:

I am planning to do my own test of it, when my voting power is back at 100% some days from now... and see it for myself on the blockchain or find the information in the github, klyes post is still confusing to me... 10 votes pr day and 10% recover pr day???.. I am confused about it, so if you find the correct informaton let me know.

10 votes at 100% would be 20% voting power used I believe. I think a full weight vote is 2% total voting power.

Ok that way. thanks for answering, do you have some software telling you that you where mentioned?.. so if I have 100% voting power and I vote 1 time with 100%, then I have 92% left?

ok i heard 20% revocer rate by day lets see and test right ^^

Now I think I understand it, its 2% pr each 100% vote and you can do that 10 times pr 24 hours.. and still recover your voting power.

It mean that I have 10 time $5-6 pr 24 hours... that is $50-60 pr 24 hours... even if I was to selfvote with half of it and half to the community ..., its a lot of money... and imagine when the Steem price goes up 10 times... then it is $500-$600 pr day I can give out!!!

This is so wild!

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