The First Rebellion Against Japan in Indonesian History: The Bloody Event and Redevelopment of Cot Plieng Bayu Mosque

in #story7 years ago


Their leaders.
Japanese machine-guns spewed out their bullets, as did Japanese gunshot jets and spoke in the battle to destroy the complex of Cot Plieng Bayu Mosque.
In the unexpected battle, followers of Tgk. Abdul Jalil only uses parang weapons, spears and swords forward against the Japanese army of complete war equipment. In the battle, of course, in an instant it became a bloodbath and the Japanese regiment commander issued an attacking order.
The unexpected bloodbath of the Japanese army lasted about four hours, leaving four Japanese soldiers dead and 32 Japanese soldiers wounded. While followers Tgk. Abdul Jalil 86 people died, including a woman, while Tgk. Abdul Jalil and several other followers, then escaped to Neuheun Village about six kilometers south of Cot Plieng.
After that the situation became calm, and the complex of Cot Plieng Mosque was destroyed. But on 12 November 1942, there was another battle between followers of Tengku Abdul Jalil and Japanese soldiers who were trying to catch up with Tgk followers. Abdul Jalil in Neuheum Village. In Bloody Events…

Back to Cot Plieng Bayu Mosque
By Subagio PN
Bayu is one of the villages in North Aceh regency, it has history for the people of Aceh in particular and the Indonesian people in general. Bayu village during World War II, some of the regiment's three infantry guards of the King of Japan had inhabited the area and 10 Novomber 1942 in that area arose a war called "The Bayu Event". In the event, there were many casualties from both sides, due to lack of communication between Japanese soldiers and Bayu villagers on religious teachings, customs on the one hand and the position of Japanese troops on the other side at the time. So the place is an unforgettable place for the Bayu community as well as the Japanese soldiers who served in the area, as a place of unfortunate events within the region of Sumatra.
In Bayu village there is one mosque building and Dayah Cot Plieng which was established since 1922 by Tgk. Ahmad Bin Ishak as the first imam and leader of the dayah with community self-help, especially from Tgk. Itam King family near Uleebalang. At that time many students from all corners of Aceh demanded religious knowledge on the pesantren.
But July 21, 1939 Tgk. Ahmad Bin Ishak died, until the leadership of the pesantren was replaced by Tgk. Abu Syahi's first daughter-in-law from Tgk. Ahmad Bin Ishak. But Abu Syahi led the pesantren for only six months, then turned to Tgk. Abdul Jalil's son-in-law of the deceased Tgk. Ahmad Bin Isaac who married Cut Habibah, the third son of the deceased Tgk. Ahmad Bin Ishak.
During the leadership of Tgk. Abdul Jalil, the pesantren is very advanced and quite crowded and students come from all corners of Aceh land. In addition, many former students who founded pesantren in their respective kampongs after boarding from Cot Plieng Bayu. But unfortunately, Tgk. Abdul Jalil November 13, 1942 died in the Bayu Event at the time of the Japanese occupation of Buloh, Kuta Makmur district of Lhokseumawe.
The people's resistance against the Japanese army's most powerful force in Sumatra is in Aceh. Year 1942 in Cot Plieng Bayu District Syamtarila District of North Aceh, erupted a popular resistance led by young cleric Tgk. Abdul Jalil who is an Imam and tutor in Cot Plieng.
The Japanese army at that time approached the Acehnese clerics, until they accepted his presence to jointly expel the Dutch troops from Aceh as their political tactics. But among the scholars in Aceh led by Tgk. Mhd. Amin Jumphoh Aceh Pidie and Tengku Abdul Jalil from Cot Plieng Bayu are not willing to cooperate with Japan. For the two Acehnese clerics, had predicted the Japanese army more cruel and vicious than the Dutch soldiers and the compulsion of the people to worship the sun instead of facing Qiblat.
On 12 March 1942 the Japanese army landed in Aceh, and on 27 March 1942 the Dutch army surrendered in Aceh.
Contrary to religion
After several months of Japanese troops in Aceh, began to notice the behavior of Nippon No heitai (Japanese soldiers) are very contrary to the Islamic religion adopted by the people of Aceh to date.
Among the scholars in Aceh unhappy with Japan's most hated behavioral habits is the "Sekeirei" ceremony with a bow while bending head towards the northeast (Tokyo) to worship Tenno Heika. The ceremony for the people and the Acehnese clerics is considered shirk, ie worshiping idols that equate Tenno Heika with God. In addition, the Acehnese people also witnessed the atrocities of Japanese soldiers, by torturing the people of Aceh. Seeing the situation, Tengku Abdul Jalil; Mosque imam and leader of dayah gave anti-Japanese preaching, with jihad fi sabilillah call. Because Tengku Abdul Jalil as Mosque imam and leader of dayah (pesantren) Cot Plieng Bayu, since the original anti-infidels with the motto "Talet Bui Tapentamong Aseei" (drive away pigs accept dogs). Da'wah anti-Japanese troops made Tgk. Abdul Jalil was from village to village in North Aceh district for the sake of religion and nation and it all happened around August 1942.
The Japanese army and spy report all activities of Tgk. Abdul Jalil, until Tgk. Abdul Jalil is called to face Kempetai in Lhokseumawe. But Abdul Jalil rejected the call, and along with that his followers were encouraged to recite the sabil tale of war which in the Dutch colonial era was banned.
Tengku Abdul Jalil with his followers, has determined to be ready to carry out the Fi Jihad Sabilillah. But the Japanese soldiers saw the situation, acting very carefully. But Aceh Syuco Cokan (S. Aceh Military Governor) S.Huo tried to extinguish the fire that has not been burning, among others by sending Uleebalang and PUSA leaders to persuade them. But the effort did not work, until the Japanese in Sigli called Tgk. Abdul Jalil in Sigli, and Tgk. Abdul Jalil also did not want to come, so on 9 November 1942 Aceh aide Syuco Cokan and Tuanku Mahmud with his interpreter, came to Cot Plieng himself to ask to meet with Tgk. Abdul Jalil. But Abdul Jalil's followers ignored the Japanese demand, until there was a dead end for peace.
Adjutant of Aceh Syuco Cokan reported this to the Commander of the infantry infantry of 3 Japanese soldiers Kol.M.Fujioka based in Lhokseumawe, the situation in Cot Plieng Bayu is not possible to approach. While the only streets put Japanese troops around Cot Plieng, with a record of one senjatapun not to erupt because as an effort to scare followers of Abdul Jalil, said Kol.M.Fujika at that time, because the military kekarasan very dangerous..On 10 November 1942 at around 13:00 pm, a company of Japanese troops arranged his troops around Cot Plieng plus the ranks of the cannon they placed on the rice fields.
By the time the Japanese army regulates its troops, Tgk. Abdul Jalil is presiding over a meeting within the complex and his followers who see it expecting Japanese soldiers to come and attack Tgk. Abdul Jalil as imam and leader of dayah (pesantren).
Atmosphere changed
When Kol.M.Fujioka and Tuanku Mahmud entered the mosque to meet Tgk. Abdul Jalil, the mosque's tabuh was sounded with the cry of Allahuakbar. So in an instant, the atmosphere in the area turned into a battleground between followers
Tgk.Abdul Jalil with the Japanese army to many who became victims. While the intention of the Japanese army to arrange its strength around Cot Plieng, was just for "Show of Force" and meet Tgk. Abdul Jalil for talks to approach the Japanese army. But everything is different, and followers of Tgk. Abdul Jalil suspects the Japanese army is about to attack and arrest Tgk. Abdul Jalil's battle, four Abdul Jalil fellows who consisted of two men and two women. While Tgk. Abdul Jalil can escape to Buloh, the home of Tengku Abdul Jalil and the residence of his first wife.+

In opposing the Japanese army, the followers of Teungku Abdul Jalil continued to stand against the War of Sabil.
After two battles between the Japanese army with followers of Teungku Abdul Jalil, 13 November 1942 re fighting each other when it Teungku Abdul Jalil Zhuhur want prayer in Masjid meunasah Blang Kuta Makmur sub-district approximately 10 kilometers from Lhokseumawe. In the battle, Tengku Abdul Jalil was killed along with 18 of his followers. He died as a hero in defending religion, nation and homeland.
In the Bayu incident, 109 people were killed followers of Teungku Abdul Jalil and mosques following the books as well as the whole complex of schools and other Cot Bayu Plieng including home Teungku Abdul Jalil scorch the earth crushed the Japanese army.
Therefore, Bayu events can not be forgotten just by the people of Aceh in particular and the Indonesian nation generally. Mosques and schools in Cot Plieng Bayu as a chant for the people of Aceh at the time it was destroyed, but after the independence of the mosque and pesantren rebuilt by Teungku Ishak son-third of the late Teungku Ahmad bin Ishak who marries Hasanah the fourth child of the deceased first priest The Cot Plieng mosque in 1945. Teungku Ahmad bin Ishak died in 1976, and the mosque and the pesantren were led by his son Teungku Isaac as the first priest.
In 1986 the committee building the mosque Cot Plieng Bayu, trying and determined to rebuild the historic mosque. The plan was heard by former soldiers of the 3 Japanese army infantry regiment, when a Japanese tour group visited Langsa area of ​​East Aceh from Mahmud Shirakawa. At that time the restoration committee of Cot Plieng Mosque was looking for funds.
Machmud Shirakawa, who was living in North Aceh and Langsa District opened a drugstore in the area, a former combat pilot in the air when the Plieng Cot Bayu and has now become Muslim and be a citizen of Indonesia.
After a group of Japanese tourists returned to their homeland, some of those who were former regimental soldiers of 3 infantry bodyguards of the King of Japan in World War II era were carved in his heart if the mosque construction they can help. It also increased the close friendship and fraternity between Indonesia and Japan, after the end of war in the past.
Around January 1986, gathered several founders of the construction of the Mosque in Cot Plieng Bayu which is a former Japanese resimennfantry army in Tokyo. The body they call the "Supporting Agency for the construction of Cot Plieng Bayu Mosque", to raise funds in the hope of increasing fraternity and friendship between Indonesia and Japan. The supporting body for the construction of the Cot Plieng Mosque, sponsored by a former regimentary soldier of 3 infantry bodyguards of King of Japan "Koyukai" faculty alumni Machmud Shirakawa. The agency is raising funds for the reconstruction of the mosque Cot Plieng Bayu, not only of the former members of the regiment 3 directly involved in the events Bayu, but also from the people of Japan who served in Indonesia, particularly in Aceh region as well as some civilians in Tokyo and Other cities in Japan.
For nearly 14 months collected funds reached Rp. 80 million of 1,096 donors in Japan. In August 1987 took place the first stone laying the reconstruction of Cot Plieng Bayu Mosque, and on June 19, 1988 took place the inauguration of restoration / rebuilding the mosque.
At the inauguration, attended the Chairman of the Council of Indonesian Ulama (MUI) Aceh Prof. A. Hasjmy, Ka. The Regional Office of the Department of Religious Affairs of Aceh, the Regent of North Aceh and the elements of the North Aceh Regency and the Muspida. Matsumura and Mr.Kyotaka Mannami representing the Japanese Consul General in Medan.
Meanwhile, from Japan itself, there were 60 people including three administrators to support the construction of Cot Plieng Bayu Mosque: Yoshiji Yokoe, Nobue Ikegami and Katsumi Goan who, while in Aceh, lived in Lhoksukon, Seulim and Takengon.
Chairman of MUI Aceh Prof.A.Hasjmy when giving a speech at the inauguration of the reconstruction of Cot Plieng Bayu Mosque, took the example of the novel Sutan Takdir Ali Syahbana entitled "War and peace" by unraveling all the intent of the contents of the novel.
The poetic remarks made the attendees including those who represented the Japanese Consul General in Medan and the board of supporters of the construction of the Cot Plieng Bayu mosque from the Japanese who were present, were completely amazed at what he described.
Mr. Yoshiji Yokoe representing the Japanese Consulate General in Medan said that the Japanese in particular and the former 3 Japanese infantry body regiment who had served in Aceh and headquartered in Lhokseumawe could never forget the tragic Bayu incident to bring casualties from both sides. All this was due to the lack of Japanese military communications about religious teachings, customs on the one hand and the position or position of the Japanese army on the other side at that time. But everything has happened, and we are helping to build the Cot Plieng mosque with a sincere heart. With the hope of adding a sense of brotherhood and friendship between Indonesia and Japan.
Jasa Mahmud shirakawa in Cot Plieng Bayu mosque development, can not be forgotten.
Now in Cot Plieng Bayu, has also stood a monument hero Bayu event built in 1979 in the country side of the road. In the complex there is a mass grave of 87 followers of Teungku Abdul Jalil who died in Buloh and the tomb of Teungku Abdul Jalil .. Orphanage now reach 85 people more, and Al-Huda pesantren with 75 students more, MIS with 35 students and mosque building Which is very simple that during the Japanese occupation had fallen apart...


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