The Hunter

in #story8 years ago (edited)

“Oh crap!” Lizzy screamed, silently darting behind the wooden pillar, looming suddenly in front of her, at the same time providing much needed cover. As she darted down the narrow pathway, now revealed between the galvanize wall and a sharp drop, almost like a trench. Not that it mattered, she had to get away, it was coming and coming fast!
Desperately, her eyes darted back and fort, searching for a crack, a cave, a path way to hide in, to escape this certain doom. For the moment, it seemed like she wasn’t quite in reach of the hungry claws, but that could change in an instant, she was sure. She had barely formed that thought when claws appeared in front and slightly above her. Reflexively, she darted to the right and felt a sharp stab on her tail, barely missing her hind legs.
As she scampered, she noticed a dark patch in a rusty section of the galvanize wall, in the direction she was originally heading, about four steps away.
“How did I not see this before?” Tears came to her eyes. Her heart pounded heavily in her chest and she scampered, unable to get traction on the sandy floor.
“Move! Move!” she breathed deeply, she could hear sliding feet on the floor behind her as the hunter turned to resume its attack.
In a flash she was at that crack, desperately trying to squeeze her slender frame in as deep as it would go. Thoughts focused and intense, one ambition dominated her mind: SURVIVE! As the claws reached for her, she sunk deeper In, wriggling, writhing.
“Is this hole deep enough? Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap….”
Sneering, the hunter stood above its quarry, playfully, certain, poised.

The Hunter!

Photo Provided by: jeschunta

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