The Emotion Box - Flash Fiction (Random Word Challenge)

in #story8 years ago

He stood in the middle of a clear cube. Hundreds of spectators gathered around. They paid a lot of money for their tickets. The chance to see the aficionado at work. One of those shows you had to see live.

The lights went down. All but the ones surrounding the cube and a large spotlight over the cube. The aficionado closed his eyes. He imagined he was in a large beautiful forest for the first time. He pretended that it was real to the point he started to feel the awe. Started to feel the wonder. That sense of amazement was picked up by the sensors on his body and sent to the box. The cube was no longer clear. It lit up with brilliant colours. The crowd went wild.

Then the aficionado opened his eyes. He started to cry. Light at first but then he started to bawl. The crowd was amazed at how well he could evoke his emotions. The box responded. It turned a deep sad blue, a hue that no one in the crowd had every seen before. Then it started to wave like it was water. It seemed like the cube was going to burst. Then it restarted back to clear.

The aficiando looked at the crowd. Then he turned to the wall behind him. It was time for his finale. Where was she? A woman stepped out through the bodies. She was wearing a red dress that signed from the edge of the spotlight. She walked behind the box to where the aficiando was looking. There she was. His secret weapon. She looked at him. The aficionado looked back. He focused on her. They stared in each others eyes. A look they have given each other for a hundred nights. But it still brought out the same emotion in the aritst.

The cube turned red and began to beat. Soft at first then loud. Strong. It echoed through-out the room. Faster and faster. Everyone could feel it as if they were experiencing it themselves. The aficionado looked away. The beating slowed down. Then stopped. The cube went clear. The house lights came back on. The crowd went wild.


This story had to include these THREE words:




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