The Changing Environment - Short Story

in #story8 years ago (edited)

The blue cadilic sped up. Behind it the fog was coming. Spreading. Rita had no idea what it was or how much of the Earth had been covered. But she was scared. She could hear voices from the fog. It had thousands of eyes. It was almost as if it was alive. 

Rita looked out the window. There was sand and pyraminds. She must have been driving for hours. Her gas was running low. But she was not going to stop. Not going to turn into one of them. She pushed her foot on the pedal. A last desperate attempt. The car picked up speed. The fog faded behind her.


The sun went down. Rita sat in her car alone. Parked. She took off her coat and used it as a blanket to keep herself warm. She closed her eyes and started to doze off. But a beep on her cell phone woke her up.

'Come join us,' was all that it said.

She recognized the number. It was from her boyfriend. He was one of the first to be taken by the fog... taken was not the right word. He willing walked into it. He thought this was the new world now. For the better. Rita thought he was crazy.

The phone beeped again.

'You will love it here.'

Rita picked it up to respond. Then put it down. No. She would stay out here. Alone. She closed her eyes and got some rest.

An hour passed. Rita woke up in a panic. She had to get moving. But it was too late. The fog engulfed her vehicle. There was the sound of tapping on the glass. Rita could hear the words "come and play" being whispered. But the eyes, the thousands of eyes, were focused elsewhere.

Rita breathed in heavy. She picked up her phone and sent a text to her boyfriend.

'I'm scared," she wrote. Her fingers trembling.

'You will fine... open the door.'

Rita didn't want to.  But she couldn't live alone in her car. She missed her friends. She missed him. She was going to do it. With a deep breath, she opened the door and stepped out.

One of the eyes turned to look at her. It blinked. Rita didn't know what to do.

"Hello," she said.

Her wors left her mouth and hung in the air. Literally. She could see the word HELLO float in the fog before here. Then it turned gold and shrank. She lifted her hand to touch it. When she did, the word expanded so it could be read. HELLO. When she stopped touching it, the word shrunk again and floated in the fog. Rita could see thousands of tiny words around here. She didn't know which ones to touch. One started to glow.

"Hey, welcome to the fog, if you need help, don't hesitate to ask."

There was now three eyes on her.

"Thank... thank you," she said. Again her words were added to the fog.

Rita started to read the different messages. Words written from people around the world swirled around her. She was no longer scared.

"This is amazing... I wish Frank was here to see this."

"I am here," said a voice behind her,

Rita turned around. A face appeared in through the fog. It was a little hazy but it was clearly him.


"You finally decided to join us."

"This is surreal."

"It can be, but you get used to it."

Rita put out a hand to touch him but it went right through.

"Can I not touch you?"

"Not here, you need to get where I am."

"Where, how do I do that?"

Frank laughed.

"With a plane, I'm in Canada."

"A plane... I can't afford a ticket right now."

"Then ask the people of the fog, they can be quite generous. Tell them your story."

And she did. As her words entered the fog, more and more eyes turned to her. Dozens at first, then hundreds. Then she noticed a $ sign pop it. Ones of different shapes and sizes. She clicked on one. It was a donation. $2.00. Another one was for $5.00. Rita touched them all as she finished her story. She now had more than enough to get to Canada and back.

"How did I order a ticket?" she asked.

A window popped up in the fog. There was all the flights that were leaving in the next 24 hours

"This is so convienent," she said with a smile.

Rita picked one for Canada. 

She could get used to this.


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