Pearlescent Poems # 7: Spiritual Awakening Part 1 (Original Poem)

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Unforgettable nights I've had, memories of suffocating
Not just memories, but experiences that nobody believed, it was frustrating

The details are still vivid, each time I explain it, I relive it
A tangible, yet invisible force of anger, evil and livid

This is the part where we disconnect if this is something you can't relate to
This has happened to me since childhood, and I'm not here to debate you

But I will say they love to bait me
There could be one, maybe awaits three
They catch me off guard in the quiet lone nights
Before or after I fall asleep's when they wake me

The temperatures that can numb, capsulated me in a net
The heavy weight upon my chest had increased with every fret

No matter how exhausted I was, I wasn't able to forget
How they made me feel in those moments, me laying down was my biggest regret

The clutching of my throat
My head locked into its place
My neck rigid and unmoving
Claustrophobic and needing space

So much blurriness when I focused
So much darkness when my eyes raced
It wasn't going to let me leave
Until my soul it had erased

I'll have to stop right here, it's a touchy subject we're pokin'
This topic is quite serious, though you may believe I'm jokin'
I'll continue soon, just need some time, pondering my own analysis
Think what you want, this is no front, it's definitely not sleep paralysis

Thanks for reading this real life experience poem in its entirety. I plan to cover this topic over a series of poems. I hope you took something from it. Feel free to drop a comment or a thought below.

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Next Post coming soon


I used to have this experience often, up until a few years ago because of a random comment that I read on a youtube video. When I read the comment I scoffed to myself because it was religious and I'm not. The comment said that if you are a victim of, "sleep paralysis" then before sleeping you should say something about Jesus protecting you. The comment said that it worked whether or not you believe in God. I thought that it was worth a try and it totally worked and I only said it once.

Thank you very much @cathi-xx for taking the time to read this and comment on such a personal level. I'm really happy you gave me some insight about that. I'm a believer of Jesus Christ and as much as I don't like the term religion/religious, I will definitely say that His name does have authority over these entities and spirits. Even though you may not believe in God, God tells us that He gives us power over these spirits through His protection. It's up to you to decide for yourself of course but I've literally come face to face with the most demonic of activity, and only when I prayed and rebuked these demons in the name of Jesus Christ would the activity cease and I would be more in peace and comforted with a sense of love. So many of these experiences have happened to me and me praying to Jesus Christ was the only solution which more so strengthened my belief. Thank you again for opening up, I'm glad you don't experience this anymore, neither do I, but I have a lot of experiences to still write about.

an underground river of radio static
dark and with nothing to cling to

a seamless eternity of low ended frequencies
drowning with sounds of its bass grounded roaring

Thank you for reading and dropping a nice creative comment. Love the originality

Iv had the same experience in the past , it does have a sence of malice and dread when it happens... Great biographic poem , i await more . Upvoted !

Thank you very much for reading and dropping a comment. I'm glad you could relate to such a dreadful experience, it is not something I'd wish for anyone to go through, but once you've experienced it, you begin to see things from a different lens and perspective. I hope you enjoy the future additions.

This is a great little series. Upvoted and followed you. Thanks for sharing yourself.

Thank you for reading and checking it out. I have many to share and hope you enjoy each one for what it is. Expressing these experiences help me to move forward more positively as I reflect on what it taught me

Life is a conflict of consciousness - our past - karma and invisible entities.
Whether the choking was part of the process of growth or the distress of the evil outer experience, we are here to learn how to grow in the spiritual direction. @verbal-d

My same thoughts exactly, it hasn't happened for awhile now, as I now take preventative measures and precaution. The wisdom God has shared has finally been utilised and I am indeed experienced for the better. Thanks for checking out these poems. They showcase the darker space of spirituality indeed, but evil is always beneath the goodness of God's realm.

Understanding now... Continuing my reading of the series.

Yeah thanks for reading, each one is different from the next.

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