The road down#8
After the meeting in Kantaria's office, it took me some time to organize my thoughts. It was clear that here everything is led by the reptilians. Was is bad or good in the whole depends on the ultimate goal, but their management is good. The more developed civilization has more perfect tools, including administrative ones.
During our meeting the chief-commandant was extremely collected, I felt his suspicion. For some reason they needed me, and I was sure that it was not for to solve the problem they were talking about. They have enough crisis-managers and psychologists even without me. It was necessary to understand the main thing: why they let me come here. After all, it was clear that information about each arriving is filtered by several groups. Because of Martha? Hardly it can be so. Reptiloids have stronger arguments for influencing terrestrial policies than this girl.
What does ICC mean to them? Is it just a simple customer? It is unlikely so because it is an unreliable partner, a player who aspires to play ahead of time. That is, they do not trust each other in the main thing - regarding the stated agreements. What can be the agreement between these parties? That was the main question ...
Martha really liked the residential block provided to us by the administration of the base and she always cried out joyfully as soon as she discovered all its new functions. We agreed in advance that we are not talking here about our mission, but living a normal family life. She had friendly relations with Nina and I knew that Martha sees and feels people extremely professionally, which means that everything is under control. I had to concentrate on the task.
I could not fall asleep and decided to systematize the available information again.
Gonzales is a careerist. He concentrated on the texts of all the new reports "up". Director Farrell, although he heads the project M, but he is a protege of the Head of the ICC and the darling of fate. So, his work interests insofar as. Most likely, as a reward for participating in the project, he expects to receive on Earth a high position without any troubles and responsibility, and to continue to live in his pleasure. These two will not risk anything. It is also clear that inviting me to his at the first day, Kantaria cut off all from me his subordinates, who now will not trust me. It turns out that I was needed only by the chief-commandan.
So. What does he know about me? He knows that I am a psychologist, parapsychologist, psychic, professionally possessing hypnosis, a practitioner in resolving interpersonal conflicts, a specialist in the withdrawal of personality from post-traumatic situations, a telepath who speaks many languages, with quick reactions. Thus ... a spy. Russian spy. And allowing the spy to come to the base, he demonstrates his confidence in a successful overturning. Still would. Once the spy has stepped into the trap, it's a "simpleton." And what is the purpose? My work for the Pleiades or other civilizations he excludes. He can not know the story with Larma. There ICC remains. The alliance of secret operations has nothing to do, as he himself reduced them to the order of corporations. The Board of Directors of the ICC is ONN in miniature, that is, there is a total mess, but the impact through finance is enormous.
It seems that Kantaria will make me an offer to enter the ICC board of directors from reptiles. There are plenty of hybrids, but they have already learned how to define them and put them in control. Most likely, he knows about my weak point, about Martha. H-Yes. Things are going from bad to worse.
There was a knock at the bedroom door.
"Dad, you're still awake. Let's go and have some tea. "
A nightmare… I completely forgot that Martha can read thoughts...
Shaman. A real story from my life#1.
Shaman. A real story from my life#2.
Shaman. The road back
Shaman. The future is approaching Shaman.
The road down 1-5
The road down 6
The road down 7