Shaman. The way down

in #story7 years ago

       Part 1

  After breakfast in a hurry, together with Tatis, we sat in the elevator. The residence of the Ruler of the Pleiades was on another continent, but I already knew the possibilities of this vehicle. I call it "elevator" in accordance with the earthly tradition. It would be more correct to call it a planetary capsule. It was a biorobot that "guessed" the thoughts of passengers. "Elevator" independently chose the most optimal way to the destination. Three minutes later we stopped in a huge building with a spherical shape, half the sphere of which was below the ground level. Biorobot landed its passengers at the required level. We were already waiting.

  In the big hall, where only I was invited to enter, there were comfortable chairs in a semicircle. In the center of the radius was a platform for teleportation. Since the hall had transparent walls, I could see Tatis behind me. Our views met. His face was tense.

  Suddenly a hologram of a young and beautiful woman appeared in the area of the central platform and immediately I heard my name.

  "Dear Morva! My name is Zahara. The Pleiades entrusted me the management of our civilization of the 4th level and I am glad to welcome you to Aldar. Through the subtle energies of Commander Tatis I know you and I know about the experience of all your joint reincarnations. I also have an idea of your abilities and desires. They give us reason to entrust you a difficult mission on Mars. Reptiloids are extremely clever, strong and resourceful. You will get satisfaction communicating with them. Their goal is simple: they need the Earth for undivided use, including for settlement. They do not violate the Intergalactic Agreement, since Gaia does not enter into it, and therefore we must not interfere in their activities. But the destiny of earthlings is not indifferent to us. You are our brothers and sisters. If they fulfill the order of your rulers on Mars and the Moon, to the detriment of the rest of the earthmen, then we join efforts to harmonize your planetary life. We are already helping Earthmen to reach a higher energy level, but these processes are linearly stretched. This mission of the 3rd level, so it is the way down and for us it is karmically wrong to participate in it, and therefore I express my gratitude and support from all the Pleiades for your decision to lead the mission"

  On the way to the Center, I asked Tacis only one question: "Did you know yet on Earth, why do you need me here?"

  "I knew you would not refuse" - Larma immediately retorted ...

  Part 2

  The head of the Harmonization Center was brief:

  "It is necessary to create a reliable "channel of communication" through a responsible person from the head of the race of reptilians performing a mission on Mars. Our mistake in the case of Lakeya is obvious. The mission should involve only earthlings ... The communication channel should work in at least one direction. In this case, the priority direction will be the direction from him to us. There is no recruitment in the task. It is not. We need the conscious help of a reptiloid, and to him - access to the channel of communication with us. This is the first.

  The second. Schemes for the implementation of the group are now being developed under strict control. There are options for using competition between terrestrial companies that receive profitable construction orders for the construction of two Martian bases. Therefore, we need to form the group. What do you say, dear Morva, if it's a compact group of five or six people? "

  "I think that the optimal group is two people. I ask Martha to join the group. According to legend, she is my underage daughter, who goes with her father on a long business trip. A lonely widower, raising a daughter and receiving a profitable job offer on Mars. Is not it a legend?"

  "What work did you get on Mars?"

  "The work of a psychologist. Workers are away from home, they are forced to live in closed bases. A psychologist is an important figure in a seconded team."

  "Good. Starting today, we begin the accelerated program of your technical training. As you become ready, we will determine the date of sending the group to Earth. What else?"

  "On Earth, it is expedient for me to really work in a construction company and really live with my daughter in a real house I've bought."

  "OK. These are technical problems. We have the opportunity to arrange them. What else?"

  "What is the composition of the Martian air?"

  "Reptiloids bought two powerful atmospheric mechines and continuously "pump air". Even today, the composition of the restored atmosphere of Mars is approaching in composition to the earth's atmosphere, but there is still a difference in the oxygen level. Therefore, there it is necessary to wear masks according to the type of high mountains on Earth ... "

    Commander Tatis! You will be included in the support group. With the Main Flotilla this issue has already been resolved. In the event of an unforeseen situation, you will ensure the evacuation of the group "...

    Tatis and I involuntarily exchanged glances. Again, as in the good old days, we continue to cover up and support each other.

  Martha was shining. All the days she spent with the technicians on the professional use of technology of the 4th level. She was given a great responsibility: to learn how to deal with the energy potential of her strong bio-field-aura and other tools, as well as communications and holographic projections.

    I tried to increase my potential in telepathy, removing and deciphering the mental energies, working out teleportation from various fields, improving the techniques of hypnosis, including regressive ones, as well as the ability to tune in to the energy field of biorobots, to recognize the aura of hybrids and much more.

  At the Center, Martha and I were given a separate wing and we began to get used to our psychological roles. We were not relatives, and therefore the orphanage of the girl helped us. In a relatively short time, we already knew almost everything about each other.

  Her parents died on the way to the maternity hospital and the girl was born from a mother connected to the artificial respiration system. In the orphanage, her personal file suddenly disappeared and she was sent to the family of an influential businessman from St. Petersburg, connected both with the KGB and an organized criminal group. Later her foster parents were killed by assassins. Martha was seriously injured. After a brief coma and recovery, she began to notice the strangeness that manifested itself in certain abilities. In particular, in an increased emotional state, she was able to paralyze another person with a look.

  Martha fell into the field of view of the observation team from the Pleiades, when she managed to reach a telepathic contact with the woman commander of the spacecraft. In despair for her future, the girl turned to the upper light forces and was heard. She, like me, was invited hospitality of Pleiades ...

    I remembered all this in the Tatis spacecraft on the way to Earth. I looked at the young face of Martha and realized that all the most difficult challenges for her were yet to come. We exchanged glances. She tried to calm me with a grateful smile: "I know" ...

  Part 3

    Earth. People here resemble little children playing in the sandbox of the Universe. The third level of consciousness is extremely important for the Universe. This place is the embodiment of universal knowledge in the material world. I would even say that "the taste of cheese is titillated here for the first time". And only on the 3rd level planet could there be an expression "for taste and color, there is no companion," since every single person tries them on himself. Hence the "unbelieving Thomas", and "a small lie causes great mistrust." But the material incarnations have the reverse side of the coin. People live in fear. In fear of not knowing who they are. And fear, it is known, leads to aggression, which, in turn, leads to wars. Who realized the rules of the functioning of the Universe and began to act accordingly conscious, they are already on the 4th level. And when a person with an urgent question "Are you have no fear?" addresses to you in a dark alley, you must know, you are on the way to the 4th level of awareness of your essence.

    The fact is that man is a psychic essence, an energy substance that has the divine gift not only to "mold" the human body out of mud and water, but also to create harmony around himself.

    The planet Earth or Gaia really "moved" to the 4th level of consciousness without asking people about it. For people, whose level of consciousness does not coincide with planetary, a difficult time has come. It will seem to them that "the earth is running out from under the feet" and the desire to live in the past will intensify. But they will not be abandoned either. "Noah's Ark" for those who cherish the 3rd level of consciousness has already been built by various extraterrestrial civilizations, including the Pleiades. True, someone on Earth is not used to standing in line. These are those who are called enterprising. Of them, the caste of the "untouchables" is formed. And their ark was built at the expense of simple earthlings. It is built by a more developed civilization of reptiloids. Their spaceships regularly transport equipment, building materials and so on, to create city bases on Mars, ordered by terrestrial "untouchables". Their own fear drove them to Mars.

  Those of them who intend to "sit" on bunkers under the ground, risk to remain there until the end of their lives. The problem is that reptiloids have their own plans for the Earth and they do not need 7 billion people who live on it. Here is the price of their contract with the "untouchables". And that's why Martha and I are "floating" now above one of the cities of Russia. Why Russia? It is the Russian authorities, together with the American corporation, that send workers to Mars, and my old acquaintance has been working for RosAtom for dozens of years. Let's call him Fedor. So Fedor repeatedly insisted on reciprocal service, which I happily somehow rendered him in the difficult 90s of the last century. Since then, my friend successfully married, has already grandchildren from each of his three daughters and holds an important position in Russian business.

  But first, my daughter-in-law Martha and I should settle in our new apartment and solve the problem with the documents ...

   Part 4

  Fedor, as I expected, turned out to be an important person in the structure of a very large Russian company. His recent rise was due to systemic promotion, for which devotion was an essential quality. He rejoiced sincerely to my call and insisted on an urgent meeting.

    We dined in a separate hall of the famous restaurant. Everything was decent and tasteful. I noted qualitative personal changes in him. He spoke little, on business and without pathos. In front of me sat the cog in the system, without which it would give a temporary malfunction counted by a significant number and he knew about it.

  "Fedor, we have known each other for a long time, so I will be very brief. For years of working abroad, I have a foster daughter. She is 16 years old. She has Russian roots. I live alone, or rather, together with my daughter. I still have clients in different countries and I travel a lot. I need a certain level of settledness or, if the work is from a company under contract, then so that I can take my daughter with me. But the level of income must match our requests. You are the patriarch on this market. Can you advise me something? "

  "Dear Alex! Why are you so? You know very well how much I owe you. I promise that I will postpone all my affairs and personally take care of your request ... Are you also practicing psychology and hypnosis? "

  "Yes. Since we have not seen each other, I have new developments. I began to practice with specialized groups of people who are forced to work in extremely difficult conditions of the Arctic, Antarctic, as well as in objects connected with excessive depths or heights. "

  "If you will, I must call" - with these words he went into the next room.

  Three minutes later the satisfied Fedor personally filled our glasses with expensive French wine.

  "One of our partner structures may be interested in your work. Tomorrow I have a meeting with its general director and I will certainly recommend you ... Just promise that you will acquaint me with your daughter. I have a grandson a year older than her. Maybe we'll become relatives "- and Fedor suddenly burst out laughing.

  During my absence, Martha has made significant progress in setting up our life in a new apartment. Together with the keys, I was given a contract of sale of the apartment, signed in my name. This somewhat integrated our family in the given territory.

    During supper, I again mentally returned to my meeting with Fedor. It was clear that he knew a girl named Martha, but somehow concealed this fact. Moreover, he very clearly insisted on meeting with my daughter. He could easily count the years, the orphanage and the name of Martha and ask directly, but he did not ask. So, Marfa was wanted here and he knows these people. Moreover, he personally met Martha and wants to make sure of his conjectures. But he did not want to scare me, which meant there was something to be afraid of ...

    "Dad, why do not you eat? Dinner cools ... "- with these words Marfa tried to attract my attention. I carefully and calmly looked into her eyes and realized that she felt my state.

  "Well then, daughter. As they say "Out of the frying-pan into the fire..." This delicious fried potatoes and, in particular, the salad aroused in me the suspicion: where did such a young creature get such experience of cooking? "- we again exchanged glances and laughed heartily ... This was our last quiet dinner.

  Part 5

    It was enough to mention the name and surname of Fedor, as Martha turned pale.

    "He is a former friend of my foster parents ... He knows me well! Horror…".

    "Calm down. While he did not see you and we are aware, we have an advantage. Having fulfilled my request, he will equalize our account and the tone of the conversation will change. I have a feeling that your blood parents, who died in a car accident, had to do with the ancient royal family. So, you have to do with him. And if that catastrophe was organized by Russian special services, they are looking for you. If your foster parents were killed by bandits, it means that he did not comply with their conditions for you, and, since he was connected with the special services, he decided to control the situation himself. It did not work out. It seems that in this case the secret services use bandits to find you. Then they will remove all witnesses. And what will we have left? We will have time and information. While we are ahead of them exactly one step.

    Let's look at Fedor's personality... He is a man of the system, who was created and supported by special services. Without the help of special services, it is impossible to get to such position. So he cooperates with them. The fact that gangsters need you for putting pressure on special services is understandable. And why do special services need you? Keep locked up so that the opposition does not use you to influence the electorate, and in the future - depending on the direction of development of the country's governance system. That is, everyone is looking for you. So the first thing we have to do is to hide you. And we will invite them to hide you on Mars. This will help us completely legalize us for reptilians. We will be legalized by the special services of Russia. They will come up with a legend for us and it will completely coincide with ours "

  I immediately dialed Fyodor's phone number.

  "Hi! No, I was not going to refuse your hospitality. I just wanted to ask if it's possible to change the day of our meeting from Saturday to tomorrow, to Friday? Martha wants to go to the village to a friend for the weekend. I promised her ... Yes? That is great. Then, as agreed on Friday, at 6 pm. See you soon! Greetings to your wife. "

  "So, and now I'll call Tatis and let him take you away from here for a few days. They will not find you exactly on a spaceship. I'll let you know when I need you ..."

  Fedor and his wife were extremely disappointed with Martha's absence. I had to refer to her temporary ailment. Having calmed down a little, they invited me to the house and Fedor immediately offered to talk over a "glass of tea", as an appetizer.

  I did not give him "to thinly smear the porridge on a large plate," and decided to say it all at once.

  "I know that you need Martha. I know that your special services need her. And I even guess what they need her for. You will not find her. She is not in Russia. But there is a possibility to control her. I would like to speak about this at a competent level. My request is losing its relevance, but the meeting that you are organizing me is actual. It's in your interest."

    "And with what will I go to negotiate? With your guesses? "

    "If you want to equalize our score, you will organize this meeting."

    The pause was prolonged.      "And where are the guarantees that your proposal will interest them?"

    "And it completely coincides with my first request to you and, thus, everyone will remain with the same interests."


  "I know that the partner organization of the company in which you work sends workers to Mars for the construction of bases. This work is quite suitable for me, but I will not go there without Martha. There special services will be able to control her easily and simply. You will close your debt in front of me, I will get a profitable contract, and Martha will be away from everyone. Why do not you like this? "

  "Do you trust the special services?"

  "I don't. And so for them I also have a "joker" in my sleeve ... "

    I was brought to the transport ship of reptiloids. It was a quite old "plate". A group of workers was already there. The team leader was given a folder with the personal file of the psychologist from the contractor company and accompanying documents for his daughter. On the question, where is your daughter? I replied that she was late, but as soon as I took my place, she would appear. Before I could sit down in my chair, I immediately smelled the perfume that my Martha used.

  "Hello, Daddy. I'm here. Uncle Tatis sends his regards to you ... "

Shaman. A real story from my life#1.
Shaman. A real story from my life#2.
Shaman. The road back
Shaman. The future is approaching  


The Wonder Woman movie is about Aries/Mars The God Of War. I figured Wonder Woman represent Venus/Scorpio/Aphrodite/Lucifer/Morning star/God Of Love versus The God of war Mars over planetary energetic/emotional/mental influence on Earth. Feminine energy and Masculine energy. The Gods are at war, The God Of Love vs The God Of War... Oooooh!!! Mars have been the planet closest to Earth for a little bit, so having the greatest influence on Earth (besides Sun & Moon aka Helios & Sin) even at it's weaken state. In past time Mars lost a battle. Venus is the second closest I believe.

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