Wacky Facts by Agent K #31: Did You Know Alcatraz Was The Only Federal Jail To Provide Hot Showers For Its Prisoners? (The Science Behind It)

in #story7 years ago (edited)

The Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary is without doubt the most notorious prison in modern history and has appeared multiple times in popular culture, with Escape from Alcatraz being the most notable film narrating the real-life 1962 escape of inmates Clarence Anglin, John Anglin, and Frank Morris from the legendary prison. 

Nine months after the glorious escape (one of the most "artistic" and complicated in history), the jail closed due the severe blow its reputation received and the high maintenance costs. 

The prison that housed some of the most infamous criminals in contemporary history as Al Capone and Machine Gun Kell, was a little too expensive for American government's taste. One of its most scandalous expenses? Its "fabled" hot showers. 

The Menu of the Day 

It may sound ironic or even funny to some, but the world's most famous maximum high-security prison, was also the only federal prison in all the U.S. offering hot-water showers to its inmates. 

I am pretty confident, however, that most of you won't guess correctly the reason behind this irrational luxury that the prison generously offered to some of the most ruthless criminals in history. 

Apparently, the reasoning behind it was quite sensible if you ask me! See, the wardens thought that if the bodies of the prisoners were used, or to be biologically precise, "acclimated" to hot water, they would stand NO CHANCE enduring the freezing waters surrounding Alcatraz in case they tried to escape. 

The Science Behind It

According to Gizmodo, various studies have showed that only ten days of cold-exposure is more than enough to increase the human's organism capability to produce warmth without trembling or suffering. Imagine someone like him for instance...

Modern scientists have observed "that upon cold acclimation, test subjects judged the controlled environment as warmer, felt more comfortable in the cold, and reported less shivering," as Wouter D. van Marken Lichtenbelt at the NUTRIM School for Nutrition, Toxicology and Metabolism tells Gizmodo. Simply put, you can TRAIN your body for cold and hot temperatures. 

In other words, the thinking and reasoning of Alcatraz's staff was "scientifically proven" and way ahead of its time. Unfortunately for them though, Clarence, John and Frank were into winter swimming and the rest is part of pop folklore now...


The Awesome Reason Alcatraz Was The Only Prison To Have Hot Showers

Why Alcatraz Always Offered Hot Water Showers To Its Inmates

Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary

June 1962 Alcatraz escape 

How do our bodies adjust to extreme temperatures?

Images / Gif: 2 3 4 6


No I don’t know, Kindly tell me more... I’m listening ...

Want me to call you or something, bruh?

No! You can as well give me a hint on the comment session. Thanks 🙏

Lol...Man be honest with me and I promise to give you an 100% vote. Did you even read a line of my article? If yes, what's more you want me to explain you?

Buddy, I am not the type who downvotes and I don't think I'll ever do that, but there are people who will do if you leave such comments. A friendly advice: find topics that interest you, READ them first and then leave sincere comments.

God bless you mate :)

Thank you! but we understand things in different ways and different levels.... some people needs deep explanations to understand things while some don't.

Of course I read it.

Αμετανόητος :)

@trumpman akouses gia deep explanations kai tsoup ! einai thaumastis tou Agent K autos aston usixo !xD
To ninjarame pantos kala to topic sou Teo ! muahahah

Wow...really clever but uneffective apparently :p