Closed For A Creative Timeout 🌐 || Recapping 2017 (Thank You Steemit!) & Looking Forward To 2018 !!!

in #story7 years ago (edited)
The best time to relax and take a break is when you don't have time for it. - Steven Aitchison

If we were waiting for the perfect moment to unplug ourselves for a while, then we'd probably never do it. In our today's world it has become pretty uncool not being connected and not being available 24/7.

I'll break the rule for a reason.

Lately I've noticed that I'm running out of ideas. Blogging has rather become a duty than real pleasure during the past weeks. I felt the need to deliver but didn't really know how. It's been as if all my stories had been told already. Probably that's not even true, but I'm unable to prove it.

My creativity reserves are spent and I need some time to refill them now.

It's time for a break.

Here's to an overwhelming 2017 and a surely amazing 2018!

That's how @surfermarly will be looking for the rest of 2017 :-)

You come first

You are the universe. You come first. Behind you there is probably nothing... at least for a long time.

That's what a friend told me a couple of years back when I was running out of power after a long and tiring period in my job. I loved the allegory, it was exactly what I needed to listen back then. I had lost myself in work and had to re-focus.

Now I'm in a similar situation.

Everything that has happend in 2017 has been part of an extrardinarily exciting journey. Thanks to the time spent on Steemit I've definitely learned for life. If I compared the very first articles I published on the blockchain with the ones I'm writing now, there'd be a world of difference between them.

That's mostly due to the amazing feedback I've received from you guys! It was definitely all these amazing people out here that pushed me into this - the totally right - direction.

If I had the chance to live this year again, I wouldn't change a single thing about it. It's been perfect to me.

Thanks to Steemit I'm living the life that I've ever dreamt of, sharing the things I love with people from all over the world, making a living from being creative and active.

Living the life of my dreams AND making others happy with the stories about it is definitely a jackpot.

Yes, I've found my wonderland!

One of my big highlights on this journey - just to mention one of many - was definitely speeking at Steemfest².

I had never presented in such an environment before, and it was also the very first time in English. My heart was running so fast before I got on stage that the beats were drowing out my voice. But then the excitement magically disappeared when I started to speak.

The instant feedback I received from the audience guided me through.

I'll remember that forever.

I choose to spread happy vibes!

Delivering entertaining content and providing people with a good time has been and will be my mission for 2018.

You gave me a lot of confidence regarding my writing, and I'll be happy to be back in a while with some new stories, more videos and a lot of surfing fun.

Just think about the drone I bought a couple of days back. I guess these shootings flying the drone over my volcanic island will be pretty insane!

Until then I'll do what I have to do: nothing :-)

I'll try to relax (it'll be hard but I can do it) and also share a lot of quality time with my beloved ones. My family and friends haven't had me much lately, I was almost always lost in my writings and blog designs. They deserve more attention and I'll give it to them!

Nothing will work unless you do.

Have a great time, eat a lot of sweets and don't burn the Christmas tree.

Take care, Marly -

PS: This was supposed to be a very short statement like 'Hey guys, I'm taking a break.' Look what happens when I get involved here. Love that! See you soon :-*

Thanks for your valuable time!
This blog was launched at the end of July 2016
aiming to provide stories for open-minded
people who enjoy living on the edge of their lives,
stepping out of comfort zones, going on adventure,
doing extreme sports and embracing the new.
Welcome to the too-much-energy-blog!

PS: If someone asks for me, tell them I'm in wonderland.

Original content. Cover picture provided by and quotes found on and


Wow! @surfermarly, you are the first to post a year review and you are, again, inspiring me... I'll be starting these recaps a.s.a.p., maybe even today! What a year it has been and a pleasure to read about your passions and journey among us on this platform.

Keep it all up: Smiles, taking good care, quality post sharing and, of course surfing! Thrive on and namaste :)

Thanks for your lovely words! It's been a very colourful year and I'm happy that I shared a big part of it with all of you here.
More smiles and good vibes to come soon :-)
Take care!

I think 2018 will be better for her obviously @eric-boucher

I agree with that aren't her post great? @surfermarly @eric-boucher

Marly Dear,

I hope you have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and that it will be 2018 when we have our first opportunity to share a nice surf break somewhere in the world.

- @creatr



It would be a blast sharing a couple of waves in 2018! I've got a feeling that it's going to be during Steemfest 3 in California. What do you think? :-))

Big hugs and enjoy the pre-Christmas period :-*

It would be great if Steemfest is held here in Cali... :D

Take care, hugs! Catch a wave for me; I'll be going to New England, where it's too cold. ;)

I get you completely! Indeed, the break I had was the best thing I ever did (although it hurt to know that the money was spent on the holiday just before the coins I was hoping to buy went skyrocket D: ).

Putting it in terms that Blockchain people will understand: We humans have our own scalability issues, and without sufficient rest, our growth stales and perhaps even begin to regress.

Take care of yourself Marly!!

Thank you, Fredrik!!
I liked that blockchain version, there should actually be a description of any circumstances in the universe especially adapted for crypto geeks :-)

It's as you mentioned. Once you've fully recharched your batteries, you're suddenly able to multiply your output.

Well these coin prices you're talking about are hard to predict. During the past days I've been exchanging lots of SBD for BTC while the Steem Dollar was at $12+ USD - that was pretty insane. These are the moments that literally pay off the sweat ;-)

Have a wonderful Christmas and keep being so inpiring!

Enjoy your break and see you back soon.

See you soon, Stephen!!

You have delivered and accomplished so much! Enjoy the restful time. You deserve it!

Thank you for your words @knircky :-*
Wish you a wonderful Christmas!

nimm dir die zeit die du brauchst!! das leben ist keine einbahnstraße .......gestern standen wir am abgrund.....heute sind wir einen schritt weiter... lol... (so ein sprichwort aus meiner heimat DDR)

Haha, das ist ja ein motivierendes Sprichwort! :-)
Ich hab mich SEHR über Deinen Kommentar gefreut, wie Du Dir sicher vorstellen kannst.
Wir sehen uns im Neuen Jahr - mit neuer Energie. Bis dahin auch für Euch alles Liebe!

danke...für euch auch alles Gute!!

Nimm dir die Zeit, die du brauchst Marly...Genieße die Auszeit und schöpfe Kraft für ein neues spannendes Jahr auf Steemit...Ich wünsche dir und deiner Familie eine schöne besinnliche Weihnachtszeit und guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr...Bleib gesund und pass auf alle deine Lieben und auf dich auf...BIS BALD 👋🏻

Ganz lieben Dank für Deine Worte, Chrissy! Die haben mich nun wirklich sehr positiv überrascht :-)
Ich wünsche Dir und Deiner Family ebenso eine schöne Vorweihnachtszeit, gemütliche Feiertage und einen super Start ins Jahr 2018! Wir sehen uns im Neuen Jahr wieder :-)
Auf bald :-*

Sehr gerne ♡

Oh I should do the same however am not ready for this yet - you always create great stuff and i am thankful to got to know you here. Where can I join your Wonderland :-)?

Resteemed this in hope it gets to the top of trending where it belongs to.

Where can I join your Wonderland :-)?

You're part of it, aren't ya? :-)

Thanks for your lovely words. I'll be attacking that trending page again in 2018, ha!
Lass Dich nicht unterkriegen :-*

Danke liebe @surfermarly - you will rock 2018 - happy holidays and enjoy chocolate and fat food and the waves you ride with your friends.

Surfen geht leider immernoch nicht, Knie ist entzündet :-(
Dafür klappt das mit dem Essen sehr gut, haha
Kisses & see you soon!

have a wonderful 100% break from it, enjoy the downtime, if i dont speak to you before have a great new year and see you on the flipside in 2018.

Thank you so much! I wish you the very best for these last days of the old year and then a great start into 2018.
Big hugs

yeah i love new year start energy.

First of all, I LOVE Christmas.
There are a lot of people who don't like it at all, but I'm probably the greatest Christmas supporter on Earth, haha! Really. I like the atmosphere, bringing the family together, the coziness, the food, the wine, the music, the chill...
And then I also love New Year's Eve! A lot. The dance, the fireworks, the hugs, the (unexpected) kisses, the romance, the looking back and ahead, the thrill what's going to happen, the life-is-a-white-paper-let's-draw-something-great-on-it-spirit... Well... I love everything about these last days of the year. That's actually the reason for my timeout here - I wanna fully enjoy it (without that computer) :-)

And then - YES (fully agreed) - we'll start with full energy and 100% power into this new amazing period of time.

i'm kinda muted on christmas if i'm honest. it's not that i don't enjoy it. mulled wine, jumpers, cheese, port, people, reality, rawness of the pause. you said it best with the atmosphere, everyone is in high spirits. i also find it an incredibly volatile period of time for certain people too, things that have been building in the year coming to a head, you know?

love that you put (unexpected) kisses, that's cute. for me, it's the new year end that is the best, the first day of the year, jan 1st, means that it's 16 days to my birthday, feels like i've a mission to do before i mark that next birthday. i absolutely love the 1st day of the year, it's like the day to really be like super aware and active, it must be the cusp of my starsign or something, i'm always full of energy and positivity! :)

Enjoy your time out and rest for next year because it will be even more epic!! :)

Thank you my dear! I'm pretty sure that you're right about that forecast... :-)

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