New initiative SteemTV launches with some hot controversial films

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Here at SteemTV we aim to bring you the best in decentralised, uncensored media.

We will be launching with an exclusive film in which an energy sector expert gives us his honest thoughts & experience in the field of solar power and energy in general. He looks closely at how the entire energy system is being controlled by a centralised monopoly.

The Energy Deception (working title) will open your eyes to the scale of this problem and how simple the solution could be if we just woke up to the simple facts of this situation.

As liberated decentralised content providers it is our mission to deliver you the best in uncensored films and media.

Follow, upvote and enjoy the ride.... and don't forget to submit your own posts. We have a curation channel on


-Must be a steemit or equivalent decentralised platform EXCLUSIVE
-Must be a topic appropriate for this channel
-Films to be of a professional standard (we will make exceptions for exceptional content)

We are interested in the 'red pill' topics. The kind of topics that push beyond that which we perceive as our reality. There is a world of deception going on out there and here on SteemTV we want to share with you the kind of topics you won't see on the BBC! And more than that we want to interact with other users who are keen to share their knowledge with us.

Looking forward to the future of this exciting new Steemit initiative and I am ready to answer any questions you may have.


From Kevin Palmer


I am the Executive Producer of the Graham Hancock event at PotatoHead. Which is my intellectual property.

You have chosen to launch a SteemIt initiative with my content, without the signed and agreed approval of BUDOCON, PotatoHead nor Mr. Graham Hancock.

You will remove all items related to this event from your website and any associated sites until your team discusses with me DIRECTLY, the proper terms and agreements signed, before engaging in any promotions whatsoever of your brand WITH MY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY.

This is highly unprofessional, and we are very surprised to see this video. And to notice a further 'Film' shot with my content to be re;eased, is just robbery. Again. You have not signed any release material from my company, and you have performed an illegal decision.

Why have you done this? You were specifically told to WAIT for release approval terms and conditions., by our Creative Manager Josh Howard.

Please reply ASAP to this message, or we will be forced tomreport this to the proper authorities including immigration. Of those individuals who were present at my event with the recording equipment, must cease and desist all further production with my material.

Thank You.

Copy of my email response:

To whom it may concern:
Regarding the issues related to the filming of the BUDOCON event at Potatohead Beach Club, I have been informed that you wish for me to include all sponsors, logos and any related individuals on my production of Graham Hancock’s presentation.

I am truly sorry if I have offended you or any of the sponsors with my social media posts relating to this unreleased film. In what way do you see us resolving this issue as a professional group?

I am writing to you as an experienced film-maker and video blogger and I would love to continue working with you in the future, helping you understand how to maximise your revenue around events, using the very new platform Steemit.

As a dedicated professional I feel that we can work together to do great things.

The personal message forwarded to me on was threatening in tone, yet I have been advised by my Balinese sponsor that I have not done anything illegal and I would like us to resolve this issue immediately.

I asked for permission to film the event, and this permission was granted. I asked for permission to put the film on YouTube and this too was granted, pending review. And I have not posted the film yet. Once I get the sponsors logos I can upload it to a private YouTube link where you can review.

If you would prefer for me not to feature the presentation on SteemTV (which I have divided into three parts due to its length) I have no problem with this. Though it would seem to me that if we can reach an agreement, to post on Steemit would be beneficial for all parties involved, as apparently Mr Hancock has a big following there. And you can be sure that if we don’t post it on Steemit, someone else will.

Kind regards

PS. I am now in touch with Graham and have sent a warm email thanking him for his verbal permission on the day for me to use this film on the internet. He also said he would be willing to assist me by sharing the YouTube link with his own network, for which I am most grateful.

he asked me to post this:


Quite simply, you left the evening with a clear request to get everything approved before posting any online content. This even includes online content relating to said event. It's really that simple.

The Man is a celebrated scholar, and his works should be treated as such. Be patient. Communicate with us. These pillars were not present from your crew, hence, the situation we are in now.

We are professionals here, and expect the same treatment from an outside group who approached us only days before the event, to Film said event for "aerial footage and time-lapse only".

Not the entire seminar, with no written consent from the Producers, nor Mr Hancock. Who refuses to monetise any of his 'public videos' - by the way - this is contrary to his beliefs, and the producers of the event echo his thoughts. That's why the seminar was 'free'.

You mention you've received a "warm" email from Mr Hancock, I'd like you to forward me this email in private. As Ive been in touch with him, and his thoughts are not as you state. Displeased, rather.

In any case, let's not forget we are both passionate about the works of Mr Hancock, and you indeed have genuine motives to continue supporting the man who is an inspiration to many. We enjoyed our time at the event, and were excited others shared the same adoration for Graham's work. And that's the bottom line
I guess.

Thank you for replying to us. We will meet and move on with positive vibes.

On that note, if there was any online video content to be posted. I'm pretty sure it would be from the Producers of BUDOCON, approved by Mr Hancock, on our own Channel. Surely you can extend us this courtesy? I think we deserve it.

This is awesome. I actually just got that book a month ago and plan on reading it this week, psyched for the film :)

It's a life-changing book my friend. Or at least, it was for me! Hope you enjoy the film coming soon :)

I'm sure I will deeply enjoy the film and the book, cheers!

Great to be here with you guys on steemit!
What a great opportunity to share valuable content with each other!

The most beautiful country I have ever lived in. Tomorrow we fly to Komodo and will be at sea for two weeks, sailing our way down to Ambon, via numerous national parks. Can't wait!

Thanks for doing this. And, thank you for following me. ~Cheers~

Pleasure :)

@steemtv Hey guys tweet this to Joe Rogan he is fan of Grahams and might retweet for you

Thanks for the advice. I wonder if Joe is on steemit? Once it is uploaded to Youtube, I will find him on Twitter and see if he retweets. Many thanks again :)

Gret initiative, following

Many thanks. You won't be disappointed :)

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Thank you. I will check it now...

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This looks very interesting. Big fan Graham Hancocks stuff too. Looking forward to the films.

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