Benefits of talking...

in #story7 years ago

Benefits of asking/talking.

It is best to talk than to keep mute and know nothing, but you should not just talk unnecessarily.
Ask questions, good questions so that you can get good answers.

Seek from those who can offer, if they don't, you should understand, but keeping mute without asking at all when you really need do it so bad is foolishness.

Let me quickly brief you two(2) good and interesting stories connected with this.

The first one is about an old man.

This old man was blind, he lived during the time Jesus existed....
There was a day he sat down in a hidden place, he couldn't see anything, not even a flying butterfly or cockroach, he only wished for things to get better.

All of a sudden he heard people clamouring, chattering, shouting and all sorts, all this continued so he quickly grabbed his stick and find his way to the open place and he asked what was going on, a young man replied it is Jesus that is passing by, instead of the old man to tell the young man to help him call Jesus, he started shouting "Oh Jesus, oh Jesus, oh Jesus", people tried to stop him from calling Jesus, but he didn't stop, he continued until Jesus heard him and give him attention. "What can I do for you old man" Jesus asked kindly, and the old man requested to see again Jesus placed his palm on the mans face, and the man could see again.

This man could see again because he seek for help from whom he believed can save him of his predicament, it wasn't as if he was talking until he noticed Jesus, but as soon as he heard the clamour, he made for the open to see for himself, to get to know what was going on.


So learn from this and get to know things, get invoke, know what is going on around you, with this you can improve and get better in life, you may even encounter someone who will be willing to help.

Jesus at his time was ready to help anybody and everybody, he equally loves everyone, but if this man hadn't complained, he wouldn't have been saved.

The story of the poor woman who later became a businesswoman

There was this very poor woman who complained to a richer woman about her problems.
She hardly get what to eat, so the rich woman asked her if she had any business idea and she replied that she had so many ideas and concepts about business but its finance that is keeping her from doing it.

Even if you don't have what it takes to carry out your plan, at least build your idea, construct it in your mind in the way that you won't find it hard when the finance is finally ready, if you create the foundation to the pinnacle who knows what tomorrow will bring.

The richer woman gave the other woman a sum of two hundred thousand Nigerian note(2,000,000), but she gave the poor woman a tricky condition that after two(2)months, she will check on the woman and her business, if its not yielding properly, she'll collect back her money.

Does this not look tricky to you?

So this motivated and gingered the woman to quickly carry out her cotton business which she had been planning for years but couldn't carry out because of the monetary issue...

After it was exact two months as the rich woman stated to come, she died, but before she died she had willed most of her property to the other woman and left a condition, not to give the property to her if she's not doing so well with her business, and the rest of her properties goes to the less privileged because the rich woman didn't give birth to any child.

The other woman got the reward because she was steadfast and consistent and most importantly she was hard working and she had high hopes and she didn't keep quiet when she needed the help so bad.

All pictures was gotten from Pixabay.

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@morahn for Steemhive


This is really inspiring . Thank you for sharing

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