Philosophical cat and the view from the window

in #story7 years ago

Sigh! Sigh! I’m bored!” I say to myself.

I’m all alone. My human is missing. She left this morning in a hurry, taking two big suitcases with her. In the last couple of days I heard her talking all the time on the strange thing she calls telephone. And when she stopped talking on the telephone she comes to me, all radiant, and tells me about how she will go to a nice resort this weekend. Like I give a damn about her resort and her weekend.

I don’t have anything to do. I’m locked in the house and the only enjoyable thing to do is to watch on the window. Yesterday I saw some kids playing with a ball. It was funny when the ball hit one of them in the nose and he started to cry. He yelled after his mommy. That was the highlight of my day.

Isn’t that sad? The highlight of my day was me watching a kid get hit by a ball. And I laughed like crazy, until a hairball come out. Disgusting little things. I hate hairballs.

I’m looking at the world outside and I realise that I don’t know that much about it. All my life I lived in this house. Never got out. I tried, by my human didn’t let me. I yearn for some adventure. I want to go and chase after birds, nasty little things that wake me up in the morning, I want to go and run through the grass. I wonder how it feels like.


What was that?” I wonder from under the bed.


Again? What the hell?!!” I can feel my heart beating really, really fast.


I see water droplets falling on my windows. From the sky water is pouring. I think it’s called rain. I never seen one before.

I get from under the bed and crawl back to the windowsill. I look at how the water is making little serpents on the glass.

I yawn. I jump on the floor and go to by bed. I fell asleep into the sound of water hitting the window.

Image source:Pixabay

"Philosophical cat" is a writing experiment. I try to write about the life of a cat through random writing prompts. Through this experiment I try to put my creativity to work. Do you want to give me a theme for my next "Philosophical cat" story? Leave it in a comment below.

Please let me know your opinion of this story. I'm really interested in any feedback. Only like this I can improve my writing skill.


Fantastic Story :(

your cat is out in sadness. may be waiting for the rain to stop

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