OVER THE SILVER SKY TO THE WORLD OF NEVER : Part 85 - Wolves Without Teeth.

in #story6 years ago (edited)

It's time for me to make an apology. I'm not going to though. Instead I've discovered this new thing that's become ultra popular. The unapologetic apology. I did a bad thing. I only have myself to blame, but here are the excuses, reasons and people which are really to blame for me being a twat. In the past I have been dismissive of the new progressive, inclusive, equality, trans friendly, feminist political correctness gone mad movement. Particularly the fake version promoted by media celebrities, who are only really interested in the bottom line and how much this will improve their career prospects. Not anymore I'm not. This is because they have just made me the NEW BOND GIRL. Yes that's right. They wanted something different so they selected a balding, elderly man to play the love interest opposite Daniel Craig. In order to promote the myth that the entire entertainment industry gives a fuck about anything except the enormous amount of money they make. This is certainly going to raise my profile. I'm a bit nervous about getting naked on a sandy beach and being fucked by Daniel Craig, but the check I've just received has calmed those nerves (Yeah that's right I can be bought and I'm also a hypocrite). I don't mind taking one up the rump as long as the money's good and the role requires it while still maintaining artistic integrity. I am also a bit worried about the sand getting on his cock. I'll just have to grit my teeth I suppose.

(The copyright for this image is the property of YouTube.)

She brushed the dirt from his face, cradling Jake's head in her lap. Rocking herself and him. Pip sniffed. She wasn't going to cry. She never cried. It didn't solve anything. His blood stained her clothes. So much blood. The smell of copper strong in the air. He shouldn't be left. He couldn't be left. Not after all he'd done. Scrubbing at moist eyes, crooning to him as she rocked him to sleep.

"This is all my fault." She whispered. Afraid to say it too loud because that would make her even more guilty. "It's all my fault. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Her voice cracked as she sobbed. Her body shaking under the pressure of unspent tears. It should be me. I thought I could save her, but there was nothing left. She's dead already."
"Not quite." Daisy was standing in the now open doorway. "She will be very soon."
"I killed him." Pip's voice cracked again. "I killed the Wanderer... Unless... Unless we can get him to the medibot. Or you. You could save him." Desperation filling her voice.
Daisy gave a heart felt sigh.
"He's beyond any help Pip. The poison in him is like nothing I've seen."
Pip emitted another sob, clutching him to her chest. Stroking his cooling cheek. Suddenly she slapped herself as hard as she could. Not hard enough. Her fists beat at her body and face.
"I killed him. This is all my fault."
"No girl. He knew he wasn't coming back from this. Lord knows how, but he knew. Jake was sacrificing himself to save you and the Captain. In the end he could only save you. Now we have to save this world or none of it matters. His death will have been for nothing. If you're looking for someone to blame then look no further than the Ashenram."
Pip closed her eyes, her head dropping back as she wailed forlornly. Her right hand thrust into her shirt. Pulling out the crystal. She held it above him.
"He got this for me. Saved it for me. Gave everything he had for me and I gave him nothing in return. Why Daisy? Why did he care enough to die for people who treated him like dirt?"
"Because he's The Wanderer Pip. The one who does what has to be done. No matter the cost. Come with me. There is one more thing needs doing. He called it his backstop. A way of preventing a tragedy from becoming a catastrophe. It must be done soon."
"No. I don't want him to be alone. He was always alone. Cut off. Shut out. He'll get cold."
Pip gazed up at Daisy. Her eyes pleading to be allowed to stay with him.
"If you must. Don't go anywhere. It's still not safe. The effects of the Ashenram are still lingering over the whole of Port Bristol. I've done what I could but it will take time to have an effect. I'll be back as soon as I can."
Daisy made her way to the closed and locked rear door. Opening it with ease. The crew of the Scarlet Harlot were making their way back to the ship. The rear guard spotting her opened fire sending Daisy for cover.

Meanwhile Pip hummed a lullaby as she gently laid Jake's head onto the floor. He'd be cold. That floor was too hard. Scrubbing at her nose she went in search of something to cover him. For a pillow to lay his head on. Oblivious to the noise outside as the crew retreated back on board the ship. She found what she needed and returned to the body. Throwing the cover over him then sliding a rolled up sheet under his head.
"That's better." Her voice cracked again. Pip bent forward and kissed his forehead softly. "You're a hero now Jake. The greatest hero the world has ever seen. They won't know about you. They won't know how wonderful and silly and stupid you were. I will though. I'll never forget you. Not for one second. You'll always be the hero to me." Another kiss. This time a brush to his lips. Pip smoothed the hair from his forehead as she sat back. The crystal swinging from the chain he'd given her, brushing him as her position altered. His stupid hat. She'd forgotten his stupid hat. Forcing as much fake cheer into her voice as she could, Pip stood up to fetch it. "I'll be right back Jake. How could I not come back when you're the finest, bravest, noblest person I have ever known."
She took a deep shuddering breath and then the two steps to where the hat lay.
"This is just theoretical, but would you still think that highly of me if I weren't dead?"
"Of cour..." Pip spun round on the spot. Jake was sitting up. Staring down at his body and flexing his limbs.
"Because all of that flattery has gone straight to my head. I'm not used to it. Hermes are you there buddy?"
"Mmmmm.. Yeah. I think so." The AI replied uncertainly.
Pip stood there mouth agape and eyes like circles.
"You're... Are you..." She stammered her disbelief battling with the joy.
"Yeah I'm fine. Better than fine. Actually I've never felt this good. Hermes? What are you doing?"
"Nothing I swear. I can feel it as well. How is this possible? We were both dead. I'm operating at 214% of peak. Daisy is pinned down outside. She can't get to the controls."
He patted himself down experimentally. Became fascinated with his hands. Moving them through the air slowly. Watching the patterns.
"We should get on that then." He responded. "Pip you stay here. I've got an urgent appointment I need to keep."
Pip was still open mouthed. Her jaw working soundlessly.
"No." She finally managed to spit out. "I've got your hat."
Bending his legs he stood up in a single flowing movement. His mind calculating.
"Have it your own way. You'll be safer with me I suppose. How many we got buddy?"
"Twenty two crew plus Doxy and the Ashenram." His friend reponded. "Holy shit I can see through walls. My efficiency's just hit 800%. This is impossible. We should be burning up. Oh man... Can you..."
Jake chuckled.
"Yes. I can see time my friend. The stuff that doesn't even exist. But then again neither does reality. Twenty four of them and two of us. That hardly seems fair. Do you think we should give them more of a head start to make it a bit more interesting?"
"Nah. I want to see that prick shitting his pants like nothing else I've wanted before. If we hurry you can fuck him up even more."
"Good point." He stooped down to pick up his shotgun.
"Don't hurt them any more than you have to... I mean... The Captain, she's not..."
"I promise not to kill anyone Pip. I'm going to take it easy until I reach him. Then I'm going full fucking overkill. Excuse my language. Take care of my hat. Stay behind me."
"Do you think you can.."
"Of course I can. In fact, it's already been done. I think we've given them enough time to get ready. Let's go give Daisy a hand."

He could feel the power coursing through him. The joy of being near invincible. Of knowing what each and everyone of his opponents was going to do before they did. Jake stood in the doorway, pausing to take it in. He knew the script and all the cues. It was merely a case of following them. He stepped out between the bullets. Moving himself in time to the rhythm and cadence of the future. Daisy was hunkered down to his right. Jake walked over to her his steps like those of some complicated dance. It was her turn to stare open mouthed.
"You're alive." She grinned then sobered. "There's something different about you. You're far more than you once were. How can this be?"
"No idea. Never look a gift horse in the mouth and I've got 360 degree vision." He reached out to pull Pip towards him as several rounds hit where she'd been standing. "That wasn't nice. Daisy, you stay put there. You'll know when to move."
"How?" She asked.
"Right after I punch the big guy then use him to club the other two unconscious. Pip you stay as close behind me as you can."
All the while he was talking he'd been shifting and swaying out of the way of everything thrown at him.
"You are not going to believe this." Hermes burbled excitedly. I can give you full integration. My sensors and your senses."
"Do it then mate."
He felt the surge of changed consciousness. The thrill of seeing the world as he'd never seen it before. In so much detail that everything was beautiful. Jake saw The Scarlet Harlot for the first time. That was one weird ass space ship. He burst out laughing.
"How the hell will that get me into The Never? Oh I see. That's crazy. Mustn't get too far ahead of myself though."
"Do you fancy some music? A nice sound track for your rampage?"
"Excellent idea. What have you got?" He stepped aside bringing Pip with him as a dozen bullets zinged past.
"Anything you want from Mozart to Sia. Your call."
"I think I'd like Wolves Without Teeth by Of Monsters and Men."
"That's only got a run time of three minutes fifty five. What would you like after that?"
"Put it on a loop. Follow me young lady."

The memories of the crew would be pretty cloudy after this, but one thing nearly all of them would recall was Jake's smiling face coming at them. That and the fact that as soon as they pulled the trigger it wasn't there anymore. No skill necessary when you could see the nerve impulses before they left their brains. The same steady, relentless pace as he closed in on people who couldn't do anything to stop him. The whole of his journey entirely mapped out right down to the slightest movement his foe's made. Twenty six to two really wasn't fair. Jake strolled along the concrete mole at a comfortable pace. Only drawing his weapon when he was half way along it. Two men and a woman rushed him, swords drawn. He stepped and swayed out of their way. Right fist slamming down on the back of the head of the one who overstepped. Elbow to the woman's face, with a compulsory sorry as her nose exploded in a fountain of blood. Overhand swing of a cutlass from behind, caught between thumb and forefinger of his left hand. With a slight twitch he snapped the steel blade. The turn and kick sending the attacker spinning through the air. He switched hands with his rifle again and fired off a shot that took the next one in the shin. His cries of pain cut off by a swing of the butt to the face. Only twenty to go before the grand finale.

As he and Pip passed a pile of large crates the ship came into view. A cross between a schooner and a barque. Yes indeed, it was a sailing ship. Not a spaceship in any way shape or form. Thus underlining the fact it was a privateer. Jake had stepped into a futuristic version of Pirates of The Caribbean. Twenty gun ports in total, ten per side. There was no doubting its modernity. The sail winches and capstan could all be operated one handed thanks to the intricate gearing. Jake stared at it long and hard. Caught the swinging fist of a man twice his size, without looking. He squeezed and felt the bones shatter. Throwing his shotgun up into the air he punched him in the face and lifted the screaming man up into the air. Slamming him down on the two followers. Apologizing to the blonde lady as he did so, then snatching his weapon out of the air as it fell. He winked at Pip.

"You're showing off aren't you." She said in a mock accusatory tone.
"Yeah. M'I bad? Excuse me a moment."

Four more, all females, came at him screaming like banshee's. They'd eschewed their firearms for swords. The first smart move the crew had made so far. It didn't alter anything, but after expending two hundred and seventy six rounds on him without any effect, they'd selected another approach. The wrong one. He'd been holstering his gun as they appeared. He didn't draw his own saber. Instead he slapped their thrusts and swings out of the way. Aware that Pip had taken up position behind him he nudged her back half a step with his ass. Right cross, left cross, right uppercut swinging right foot to the head. The ladies slumped to the ground. Three more apologies. They were at the ship. Thirteen more crew between him and his ultimate objective. Jake slipped his arm around the waist of the startled Pip and leaped up onto the main deck. Landing as softly as a cat. Setting Pip down he drew the shotgun and a pistol shooting to his right and directly behind him without looking. There were loud howls of agony and a stern look from Pip.

"I shot them in the legs, I promise. You can go and check if you like."
Pip crossed her arms.
"What's next? Trick shots?" Then she hugged him tight before kicking him in the shin. "I thought you were dead you dick."
"So did I. I make it eleven crew plus Doxy and the French cock sucker."
"You're going to save her aren't you?" Pip asked her voice catching.
"That I am, although she won't thank me. She's strong Pip. According to all the lore she should have been a docile vegetable weeks ago."
"I'll show you the way to the hold." She volunteered.
"No need. I can already see it." Jake cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled. "Cooee! JP it's Jake. Did ya miss me shithead? Run bitch, run like the wind. I'll be with you before you know it. Put the kettle on you cowardly fuck. Daddy's home."

"You hover like a humming bird,
Haunt me in my sleep.
You're sailing from another world,
Sinking in my sea."

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