in #story5 years ago (edited)

They say a picture paints a thousand words. But all of them are lies I tell ya. The simple minded will look at this image and think how cute these babies are. Unaware that this isn't some photo shoot. No this picture is from a police line up. All these babies are suspected felons. That's right these bastards are all potential criminals. They're also potential geniuses, but we know that's not the case here. How many lives have they destroyed already? It's impossible to calculate. They prey on the weak and the elderly. They ruin their parents lives. They must be stopped. Now I'm not a reactionary, I'm really quite liberal, so when I say babies should be locked up as soon as they are born, you know I'm talking sense. If just one of these children is guilty and we allow it to roam free, think of the damage to society it could cause. Instead of waiting for that to happen, instead of allowing them to devastate others lives, we should be locking them away before they can commit crimes. Then once we've locked them up we can start locking all the others up who potentially might cause harm. An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure. That's patently obvious. The death penalty in some cases will be necessary. Based on the potential amount of harm they might cause if they were ever to go criminal or violently mental. It's not worth the risk of allowing these future delinquents freedom to choose their life path. Knowing as we do that a tiny minority of them will make bad choices and end up hurting others.

(The copyright to this image is the property of davissciencesays.ucdavis.edu.)

They were only now entering the third day of their stay, things were rapidly coming to the boil. That actual storm he'd seen was drawing closer. A portent? It would be stupid to think that was the case of course. There was going to be a bit of rain and some higher winds for a while. The man made version would be far worse. Unless it could be prevented from happening. Jake began to examine the options. Those they'd taken and those that lay ahead. This meeting between Ugo and Daisy, was it necessary? Knowing what he did now it might be best to either postpone or cancel it completely. This was a politically sensitive time in Fafindi. Teetering on the brink of a civil war. One that would be over very quickly given the disparity in forces. It had been a huge mistake bringing Daisy here. Perhaps it would be best for all if they left immediately. Returned to Palamar. What did she seek to gain from this? Information on those who'd crossed the Boundless Ocean. First hand information.

Based only on speculation. Ugo might not know anything of any value. They were risking an armed conflict for the chance of gaining something of value from him. Not knowing what it might be or even if it existed. At the very least, with the way Fafindi was, there'd be a major political crisis. Getting out fast and never looking back could be the most beneficial option here. It would require some fast footwork of course. Fetching the others. Advising them of what he and Pip had discovered. Then heading for the border as fast as possible. They could be out inside a day. As soon as they departed the news of her presence would be out. It was pure luck Ydrie hadn't mentioned who Daisy really was to his sister. Them high tailing it would inevitably mean that would no longer be the case. Without Pip here to actively intercept any communication, the news would be out.

Now it might be that all parties would welcome her departure. Jake had gained the impression already that Ugo knew any meeting would be problematic. That was why he was seeking some kind of advantage here. Using her as bait to find out what others were planning. It wasn't credible though. Given what Debara had already done and the risks already taken, it was impossible to believe he'd miss a golden opportunity to use the Matriarch for his own political ends. Whatever they might be beyond taking control and directing Fafindi down a new path. One that could be good. Eventually at least. Great good had originated from great evil and the other way round as well. Ugo's good intentions might lead to far worse.

It didn't feel right. The logic was good. Preventing a confrontation seemed to be the correct choice. Deep down inside though, he knew Daisy had to meet with Ugo. Jake had no explanation for this feeling. Ignoring it was impossible. Persuading her to leave would be hard. Daisy being convinced she needed to be here. Scarlet would muddy the waters to. She'd want to remain with Ydrie. Him being the one to suggest leaving would also evoke hostility on her part. Things were peaceful now. Their stay had been pleasant, to say the least, for half their party. This would require a lengthy explanation followed by an even longer debate. All of which was getting him nowhere. Who was he to decide what was best for anyone? He'd already caused political upheaval in Palamar, leading to a regime change. It was luck alone that it had made things better. His only intention had been to avenge the attack on Poppy and rescue Scarlet. Only one way to decide.

"I've got him." Pip cried as she punched the air. "Message sent and read. He's deleted it. Good for him. This man knows what he's doing. It would have vanished anyway, but he didn't know that. Now all I've got to do is track him."
Coincidence or fate?
"Put together a packet of the most relevant and up to date information you have please Pip. Assuming you can send it."
"Not a problem. I'll reduce it to bullet points. He's heading towards that ornamental fountain. Should be there in a couple of minutes." She hummed, in what could only be described as admiration. "He's one good looking, distinguished man I must say. I think I have a thing for older men you know. Because he looks dreamy. Several thousand years older than me though he is, I wouldn't mind getting to know him better."
Uncertain as to whether she was being deliberately provocative or merely pulling his leg, Jake decided to leave that. It could entail a long, vaguely parental, conversation between them. One it was best to avoid. Pip put the call through as soon as it was safe. Ugo answered instantly.
"Make it quick. I have a few minutes at most before my people come for me or someone else tries to attract my attention."
Jake sent the information packet while filling Ugo in on what they'd discovered so far. Ensuring he included his own reading of things. Plus his indecision over the best course to follow. Ending by leaving the decision up to the Patriarch. Jake would do whatever he wished. His knowledge of all the intricacies of Fafindi put him in the best position to decide.
"I'm going to leave it to an older, wiser head than mine. If you and Daisy get together I'm sure you'll sort this out."
Ugo gave a humorless grin.
"You know, when you think about it, as the Wanderer you've lived many times longer than the Matriarch and I have. Seen far more than we've seen. Even that's an underestimate. You are the avatar of The Shining One, who was around millions of years before either of us was born. There's something you should know, before I tell you my decision. According to custom and law, the Matriarch can only reside with me for 2 days. During which time I will not be permitted to influence her in any way. We must both remain neutral. Once that two days is up others can petition her. I can't though." There was a pause, during which Jake's mind cartwheeled down that prospect. What was the point then? "My decision is that I will meet with her as soon as possible. I will let you know when this has been arranged. This has affected the timetable. Speed, which was already vital, has become more so. I must go. Thank you for the information Wanderer. Dark times are ahead."
With that the connection was broken.

There might be a way to dance through this minefield loosing only his legs and half an arm. If there was he didn't know the steps. Ugo had raised a point though. One he should consider. With his memory palace and those multiple life times, he had been through an awful lot. The operative word being awful. Up to this moment he'd been drunkenly weaving his way through a set of nested paradoxes. Such as potential immortality leading to extinction. All his comrades were similarly blessed with perfect health and vitality. If they died here they could be brought back. Yet they'd all accompanied him in innumerable life times. How did the immortal have multiple lives? They just did. Time didn't actually exist. Past, present and future were all the same thing with infinity. Hermes was taking part in his own birth. The work Poppy and Norbert were only now playing with, would lead to the first completely sane AI. How did you dance through that? Especially when he couldn't hear the music.

If his friends died, they wouldn't be dead. Not permanently. They could be revived. Their personalities placed into new bodies. He didn't have a neural net. The biological equivalent in his cranium didn't record his memory and personality in machine readable form. Daisy didn't have one either. That was an unwelcome thought. The realization he gained zero comfort from knowing they couldn't die more uncomfortable still. Daisy had been through a long war. She'd survived. The fact was no one in Fafindi would wish her dead. Not without a radical change in their mindset. Shit. Pip didn't have a neural net either. A swift look at the details of her internal workings proved that. How could he place her in danger? More importantly, how could he prevent Pip from placing herself in peril?

The rain arrived around 11 that night. The two of them had spent most of the day in relative silence. Jake leaving Pip to her work. Assuming that while she was occupied with that her mind wouldn't drift on to more depressing topics. The suspicions about Scarlet, along with mounting evidence, had rocked the youngster. Allowing her to concentrate on something more productive would reduce her worries. That was logical. He was getting good at logic. The problem was it wasn't as logical as he needed and the logic led to unwanted destinations. The problem was, Jake was wrong. Something he only found out when the two of them went on that mission he'd proposed. The two of them making their way in the early hours. Surrounded by darkness, he could see through. The flashlight he was carrying, only for show.

"My parents didn't say anything about her directly." An unexpected opener that came out of the blue, as they traipsed through the moderate rain. "They only said I must find my own path to the truth and my own answer to my question. I'm thinking they were speaking about her. I could be wrong."
At least she admitted that. He wasn't going to dig around to find out what had brought this up.
"Damn. Just as cryptic and enigmatic as my avatars. They really don't want to make this too easy for us do they?" He grinned.
Pip threw her arms around him. Pressing her face into his chest. Bringing the two of them to a halt
"What's this for?"He asked, placing his own arms around her much less tightly.
"You said us."
"Well I had to really. The whole thing I said more or less included us both and I couldn't do anything without you."
She pushed herself away, swatting at him.
"Don't spoil it."
"Oh shit sorry. That was a moment wasn't it" Her eyes started to water. "I am such an asshole. Sorry..."
"No you idiot. I'm not crying because of that. I'm crying because this may be the last time I see you."
"I thought you never cried?"
"Well I do. I honestly don't know what I'd do without you Jake. I think it will be impossible to go on."
"I'll be back. Don't you worry. A different body. A slightly different personality and an important mission."
"Which is?"
"To find you. You still owe me for getting your pendant back. And there's the little matter of dumping me in a sex booth. Not to mention pushing me in the river."
"Stop trying to make me laugh. This is sad."
"It shouldn't be. For every beginning there is an ending and for every ending there is a beginning."
That was ignored. Other more important things took precedence.
"You won't even remember me. Not among all those other lives you've lived. All the others are linked to you far more strongly. I'm only a small footnote."
They started walking again.
"On the contrary. I will never forget you. If I do pass away, I will find you again. I promise. I will have my revenge. I'll be able to sneak up on you to. You won't even recognize me until I get you back. Beware Pip."
"So this, what we've done, that'll make you come find me?"
"That and the small matter of how much money you owe me. That pendant didn't come cheap you know."
"Wait a minute. Aren't you one of the richest people on earth?"
"I am. I didn't get that way by forgetting debts owed me. Then there's all the interest. I might leave it a few years, so it compounds."
"You're an idiot Jake Halliday, but from now on you're my idiot. You're going to win this one. It's not like all the others."
"In what way is this one different? If I might be so bold as to ask."
She looked at him fondly, not knowing he could see her face as clearly as day.
"All those other times you didn't have me with you. We are unbeatable."


Hello @spunkpuppet, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

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