in #story5 years ago (edited)

The latest fragrance from L'Oreal :- Dog Turd, because your worth shit. Which is one of the reasons why lying is so popular. Imagine if advertisers, politicians and friends started telling the truth. It's horrifying isn't it? Lies are the oil that keeps the gears of society turning. Lying is one of the first skills a baby learns. Everybody lies. If we didn't lie people would know exactly what we thought of them. Women lie a lot more than men do. We do it to prevent hurting others feelings. We do it when we need an excuse not to do something. Therefore we cannot complain when everybody lies to us. From the companies selling us their lies to the influencers being paid large sums of money to lie. If you, as a liar, are so fucking stupid as to believe these lies, then you deserve everything you get. Expecting honesty from anyone when you lie all the time is not only stupid, it's hypocritical. Most of the dumb fucks on the planet can't handle the truth anyway. It hurts a lot more than the lies do. Face it, facts and reality are meaningless. They always have been meaningless. People prefer the lies that agree with their lies or delusions. In every walk of life. All hail to the power of the lie. PS : Your parents lied to you all the time.

(The copyright to this image is the property of Lay it Down by Bill Tell.)

Things were not going to plan. The wheels had fallen off almost immediately. If only he hadn't stopped to have a piss. Thinking there'd be time had been a mistake. With Pip headed off to the facilities within Taini's workshop, and knowing she'd be there a while, he'd been far too leisurely with his leak. He could have easily held on until he was at the ship. He'd have quite liked to pee on it. See what happened when urine met a near frictionless surface. Would there be splash back? Instead Jake had done what men have been doing for thousands of years. He went behind a low bush as soon as Pip disappeared from view. He couldn't rely on being forgotten. So he'd intended to head off to the ship when no one was looking. Going past the house before the sleepers and the lovers got out of their respective beds was vital. If anyone spotted him that could be recalled later it would be problematic. His forgettability wasn't perfect by any means. The earliness of the hour also worked against him. All of this he'd failed to act on.

Instead of setting off immediately, he'd delayed. First he'd dressed before peeing. When really he could have set off carrying his clothes. Then, as soon as he got behind that bush, Fetu joined him. And why not. They'd taken many a piss together on their travels. Things were hotting up in that bedroom though. He'd have plenty of time to get clear unnoticed. Fetu washing his hands, meant Jake had to wash his as well. It was a ceremony in a way. Once the Polynesian had completed his ablutions he headed to the fire and built it up again. They had stoves with them of course. It saved their fuel to burn the wood that was freely available. Jake washed his hands. He had to fetch a towel after. Unlike Fetu he hadn't brought one with him. The minutes were ticking by. He could still make it though. As long as there were no more delays.

Then Fetu started making breakfast. Should he mention that Pip wanted to do that? Did she really though, or was it only something to fill in the time? His fellow navigator nodded to him, as he stood there wavering. He'd leave it. Pip wouldn't mind not having to cook. Then it really fell to pieces. They all started moving at once. Pip had finished her toilet in both senses of the word. meaning she'd be coming out. That was bad enough. Much to his surprise, Scarlet and Ydrie got up. Why now? They'd been welded to that bed and restricted to that room for almost 18 hours. Fetu was getting things together for breakfast and for something else. Pulling out all sorts of equipment that wasn't required to cook anything. While he could see what everyone was doing, he couldn't see what they were going to do. There were windows open. And the ones that were closed were see through. Damn those transparent windows. With them all milling about he had to have perfect timing. For the next few minutes he stood wavering. Taking a step forward before retreating when one or other of his four possible witnesses moved in a direction where they might catch sight of him.

Pip had spotted something of interest. A quite sophisticated powerful winch. It was what Taini used to get airborne with her gliding suit. Scarlet was in the kitchen quaffing glass after glass of water. Looking bleary eyed, tousled, sticky and matted. She called to Ydrie that she would be taking a shower. She wanted him to join her. He agreed. Would be with her directly. She cracked open the kitchen window. Ydrie was checking his mail. All Jake had to do was get past the warehouse sized workshop. Then the house. Go to the far end, which was the furthest from the bedroom and en suite, and head off to the space ship.

The first part went well. He evaded the notice of Pip who was now examining the winch and all its accouterments. Then he slipped along the side of the house to the far end. Ydrie had dashed off a reply and done a couple of other minor things with his inbox. He should be able to dash past the end of the house and set off across the field to the crash sight. Shit happened, as it always does. Scarlet spotted Pip and called to her. Jake narrowly evaded detection there. He sped up to regain the lost time due to that delay. Almost there. Then disaster. Instead of heading straight to Scarlet, Ydrie opened the front door. Stepping outside into the early dawn light. Like Scarlet he was naked. Like her he didn't care. Running past at top speed would attract attention. So instead he stood there like a rabbit trapped in headlights. Ydrie looked at him. Puzzled by Jake's presence.

"Can I help you at all?" He asked in a neutral tone. "Only it's very early for someone to be passing through."
That Jake wasn't recognized was a double edged sword in this case. Ydrie didn't know he was in the party. Jake opened his mouth to say he was with the others. Scarlet would vouch for him. He swallowed that down with a gulp. First she might deny all knowledge of him as a joke or put down. Second she would potentially hold his presence against him. Both of these things had happened in the past. On a regular basis. She hadn't even introduced him to people except as an unwelcome simple minded idiot. Things weren't all bad. He'd "heard" some good news from Scarlet as she spoke to Pip. Then some more when Pip called out to Fetu to tell him the news. The young woman would be coming around the corner round about now. Ydrie was still standing there looking at him.
"I'm with Pip." He announced as she came into view. "She'll vouch for me."
She would after she got over the shock of seeing Ydrie's most prominent feature. It was mesmerizing her right now. Fortunately her casual raising of a hand as she stood staring was accepted by Ydrie. He smiled warmly.
"Sorry. I didn't catch your name."
That was an unintended trap Jake wished to avoid. Ydrie was obviously implying Jake should tell him his name. Stating his name might lead to Ydrie mentioning that name to Scarlet. He still might mention the strange man, but the risk was lower. Safety was key. His window for escape had been opened by other events around him.
"That's because nobody threw it." Ydrie looked a bit more mystified. "Don't worry about it. I was taking a stroll. Sorry to have troubled you."
With that he turned back to the campsite. Collecting Pip on the way. Still goggling wide eyed and open mouthed at the man's impressive endowment. A couple of gentle tugs managed to get her to break off the hold it had.
"Holy shit." She gasped. "That was one hell of a pecker. Pengelly's is big, but that's a monster. It's a wonder he doesn't pass out every time he gets an erection. I don't think I've got enough blood in my body to fill that."
He cleared his throat pointedly.
"Well you've seen it now. Time to move on."
She lapsed into silence. Returning to the anger she'd had before being stunned by a cock. Still casting the odd look back. Ydrie had moved inside now. Headed for the shower to join Scarlet. Not mentioning Jake, for now. Instead getting right down to business. It was amazing what you could do with soap and water. Plus a shower jet. Unable to contain her annoyance, Pip kicked out at the ground. Finally unloading what was on her chest.
"The captain says there's been a change of plan. We're staying here for a few days. No prizes for guessing why. Daisy and Pengelly agree with her. Again for obvious reasons."
That was one of the pieces of good news he'd heard. It was also a downright lie. Scarlet hadn't consulted with either of the others. This was a unilateral decision she'd rationalize and get them to accept later. It was quite cunning really. In one move she'd ensured they'd stay. If there was a vote and he, Fetu and Pip disagreed then it would be a tie. The captain's vote would decide. It was an unnecessary lie though. Jake would have voted to stay as well. Scarlet didn't know that. Probably expected him to object to it, so she'd preempted that.
"That's not so bad, is it? It's a nice place. The weather is fine." However rain was headed their way and would be there within 3 days. Quite heavy to. Although it would be lighter by the time it reached them. "You can do what you want for a while. What's the problem?"
"Fetu is going for a trek. Originally he was planning for a couple of hours. Now he's heading out to look round for days. He's not the most chatty of people, but at least he's company. This is going to be really boring with just me and you."
That was the second piece of good news. With all the others either occupied or asleep Jake would only have Pip to avoid. Leaving her here all alone.
"Surely you can go with Fetu."
On reflection that might seem like he was trying to get rid of her. He was. He didn't want Pip to think that. She kicked the ground again.
"No. He's going walkabout. It's something he does when the mood takes him. Helps him remain in contact with nature or whatever. He'd have offered if it wasn't for that. I'm not going to beg him. It's just us. Bored out of our skulls."

That wasn't the reason for her mood. She'd been like this since early yesterday. He wasn't going to pry though. She'd come out with it, in her own time. Damn. Leaving her here all day on her own would be a very shitty thing for him to do. It would be the same tomorrow. Pip was in pain for some reason. He'd have to sneak away behind her back without any explanation. Jake didn't do solitary walkabouts. Like it or not the young lady was a problem. He'd been planning to take some supplies out to the ship. Had already surreptitiously made the preparations. So he could stay there for as long as possible to get all this crap inside his head dealt with. How could he make this less painful for her? She'd be safe here. The entire country was practically crime free. No poverty added to freedom. The smell of Fetu's cooking wafted into his nostrils from far away. He'd get himself wrapped around a good breakfast, while coming up with a way of breaking it to her as gently as possible.

It shouldn't have been a surprise when all he could come up with was slyly slipping away when she wasn't looking, or drugging her. The second being the least cruel he could see. If she were sufficiently sedated he might be able to convince her that something else had happened. His intention to stay at the ship was out of the question. After breakfast, Jake was still unable to think up anything that wouldn't hurt Pip. The two of them bade Fetu good bye as he set off into the countryside. Jake plonked himself down for a long hard think. Pip slumped down dejectedly on the opposite side of the dying fire. His inspiration came from an unexpected source. As they sat in silence he heard Scarlet. In truth he'd been hearing her and Ydrie all the time. This made him sit up and act fast.

"Of course I've done it before." She declared. "Only not with a cock anywhere near that big. I'm going to give it a try under two conditions. You use plenty of lubricant and you stop if I tell you to." She then got off the bed and closed the windows. Proving she had some idea of the task she was attempting.
Jake sat up bolt upright. Even closing those windows wouldn't block the potential noise. They'd most likely wake up the others with the cries of pain. He couldn't allow Pip to hear them. It might scar her. It was definitely going to leave a mark on Scarlet. He scrambled to his feet.
"Pip, I've got a secret." he told her as he went to collect what he'd prepared. "One I am going to share with you. Only on condition you swear not to tell anyone. Not the captain. Not Pengelly. Not anyone. Do you so swear?"
She got up, quite eagerly. Held up her hand.
"I swear by the code of The Brethren that what you tell me will not be shared with another, else my life and liberty be forfeit."
Unlike Scarlet, she'd actually stick to that come what may.
"Great. Grab some rations and follow me. We won't be back here for a quite a while."

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