SECRET CRIMES: Episode 7 - Trapped and Scared (Original Story)

in #story7 years ago

Episode 7: Trapped and Scared ...

What happened previously?

A woman named Anne Smith mysteriously got shot by a Policeman - the Sheriff's son. She is now in the hospital, in a coma.
Susan, the secretery at the Sheriff's office then overheard a conversation: the Sheriff was planning to arrest / kill Anne to cover up for his son.
Now Susan wants to save Anne Smith and hide , with the help of her Doctor, Dr. Jacobs.
They have found a safe spot in the morgue to hide her - but they will have to move her soon if they don't want Deputy Jim to find her.. Where should they escape to ?!

The clock on the wall ticked loudly by, in the semi-dark basement, making the morgue seem even more creepier than it was already. Tick-tock tick-tock, that's all Susan heard. The clock was too loud; it almost covered all the other sounds around her!
She stood behind the door listening to the heavy footsteps, coming closer and closer to her door!

She tried to concentrate, blocking the loud clock out of her mind.
Tick-tock tick-tock, it worked... Now she could clearly hear two sets of footsteps outside her door. That meant 2 people were running here.

One was moving very slowly, the other one... oh so fast. She could not tell who was in front!

That damn clock! She thought madly. You're driving me crazy. Let me think...


So we are really trapped here. A dead end, what a way to go!

Slowly, she looked over to Anne Smith laying on her small bed. Something was wrong with her...Poor dear, she thought sadly.
I wish I could do more for her, but there is too much danger around here, much more than I expected. She sighed softly... touching her wet forehead!
Well, at least she is nice and warm now, and as quiet as a mouse. She almost smiled when she thought that!
Her small smile vanished quickly, when she pictured in her head the dark image of Deputy Jim looking for them, and finally finding them here in the morgue. His cruel, mean face facing her with hate and anger, holding in his right hand his beloved pistol... and pointing it right at her!

She almost screamed with panic, when she saw the black door knob move slightly to the left!

"NO..." She squeaked, her hands covering her mouth!


The two Alabama reporters in the front row, waited impatiently outside the hospital.

The female reporter was very angry and cold. Why are they keeping us waiting here so long before they tell us something... don't they care about us? She thought.
"Definitely not," she said loudly, turning around to look at the other reporters behind her, who were all waiting and probably feeling just like her. She looked across to her cameraman. He was sitting down on the floor smoking a cigarette, relaxed as usual.
That´s not normal, she thought.
"Can I have a cigarette, please?" She asked quickly, taking him by surprise.
"What?... but you don´t smoke," he said slowly.
"But I do now..." She answered back, annoyed.
Her pretty, made up face, looked mean as hell.
"Hey, take it easy Monica. Why do you always get so angry so quick? Who cares if we have to wait, we're getting paid for it!"
"Yes or no?" She said coldly.
He looked at her again, slowly taking his time to answer. Let her wait a bit, the bossy cow, he thought. She has no respect at all. She thinks she's going up high,
with that attitude?... No way!
He thought.
He almost smiled when she got more annoyed, knowing he was keeping her waiting. She moved quickly toward him, but before she could talk and complain... he held out one cigarette for her, saying, "Here you go, Monica."
She took it slowly. Then she smiled nicely at him.
"Thank you Dave… hmm, have you got a light too?"
"Yeah... sure… here," he said, tossing his silver lighter over to her. Now he was really angry!


He watched her smoke, puffing in and out, stopping only to cough now and again.
"Hey, is that your first cig?" He finally said, irritated.
"Yes…" She said calmly, facing him.
"Sorry I was so rude to you. I don´t know what got into me... This endless waiting and waiting is driving me nuts," she paused, taking in a deep breath.
"Anyway, listen. I have a good idea... Let´s go inside the hospital. We can get our own story there. We are just wasting time out here. The action's in there! Will you follow me?"
He stood up quickly grinning. "You bet I will!" He said happily.
"Let´s go?"

Now he liked her!

Together they packed up their equipment and moved toward the hospital. Monica looked back quickly. The other reporters were watching them move.
"I hope they don´t follow us..." She said quietly.
Dave did not hear her. He was whistling softly to himself. Preparing his mind and camera for action!

Back in the morgue, Susan watched as the door knob turned, and she prayed hard.

Then it stopped, suddenly. The person behind the door stopped!

Susan stood there speechless, watching.
Then she heard a man's voice shout, "STOP!"
Followed by a few seconds of silence. Now two men stood behind the old, brown door talking, speaking softly to each other. They spoke so low, she could not hear a word they were saying. Then one left, and the door slowly opened!

The door opened, and standing in the doorway was Dr Jacobs.

He stood there out of breath. His face red and tired!
"Dr Jacobs…" She cried with such relief, not believing her eyes.
"Thank you God..." She whispered gently.
He walked in to the room, shaking his head. "That was so close, he almost had the door open. Now that was a miracle, I thank God too."
"Who... almost opened the door?"
"Professor Green!" He said.
"I was so afraid. I thought it was Deputy Jim and his men. You don´t know it, but you are truly an angel. You saved us again. Thank you!"
My prayers were heard. She thought.
"Tell me please, Dr Jacobs... What just happened...?"
"Ok... I will tell you now, but first I must say, I am no angel. God knows that. I´m nobody special... I´m just a good soul, just like you!"
She nodded in agreement, understanding him.
"Ok... so let me begin... I met him upstairs... Deputy Jim. I was deeply shocked at how cold he was. Just as you described him, but more. He is a very dangerous man. How did he get to be a police officer? This is some crazy town we are living in. **He is searching the whole hospital up and down, **so it won´t be long before he reaches here too," he said pausing.
"I almost died when I came back down and heard her screaming, and who did I see running out of his section? Prof Green! He heard it too? Amazing. I forgot to tell you, but Prof Green is deaf… well… half-deaf. He wears two hearing aids and he is as old as a bat!"
"How old is he then?" Susan asked.
"70 years old."
"Wow, thats old, and he is still working here?"
"Yes... remember when I told you before that this is the safest place to hide or sleep? It's because he hears nothing."
"But... he heard her," she said loudly, beginning to smile. They both laughed, breaking the heavy tension in the air.
Still smiling, he turned his head to look at his patient, Anne Smith. His face dropped when he saw her face.
He rushed over to her. Then he examined her, sighing heavily.
"Is she ok? She looks so pale... I tried to keep her warm..." Susan said worriedly.
"It's ok, don´t worry. It's time for her medicine. I almost forgot. Just too much stress..."


She watched him as he gave Anne her medicine. Her face finally changing, she no longer looked so pale.

The medicine was working. He wrapped the warm blanket around her.
Walking toward Susan, he said calmly, "She's ok now, but not for long. It's too cold down here. We must move her soon. Very soon."
"I know," she said worried. "We will move soon. Please continue your... story?"
"Oh yeah, right so... I see Prof Green running here as fast as he can. So I ran after him, as fast as I could. He reached the door before I could stop him and began turning the knob, but luckily, he noticed me at the last second running up behind him and stopped before I shouted at him loudly to stop," he said sitting down.
"Holy smokes... that was close!" He added.
"Yeah, you can say that again! What did you say to him?"
"Yes, we spoke shortly... he said he thought he had heard something coming from this direction, and I lied saying, 'No sir, you're probably hearing things because you're overworked and tired. That happens to me too.' He laughed and agreed and said, 'Too much work here and not enough sleep. Always a doctor´s problem.' Then he left to continue his work!" Dr Jacobs finished, still thinking.
"I see he trusted you..."
"Yes, that's true. I know him so well. He is a nice fella with strange habits. The Prof is always turning off his hearing aids when he is working. He is our best autopsy doctor here. Not even old age can stop him working here!"
Susan listened, feeling much better. The tense feeling in the air was gone, but still, there was danger around.
He felt it too.
"It's time for us to move now Dr... We are not safe here."
"Yes I know," he said slowly.
"Ok, I'm ready now... I will go upstairs to make a new plan. Wish me luck." She said softly.
"Good luck Susan... please be careful."
"Don´t worry about me Dr. Take care of Anne. I'll be back soon."
Before she left, she covered her face and hair with a medical operation mask and blue medical hat she had taken earlier from the nurses' locker room.


She was prepared for everything, or so she thought, not knowing what was laid ahead of her.

Susan took the elevator up to the main entrance.

Looking suspiciously and quickly around her, she sneaked quietly to the exit. She spotted, just coming in, two people in a hurry. A lady and a man.
The man was carrying a heavy camera, the woman a microphone!
She drew back slightly and turned her back on them, waiting until they passed her by.


Reporters, reporters... the crocodiles are in the house. I must be careful that they don´t bite me. Bad news... spreads fast, she thought, as she turned her head watching them go by. She moved onward. She then saw through the opening glass door, that the car parking lot and the main street entrance was blocked by many, many people with reporters and flashing lights going off everywhere!

She drew back, dazed. Another dead end...

Now... how are we going to get out of here, without being seen?

- To be continued -

Previous Episodes of "SECRET CRIMES":

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6

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© Sirwinchester


Wow! Great story!!!

Follow you Uncompromisingly!

Thank you for your feedback! Very much appreciated!

I so like you article @sirwinchester!

I'm waiting for the continuation of your publications =)

Good story, very interesting!!!

Thank you! Happy to hear that you liked it!

Good ya writing. Please guidance, because I am new.

Thank you!
I can see you've been active already, keep posting!
And make sure to connect with other steemians, read and comment under their posts, and share your posts in the .
I also have a steemit facebook group where you can promote your posts or ask any questions. I'd be glad to help out!

Please guidance for suggestions, as it is still new here. Criticism and advice I need.

Du hast echtes Talent mein Freund! Upvoted Resteem kommt später

Vielen Dank für das Kompliment und für den Support, das freut mich!

Sehr gerne! Resteemed - Namaste

Awesome work, @sirwinchester.

Loving the intriguing dialogue between the characters as well as the suspenseful tone of the story as a whole.

Masterfully done! :)

Thank you for your kind words, I really appreciate the feedback!

Solid story. Multitalented SirWinchester. Sharing with @Steemtrail.

Thank you! I appreciate the support!

Didn’t know you are storyteller too! Even though your story is not so much of a fiction, you might still be interested a project I’m working on. Will you adhere the calling oh mighty storyteller?

upped at 100%, great initiative!
And yes I'm a storyteller and fiction writer, I have started several series of fiction stories on steemit and there's still a lot more to come ;)

Too late the pay-out already went through, but that doesn’t matter. All I want is to spread the word about it. I’m grateful for your intended support none that less and would be honoured if you decided to join or at least payed the project a visit from time to time :). Also I’m already following you so I shouldn’t miss the upcoming fiction stories of yours! Look forward to reading them.

rs and upvote for you....

rs and upvote for you....

Upped and followed! :)

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