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RE: Finding myself again

in #story6 years ago

Thanks a lot for this post, @moderndayhippie.
There is nothing in this post I didn't know already, but still it was a real eye-opener.

you even managed to makd me cry, because what you say is so true, and I can completely relate to what you are saying.

For me too, it is time to find myself again, one step at a time. Nothing is going to change if I keep lying on my bed all day, feeling sorry for myself and using sleep to escape from reality.

For my back problems to get better, I need to take several walks a day. Yet, I keep finding excuses not to. But from now on, I'm going to try to change my ways (I say 'try', because Rome wasn't built in a day, right?!).
I'll be bookmarking this post and use it as a reminder for when I'm drowning in self-pity again; after all, my life and what I do with it is my own responsibility.
I'll get started... after my next nap. 😉


I am so happy that this post is helping other people. I wrote it because I needed to remind myself about some of this stuff, I never realized how many people were in the exact same position in life that I am.. Sometimes we all need a wake up call and I am glad I can inspire you to try to work on yourself too..
I too am guilty of trying to sleep away pain and depression but it has never made me feel better, it just passes time and things compound. I have back pain too, scoliosis since i was a child and now compressed and slipped discs thanks to my time in the military.. I don't know what yours are but walking, stretching, yoga and strengthening my core have been the only things to help it feel better and it takes time and effort daily.
If you ever want someone to talk to (about anything at all) feel free to DM me and I would love to chat.. I think you have a beautiful soul and I know we would get along great..
Take care of urself and thanks for the awesome comment.. :)

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