My attempt of writing a short story - This is the story of Charlie.......

in #story6 years ago (edited)

This is a short story of a boy I used to know from my schooling days. His name was Charlie and he was a pretty normal boy. He had 2 older sisters and their parents had a nice house and there was nothing odd about Charlie. He got into trouble sometimes but only small stuff as we all did, you know just normal. Nobody has seen him in around town from he was about 15 and he became what he is today. I sometimes think about him and what why he did what he did but each to their own. This is Charlie's story..........

The story starts on a sunny Monday morning in May 2000. Just another school day for Charlie until he was called to the principal's office over the schools radio. Everyone in his class started to stump their feet and slap the table tops and cheer for Charlie as they knew he was in trouble. Charlie's form teacher had ratted him out for not completing some weekend homework and he knew that his mother would be waiting for him with the principal as this was his 3rd strike. He stood up with arms in the air and walked to the door like a boss. Once outside the classroom and in the hallway, he arms fell and he knew he was gonna get it....

The principal's office was a few minute walk away and he walked as slowly as he could until he was passing the men’s teachers toilets when he got a thought. He thought, I could hide in them toilets and nobody would think to look in there for me. Charlie slipped into the men’s teacher toilets and headed straight to the cubicle that was furthest from the door. He sat on the toilet lid for a few minutes listening to the noises from the hallway until he was relaxed. He soon got bored and remembered that he had a black marker in his back pocket but what to do with it? He had heard if you inhaled a market really hard, you would see things so he removed the lid and smelt it as hard as he could until he gave himself a light head but no tripping. Bullshit he thought, my mates are full of it. He sat back down on the toilet lid and draws a big cock on the cubicle wall. It was decent looking cock and he proud of his work; he even added a little spank coming out as a final touch. About 20 minutes had passed and the bell went for 1st break. Charlie decided it was time to face the music and head to the principal’s office as teachers would be showing up soon to use the toilet. So he slipped out into the madness of a packed school hallway at break time and blended in the crowd quickly. He was soon pulled by his form teacher and bought by the wrist to the principal's office in silence.

When he arrived, his mother was there as he had thought but she did not look mad and the principal was reading some papers uninterested. As he entered the room, his mother stood up and said, ‘right, let’s go... We are late''. He asked what?, and she told him he had a dentist's appointment and that that they were running late. Charlie's heart skipped a beat due with the relieve that he was worried for nothing. As he was on his way to the dentist for his check-up, Charlie thought about the cock he had drawn in the staff toilet and thought it would be smart to throw that marker away so that they could not trace it back to him.

During the school announcements the next morning it was flagged by the head teacher that some pupil had broken into the men’s staff toilets and defaced one of the cubicles. He said that they would find the person responsible and that would receive a week in detention and be made to clean it off as well. Let me tell you, Charlie was shitting himself and tried not the look nervous. He quickly thought that he was smart to throw away that marker and smiled, and then thought don’t smile. It was the talk of the whole school, everyone was talking about this big cock that had been drawn in the staff toilets and how funny it was. Everyone loved Charlies cock drawing. Of course Charlie never told anyone it was him and played along in asking who did it. Charlie was feeling like the man and he got through the day without getting caught. The next day in school, his cock drawing was long forgotten and the masses had moved on but Charlie had not moved on. He knew he had gotten away with it but as he sat in class he thought what's next?

That evening at around 10pm Charlie had finished drawing up his master design cock, the cock that would make him famous. Charlie dressed up in a baggy hoody, baseball cap and took a backpack full of red bull and black markers with him on his mission. That evening he took to the local town and park to make his mark. Charlie went crazy with the red bull and drawing cocks all over the place. He must have drew about 20 cocks everywhere from small ones on atm's, to public benches in the local park to business windows. Each time drawing them bigger and bigger until he was drawing them taller then he could reach. By the end of the evening, he returned home high from the buzz from the nights tagging and was feeling good. The next morning, his head was clear and he had some regret. He started to think about he had done and instantly thought how could he fix it. He quickly looked at his clock and it was 6.20am, he had waked early and thought there would be time to clean it all up. So he jumped into last night’s clothes and run outside and down into the town to see it was full of traffic from people going to work and some business owners were arriving. He knew it was too late, too many witnesses and his instinct was to get the hell outta there and back home to get ready for school.

A few days had passed with nothing was said about his cock art that had defaced most of the town and local park. Then on the Friday evening his father was reading the local newspaper while eating my dinner when Charlie seen the title on the front page that read '' Who is this Cockman defacing public areas?''. His dad seen him looking and commented, ''just some kid having a laugh son'' Now Charlie is not one for newspapers so he made up story about making a paper mache globe as a school project and could he have the paper after his dad had finished have it. He waited in his room for a good hour before his father arrived and threw it in through his door shouting at him '' There you go son!’ Charlie jumped on it and started reading it right away. It said that there was an unknown vandal drawing cocks all over town and that the cockman would he caught, named, shamed and made to clean up the mess. Charlie was thinking, that’s me. I did that.....I’m the Cockman. Charlie knew this was a turning point in his life, he knew he would become famous by drawing cocks and dreamed about drawing cocks that night all over the world. He dreamed about all different shapes, sizes and colours of cocks to use but he always ended up back with his master cock, his signature cock.

Over the next few weeks, things died down and things moved on and everyone forgot about Cockman and Charlies cock. Charlie did not forget and he was gonna show the world what cockman could do. He waited and he planned his next cockman mission until one day he heard on the TV news that the Capital City town hall was being re-opened after a refurb. He heard that there would be TV cameras, local celebrities and members of the royal family present and that's when he knew what he had to do. The town hall reopening was taking place in 2 days and he got the work. He got lists of schedule's, who would be arriving when and what was happening at every stage. He planned everything perfectly down the most finest of details and then the big day came...

Charlie stood in the crowd; there were thousands of people there, streets packed out. Burgers stands, ice cream vans and cheap toy stalls filled the car parks. He counted at least 30 camera's from all different TV stations and seen the special guests up on stage. The town hall as covered in a huge sheet that would drop and unveil the town halls new look. He stood in the crowd listening to all the different speakers talking about this and that, about how great the capital city use and blah, blah. Prince Philip even said a few words but it was starting to drag. He knew it would be any minute now. He knew his moment was coming and then the major stood up with the big oversized scissors and handed them over to some famous person off a reality TV show. Charlie stood on his tip toes and as the countdown began he knew the second the ribbon was cut, the sheeting that covered the town hall would fall down and show off his cock art to the whole capital city. This was the day from which he would be known as Cockman. The countdown began and Charlie counted down with them.


Sounds of Cheering and clapping turned quickly into ohhhh's and ahhhhs

Charlie had done it, he had drawn the biggest cock that he had ever drawn before and had it seen by thousands of people if not millions. Charlie stood in the crowd looking at people’s reactions to his massive cock; the people on stage had their hands covering their mouths trying to look proper, he seen some older people shaking their heads in disgust and other younger people laughing about it. The major quickly stood up to speak as the sheeting was pulled back up the building to cover Charlie’s cockart but Charlie was long gone. He legged it fearing the worst was going to happen to him. He never returned to school and was never seen about town again.

And that's the story about Charlie the Cockman and why our capital city has a massive cock painted on it. I heard a few years back he was sent to a crazy house and had a cock tattooed on his face. When they released him, he joined the circus and become the main attraction with his cock style of dancing. It's been 16 years and his parents are still looking for him. Kinda sad........

If you know the where abouts of this man. Please contact 1-800-COCKMAN with details.


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A few minutes of entertainig reading. Good post.

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