Weekend Freewrite- The Sad Revenge

in #story7 years ago

This time, the ones participating in the #freewrite challenge were supposed to write a story based on three prompts given to them. Here is mine with the prompts:

1: ‘I like hats.’ That’s what Donald said the day before he killed Sally.’
2: She found him in the Terminal Bar and Grill. He was sober for a change.
3: The time he caught a fly ball

So here I go with my story. It is titled the ‘The Sad Revenge.’


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‘I like hats.’ That’s what Donald said the day before he killed Sally.’ Donald and Sally had been seeing each other for about 2 years now and their relationship was quite a rocky one. They were extremely passionate lovers at one point- those who were head over heels in love with another and would go at lengths to prove their love for each other. But God knows what would happen to them after a few days and they would fight crazily over petty issues. Maybe they both had temperament issues or maybe this is how they were- crazy people who were too expressive with their feelings.

Although their fights were pretty crazy at times and all of their friends knew how insane the two could get- threatening each other to kill the other and stalking each other like psychotic serial killers, nobody really thought Donald was capable of murdering Sally. Sadly, this was the truth.

Donald was found in Sally’s living room lying numb next to her cold body covered in a flood of blood when the police found him. he did not deny the charges and his fingerprints on the dagger confirmed the police officer’s suspicions.

Nobody really knew why he did that but slowly the story unfolded. Donald was involved with some underground gangsters and Sally suspected him of that. She had found him taking a huge sum of money from some random guy who didn’t look decent at all while she was on one of her ‘stalk-Donald’ ventures.

It was then that she became suspicious of his actions and broke up with him for the final time but kept stalking him. When she last broke up with him, Donald started drinking heavily and became addicted to booze within 2 months.

She found him in the Terminal Bar and Grill. He was sober for a change and Sally was relieved to see that. It was then when she saw him after 3 months of their breakup. She had no intention of talking to him but he came right to her and began sobbing in front of her. He was wearing a strange hat and told Sally how he liked hats with a funny smile just to make her smile. His humor often cracked her up so he tried using that to cheer her up and make her rethink her decision.

When nothing worked, he even pleaded her to get back with him but she didn’t budge in this time around. She loved him a lot but she wasn’t ready to be accepting enough of the things he was involved in. She didn’t tell him why she broke up with him when she did the last time around so Donald was still unclear on why she wasn’t getting back with him. He believed it was one of her occasional mood swings and she would feel better after a week or two. However, 3 months had passed and Sally hadn’t returned any of his calls and had even gone away to live with her sister in another sister during that time which is why Donald was extremely frustrated.

He compelled her to talk to her but she left the bar. Donald followed Sally to her home and even though she had changed her locks that didn’t stop Donald from getting in. he broke the backdoor- he was quite huge and strong and got in her kitchen. Sally saw him getting in the kitchen and threw whatever she could find in her reach at him- it was a ball.

The time he caught a fly ball (okay I know this sounds absurd here so I’m just going to continue anyway), he just threw it away and then pounced towards Sally. Whether it was the booze or his extreme rage from being dumped, Donald was extremely violent. He started beating Sally hard and when he felt his punches weren’t enough, he began using things he found around. His hands got hold of a knife and that was the end of Sally.

I know things may seem out of place in this one and the story is quite a disturbing one but that’s what I thought of and since a freewrite isn’t supposed to be a monitored piece of writing, I think I did fine lol.

Do share your views in the comments below. Love and light,


I am a happy member of the #alliance


If you wish to be inspired, head over to the @ecotrain for some brilliant stuff.




Well written,,not sure how the fly ball thing fit in though..other than that I loved it

I know I found it hard to fit in too but it was a requirement so I just forcefully added it and went on writing. It is a freewrite so you have to go with whatever comes to your mind. Thank you so much :)

I think the piece was well written..im following you to see more of your work..thank you

Awww how kind of you <3

I loved it! It was very suspenseful. I had a hard time with the last prompt too. I wasn't sure where it was going to after that one :) Thanks for sharing!

Thank youu! Yeah prompts can be hard to deal with at times. Going to check your blog :)

Hy... i just came by before going to sleep and tried to read, but can't do that so just liked the post ;-)

You are from the people that i'll hit like even from the feed without reading. I know you will always have good content.

Cheers and good night

Aww you are very sweet. I do that too. When I'm too tired to properly read something but come across a post by people I know produce good content, I just upvote their content and read it later. Haha


I couldn't hold my mouth... hands and i still wrote those few lines, to know that i was here ;-)


You maybe know that writing on the walls:

xxxx was here!

but i didn't do that... for now

I will indeed read this story - sorry I have been very absent minded these past few days - in an attempt to get more votes for you I pushed my creation into making your selfie album - now I fear we may be too late!

Aww that's okay, that album will always be close to my heart. You are just so amazing. I'll be talking about you too in the video I'll make for the new contest by @surpassinggoogle.

Great job with the prompts! The story is awesand the flyball is so hard to incorperate!

Thank youu and yes flyball gave me a hard time also because I didn't my story through before writing it down. I just switched on the timer and thought about it as I went on.

It's a nice write!

Thank you again. :) Did you write on it too?

I did! That was hard!

Lemme check that out.

Thank you so much! ♡

:) those freewrites ..... getting the prompts in is stretching the brain :)

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