How I Became A "Professional" Writer: A Kid Story

in #story7 years ago


In Me And The English Teacher, I told the story of how I pretty much wrote my way into college... Without retelling the whole thing: While in Adult Ed I had shot off my big mouth about being a better writer than Jack London... not true, London is an excellent author, I just hate his subject matter- some guy freezes to death in the northwoods... Duh! Who gives a fuck!!! He shouldn't have been there. Anyways, I had painted myself into a corner and had to come up with three or four stories overnight. So I got out my wife's old Corona and got busy! The teacher was impressed (but not impressed enough that I didn't have to read London's shitty story) and asked permission to forward my stories to a professor friend at Central Michigan... The rest is history, as they say...

We got moved into Married Housing, me, my pregnant wife and three kids. It was about a week until the semester started and instead of partying like everybody else, I spent the time familiarizing myself with the library... how to access information systems, etc.. I had NO experience using computers, so I was way behind the curve- or so I thought. It paid off nicely in the long run.

My first semester (Spring) I became friends with "Bruce," another non-traditional (a nice way of saying old) student. "Bruce worked for GM who was starting a program to help employees get their GED's. Bruce was to run the program (Now I understood why GM went broke) and was working for his MS in Education. When it came time to write his thesis, he was in a bind. Actually, how he got his Bachelors is beyond me.... he was a great guy but dumber than the proverbial box of rocks.

So I took him in tow and brought him to the library and showed him how to access systems and garner the material he needed for his thesis. When he had completed 6-7 pages of his first draft he brought them to me to proofread... This guy was fucked! I asked him, "how bad do you want this thing and how much are you willing to spend to get it?" After a little haggling we settled on $200.00 (he had done me a few favors so I gave him a break). The die was cast... little by little grad students- mostly foreign- began approaching me for "help."

It was my Freshman year and I was writing Master's Theses. Depending on how much work I had to put in, determined the price... except the Arab guys that were filthy rich and drove Ferraris- they payed more. If I had to do the research, I charged $1000.00 if they had the research material and had some crucial information - you know, like what they wanted it to actually be about- it was $500.00. I wrote parers in Psychology (for some reason all the Arab guys wanted to be psychologists), History, English Political Science, Education, Sociology, Anthropology and probably some I forgot... And of course my own in Economics that I did my Sophomore year (and published). To tell the truth, it was kinda fun... and of course the money was great!

I actually learned something as well... "Higher Education" is the biggest case of consumer fraud in America today!

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GIF by @papa-pepper



Happy independent day my dear friend, did you shoot any fireworks?.....Grinning

Not me my friend... They scare the heck out of my dog!!! Thanks!

Nice history and Happy 4th of July......

Thanks! I had somebody thank me for my service today... I'm old, but I didn't fight in the Revolution lol!!!

Thanks for sharing your story Rich - it reminded me a LOT of my own experience while completing my Masters. Long story short, I had to "help" my brother a lot on his Master's Thesis - I didn't get paid however....d'oh! Also whenever anyone in my family had a book report to get done, guess who had to do all the reading and writing - this guy!

Higher education is definitely a classic case of consumer fraud but at least in your case, it paid you pretty well in college! I wish I had some filthy rich Arab guys at my college......

It was amazing... The college had to know! These guys (Arabs) were idiots, very polite, but none of them could pour piss out of a boot (even if the instructions were written on the heel). They were just buying degrees!

Yup all colleges are essentially selling degrees - we're all paying for that diploma, except now it's without the guarantee of a job after graduation lol

I had a professor (a real one) tell me I was better qualified to teach than 90% of the faculty... They were all phonies!

If I was still in college, I would totally sign up for your writing class!

Wow... I take that as a compliment! You're no slouch yourself- I've read your stuff (and stylistically, you're as good as I am at least!)!!!

Now that is a huge compliment - thanks Rich!

Please see your post mentioned here

Wow... Thank you! And that wasn't even any of my good stuff!

like it。 keep posting

Thanks... There's a bunch of them, starting with The Kid That Became A Guy. Most of it takes place in Boston

Congratulations! Nice article :)

Have a great 4th July :)

Thank you!

Luv that photo and story of course 🌺

Thank you my dear!

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