No Honor Among Friends

in #story7 years ago

Note: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

(Source: Google)

To My Dearest Friend,

I remember that summer, the summer when we first met. We laughed together, watching the seniors struggling to contain their inner panic when one of the new members had accidentally released his arrow towards the soccer field. Thankfully, nobody was hurt and that was that.

But somehow, that moment had stuck with me for a very long time.

I remember your smile under that hot summer sun. It was genuine. Your eyes filled with mirth. You were happy, free to express yourself. It wasn't hard to strike a conversation with you. We totally clicked. Like two sisters that were separated from birth. We did everything together after that. We supported each other when things gets bad. I thought we would stay best friends until our hair turned grey; maybe even have fourteen cats among us to keep us company.


That was just me, wasn't it?

For you, I was someone whom you spend time with when you want to feel good about yourself.

For you, I was someone whom you parade around like a monkey to show off your good side.

For you, I was someone whom you offered a shoulder to cry on so that you can relish on my suffering while feeling a bit better about your messed up life.

Your plan was going well, and you were happy staying "friends" with me until you realized that nothing seems to be going as you had expected...

For you, I wasn't supposed to receive recognition when you had worked your ass off for your own project.

For you, I wasn't supposed to have a close-knit family when your own was broken to pieces.

For you, I wasn't supposed to grow close to your group of friends as you didn't expect them to genuinely like me.

You were literally dying inside to see me strive and "took" what you had deemed was yours.

What right did I had to waltz into your life and steals everything you care about?

What luck did I had to be born into a loving family when yours are broken beyond repair?

What part of life had I done differently from you to deserve more happiness?

These questions kept you awake most nights and your heart bleeds a bit more every day trying to contain them inside. It turned into a monster that was eating every piece of your sanity. So you seek out a way to make yourself feel better.

And what better way than for you to crush the person that was making you this miserable?

Maybe you would feel better if I was as broken as you are inside?

That's when you had decided to destroy my world. In fact, you had the perfect little plan. A plan that would certainly crush me until I could no longer stand.


That's is how I found you on the bed...

With HIM.

You couldn't start off small did you?

You knew you wouldn't succeed if you'd taken my lover instead.

No. You knew I would just forgive and forget after this small betrayal. Because you knew I cherish our friendship more than anything else. Because you knew if my heart was broken this way, maybe it will mend and find someone more deserving to love.

So you decided that you will have the last laugh...

By sleeping with HIM.

In our family's home.

On THEIR bed.

You'd seduced him, staged and timed for this to happen so that I will walk in while the both of you are completely bare. You writhing under him, moaning shamelessly to show how much you loved it all.

So there I was... standing like a dumb fool with my eyes wide open while my world cracks and breaks into tiny pieces.

Watching HIM embrace you.

HIM whom had been a faithful and loyal man for thirty long years.

HIM whom I had based all my boyfriends on as I dreamt of relationship as perfect as THEIRS.

HIM whom I had never believed with all my heart would succumb to lust this easily.

HIM whom I would never thought would betray me like this.

You just wanted to wreck me until I couldn't stand to live in this world, didn't you?

Because congratulations. You've won.

There's nothing in this world that would be right again. My heart will never mend. It will remains as shattered as yours.

Since I didn't want this broken heart of mine, I decided to give it to you. After all, two broken hearts are better than one. Are you looking at it now? Is it as warm and great as you'd imagined it to be? Or perhaps, it had blackened completely?

And I wonder...are you still laughing now?

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