The Dragon's Blood (Part 89.4)

in #story8 years ago

During which arguments continue...


     Deep within he knew, Trakaan did, perhaps Zorrak could be reasoned with, perhaps a Dragon as well known for his honor as for his fury could be convinced, but this one, this being of darkness could never be reasoned with. In time he would have to kill Karanthus, between them it would have to be to the death, he knew it with a certainty. 

     “I defend a MEMBER OF THE COUNCIL!!!” Millenius the Grand at last spoke, and when he did, even Zorrak backed away a step. He was copper, just like his daughter, just like Domina. His copper wasn't as brilliant as hers, wasn't as gloriously beautiful, but it was as grand as his reputation. He rippled with power, not just from his great muscular form, but from his very presence. This Wyrm absolutely commanded honor and respect and it was simple to see how he had kept this Council of such diverse individuals in check all these millenia. 

     Next to him stood a Dragon so immense it dwarfed even Zorrak, who mere moments before had been the largest of his kind Trakaan had ever seen. This was Tarasque the fearsome, Lord of the Swamps, King of the Emerald Dragons. If there was one even Trakaan himself feared face in battle, it was this one, and his heart couldn't help but soar if even a little at this great warrior's apparent defense of his actions. 

     “A member of the Council!!!? This is an outrage... never have we allowed an ENEMY of dragonkind anywhere near Crysallis, yet you call this vermin a member!!!??? An OUTRAGE, Millenius, that is what this is!!! An OUTRAGE and nothing more!!!”

     “The outrage, Zorrak the Blue, senior member of the Council,” Millenius continued, not backing down at the great Blue Dragon's assault. “The true outrage is the attempted murder of a Council member, the husband of my own departed daughter and senior member herself of this very same Council, by two other elder Council members. THIS is an act unseen by any of our kind in twenty millenia.... this is what should outrage you, what should truly outrage you!!!”

     And then he gave the Shadowdragon a glance, just one and it was so full of such venom, such utter contempt that it made Trakaan wonder what history, what dark bloody past, Millenius, Chief Prolocutor of the Council and Karanthus, Lord of Shadows, shared. 

     Meanwhile, Zorakk actually appeared taken aback by Millenius' outburst. His baleful glare passed between them all swiftly, from Millenius to Tarasque, to Tiamat and  Trakaan himself, and finally back to Millenius. When he had at last met the Prolocutor's yellow eyes again, he was different, some of the fire, or the thunder, had gone out.

     “Then nothing will be done then... is that it, Millenius? We will protect him as your daughter protected him. We will---”

     “I NEED NO PROTECTING, YOU MISERAB---” And he was cut off yet again by Tiamat's vice-like grip, this time it was painful, this time she allowed no compassion. 

     The others turned their gazes over to him briefly as he struggled with great futility, before returning to their argument. He understood why Tiamat did this, he could even empathize with her after all, but there was just so much he could take and bringing sweet Domina into the equation, outright mocking her in fact, was about as far as he would be allowing Zorrak to go.

     “Yes he will be protected, Zorrak, in the same way we protect each other,” Millenius went on with a sigh, the fire beginning to leave him as well. The old Wyrm was tired, and only now that he was beginning to calm did Trakaan see that. Only now did he see how dull this great Dragon scales truly were. Domina's passing had weighed heavily on more than just his own heart.

     Both Zorrak and Karanthus hissed at Millenius' words, their wings spreading, their crests widening with fury. 

     “There is more, Zorrak, there is more,” Millenius held up one talon in a nonthreatening manner, ceasing their complaints if only momentarily. “There are more that need protecting in these … trying times.... many more. The incident with Andvari's gold, the curse it befell upon Trakaan Astranax and his family has changed everything for our race. No longer can we lapse in our vigilance. We are hunted far and wide now. We are no longer honored, we are no longer respected. We are now feared and hated. We are a target for every would-be human hero. Those we have lived beside for countless millenia, who now grow stronger, more numerous by the day, are now our sworn enemies.”

     End Part 89.3
If you find yourself interested in the whole damnedable thing and wanna throw me a few bucks, here's a link to it on Amazon.   

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