The Dragon's Blood (Part 103)

in #story8 years ago

In which Lorelei Price fights back...


     Through the crumbling chaos, through the very ground shaking at the clash of the two titans as they battled their way out of the lair, Blake made his own charge, right into Lorelei Price. His fangs bared, his face contorting obscenely, his breath smelling of rot, he was on her, paralleling his master's attack on Blackmoon. 

     She was waiting for him. The dagger was in her hands immediately, in her hands and jabbing at his heart. 

     His eyes widened as the blade glinted in the light. He tried to roll out of the way, his unearthly speed aiding him away from a blow she guessed would've finished him off right then and there. His speed saved him, but she still managed a good stab, sinking the blade into his left knee. 

     She was rewarded with a powerful backhand blow that sent her flying into the nearest pile of treasure. Instinctively she grabbed at it, finding the heaviest object and hefting it. 

     “Nice---- shhhhhot, human,” he gritted his fangs, spittle dripping from his elongated jaws. “But do you kn--”

     She didn't let him even start. She was on him immediately, born of a steel built over years in the service, years taking down monsters like him. Oh they weren't immortal, most of them, but they were all the same, every last one of them, garbage that thought themselves above everyone else. 

     That first glittering object hit him squarely on the forehead, forcing him back a step. She saw the agony on his face as he was forced to move that wounded leg, the agony and the sheer outrage.

     “Y-you d-dare... you stupid little sh---”


     And she tossed another one, this one sharp, getting him on the shoulder.


     And another, this one in the crotch, dropping him to one knee, his eyes wide with unbelieving fury.


     And now she charged him, hefting the heaviest of them all, something that looked like some ancient mace, dark, brown and very precious looking, it's entire shaft embedded with jewels. It looked pretty damned deadly too.


     She brought it down, all of her strength behind that blow and this time she saw something she'd not seen before on Thomas Blake's arrogant face. This time she saw fear.

     Her blow hit nothing but air, the Vampire moving with unbelievable speed up and away from her, using that one working leg to leap a good ten yards back. 

     She growled like a feral animal and charged him again, the mace in her hand. 

     Howling with his own fury, he tore the blade out of his knee and tossed it a good distance away before facing her. His hands outstretched, begging for her deadly embrace. 

     She didn't back away, no, not anymore. She wasn't running from these night things anymore. She was killing them, every goddamn one of them, starting with this unholy bastard right here. She wasn't running, she wasn't hiding.... NOT.. ANY... .MORE.

     And so she charged straight into him, howling her primal scream, the hum of the cursed treasure all about her, death facing her head on.

     Then her cellphone rang.  


End Part 103

If you find yourself interested in the whole damnedable thing and wanna throw me a few bucks, here's a link to it on Amazon.   

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