
You're welcome, and I'm willing to believe that if there is some evidence...

NB. I have Zero gold, but I have a few dollars...

It's actually rather incredible what I have with those few dollars... I work about 30 hours a week, am very poor compared to the next guy, but compared to kings of old, I'm filthy rich. (It's December and I'm still warm and comfortable, for example...)

Do we think that if money was still just gold/silver, it would spread around so much?! Isn't it because of fiat, that money is able to spread so freely? With almost any idea, companies and individuals can raise money easily to lift THE REAL STANDARD OF LIVING IN THE WORLD! Just what has happened in the last 300 years...

Could there be a better system of money? For sure, and thanks to crypto, steem, and others plans, we'll get there... But thank goodness for fiat until now...

In the meantime, I'd rather have Rothschilds and a few dollars, than "kings" "ruling me" with gold (I'd have 0 gold) as it was for the last 2000 minus about 100 to 200 years...

I agree with most of what you say. Any way of thinking about philosophy, freedom, self-expression etc. is due to free time and the raise of the general stadard of living. I strongly believe in evolution and it is about time to get rid of "rulers" in any way. Free money like steem is one step, and one of the important ones. Identifying who is ruling is another step (here I strongly believe that democraty is just an illusion).
The "kings of old" are still there, but they are not visible and most of them are not "good".

I think that patience, philosophy, education, logic, accurate data about the world, technology (blockchain, p2p, etc.) and compassion will prove you correct. We don't need rulers anymore...

To be fair, I don't think our problems are the rulers faults. It is the fault of slow evolution... We, (every single one of us,) are still behaving like half animals...

This is true in many ways. From my perspective is "getting rid of rulers" a personal decision and mindset, not an active "war".
Still, for deciding not being ruled any more, you have to find out what is ruling you. This includes of course recognizing the inner animal which is ruling us much too often.

I have to admit that my claim of 50% ownership was poorly researched.
Here you get an even clearer view:

Also it seems that Agnelli and Rothschild is helping out each other on many projects (Rothschild financing projects of Agnelli in Japan e.g.) I found some less reliable source for the links between the two families here:

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