Sometimes I am a bit frustrated because of Steemit, but let's think the other way around.

in #story7 years ago

Once in a while I got frustrated. Working on an article a whole day, or share one of my best photo's I am emotionally attached to. And then I see a sort of the same post upvoted like a trillion times, and mine is only worth .01 cents. It feels like it is not paying off my hard work.


When I look at the same case the other way around. I am not here for the money or the STEEM. I am just here to read, learn and make new contacts. While writing an article I, myself, learn a lot about the topic and want to share it with the world.

The only thing is: well, I posted once one of my best photo's which I was also emotionally attached to, that feels strange. Putting your best pic forever to a blockchain, while nobody picks it up.

Anyway, I am learning to see the bright side of life. I will keep continue posting and I hope that when I am annoying others, they will let me know.

Thanks for reading!


Totally understand where you're coming from with this. Posts are like fishing. You do all the prep. Get the best bait. Then you cast your line and you hope you'll catch a whopper not a minnow.

Exactly, but at least now I am writing about things I know more about then the blockchain posts. ;-)

I have decided to post what I want to post. When I want to post. I like that.
Your post resonates.

Great idea! Just trying now to post about things I know about :-)

Great post, keep up the good work, and when steem really takes off, then so will you and your post's.

That's true! Thank you :-)

Yep - can be frustrating - but as you say, "not here for the money". However, it is nice when you feel like you are getting a bunch of people (virtually) waving and saying, "great job!". And my upvote just made your post worth $0.03! :)

I totally agree. It is very frustrating. I just want my posts read! I make the effort to pass on useful information in a reasonably formatted and interesting way. I take my time to do it right, then get 4 votes!!!ugh. X

Yes, I understand you. But; lets look this from the other way around: you shared your story with 4 others. Actually great!

Uum...sorry, when I see the content of some of the established posters, I am puzzled by the voting. Yes, I really am grateful to all of those who do read and vote. I just wonder, if my message is not getting through, is it worth it? X

Yup, for me it's worth it. You have to gain trust and SP in steemit, only by keeping active I guess. And you will learn yourself a lot by writing posts. So just to keep your head active and learn new things while writing; you earn more information yourself. Well, thats how I see it.

Thank you again. I haven't given up yet. Your post just hit a raw nerve and on impulse and frustration, I did as I always seem to do - act and suffer the consequences later! Hey ho, such is life. I do enjoy your variety of posts. I think I am moving that way. No rigid content, just 'go with the flow'. X

Yeah! That's the spirit!!

Thank you for your support. X

You are most welcome!

Its really hardto be noticed in steemit exept if you are rich or an IT specialist . But our time also will come some day just dont giveup !

Yeah, and we are still starters. So we have to build our account from scratch. These people did the same, hard works pays eventually off :)

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