My story - How is it like to study in America as a South Korean(Culture Shock, Struggles)

in #story7 years ago


        I still remember the day I came to America; it was April 24, 2006. When I landed at the SeaTac airport, I promised myself again to manage my life successfully. 

      As I expected, nothing was easy. I studied hard so as not to fall behind in the school, but my grades were still below my level because of the language barrier. Moreover, while I made many American friends, they already had more intimate friends than me, who could not command English fluently. So, I started to associate with other Korean students who could easily communicate with me, which decreased the frequency of my English use and certainly did not make me learn English better. 

     As I feared, the first day of school seemed like a disaster to me, for I couldn’t communicate with my homeroom teacher at all. Every word she spoke sounded like confused babble to me, and he continued in trying to help me with this incessant babble. Even after knowing that I was new to this place with a different background, he wasn’t able to assist me at all due to the communication problem.  I remember sitting all day long in class without understanding anything, but just constantly smiling and nodding my head striving to somehow fit in with the new group. It seemed like people were looking at me as if I had came from a different planet. 

       The first day of school passed by, and I was learning English, I struggled a great deal because of the new language. After about 3 months, I picked up English very quickly in terms of understanding. As I was getting used to the language, another issue knocked on my doorstep. The cultural difference confused me in many aspects. 

      During my life in Korea, my teachers taught me to respect the elders addressing them with a formal language. This meant that even if someone is older than me in few years, I had to treat that person with respect. An incident occurred because of this cultural difference. My first America friend was Tom. Because he was two years younger than me, I couldn’t understand or perhaps tolerate his, what I thought of as an ‘impudent behavior.’ Thus, I told him to behave himself and be more polite. 

       We argued over the issue and because of the cultural difference, we found no common ground in finding a solution.     This argument did not happened because I am Korean, and he is American, but because we had different priorities and views of the situation. For him, age was nothing; however, for me, age was so important. I realized that disputes occur among people, and even countries are separated, because of cultural difference like this. 

      Based on my experiences, I have become a person who actively tries to learn and understand others’ cultures from the small things they do and say, and use that understanding to bridge the gap between separated peoples. Since the beginning of my senior year, I have helped other international students shift into the mainstream because I empathize with them and best understand their situations. Through my practice, I can be the person who forges bonds between people from different cultures both in college and society.  


Such an incredible story with a great lesson. I found it fascinating to see the story from your perspective because I've never been anywhere where English isn't the main language. I speak some Spanish because I work with people many of whom are from South America, and often in my workplace, Spanish is the main language used, but that is still not the same. I wish you the best, also thank you for reading my introduceyourself post. I give you my upvote and follow, now that we follow each other, we can be friends! Lol! See you around.

쉽지 않은 환경 속에서 잘 성장하셨네요! 응원할게요.

소중한 댓글 감사합니다~

저도 이런 경험이 있어서 정말 공감가네요. 읽다보니 처음부터 끝까지 다 읽게 됐어요! 그래도 자신감있으신 것 같아 멋지십니다!

유학생활이 보이는 것과는 다르게 힘든점도 많죠~ 이겨내셨을테니 대단하시네요! 공감 댓글 감사합니다~

주변에 외국으로 조기 유학 가는 가정이
많아졌는데 언어도 문제지만 문화에 융화되는게
쉽지 않다고들 하더라구요.
글 잘 봤습니다 ;D

맞습니다. 언어는 시간이 해결해주지만.... 그쪽 문화에 스며든다는게 어렵습니다. 아직도 인종차별은 곳곳에 존재하구요... 그나저나 짤이 멋지십니다 ^^

The more you meet new people more you learn about life...isn't it? check out my Intro im totally new on steemit.

i will check my friend

Nice post! It's great that you are helping others as they adjust to a new setting because it's not easy.

I am looking forward to help others. I think understanding others is first step to help them. Thanks for your comment! have a nice day!

Yes and I think it is key to unify us!

Thank you for sharing your story. I study English and English culture. I have read books about people who move and find themself in this situation. Yours is my favorite so far. Even I've had many difficulties learning this language in a country where I can not practice it frequently. But it's ok.
I would like to know more about it experience one day.

Please do not post your links in other people posts.

Why not I see you doing that all the time

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