Scene 3 : ADUNNI (Sweet Possesion): A drama

in #story7 years ago

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This script was written by me few months ago while in school for a drama troupe I belonged to. It was presented at a drama night we had in school. They asked us to present on the theme “Standing tall”. The original title is “Standing Tall”
The script presents Africa immediately after colonization. It looks into the issues of cultural clash and clashes in belief system. However, the main message is holding unto one’s believes and values no matter what the situation maybe.
I played the main character (Adunni)
It was an awesome experience!

Scene 3

Exterior. Day-Palace

(Light comes on stage. The King and Queen are seated. Odewale is seen lying in a corner)

Queen Orisayemi: This is so terrifying. It is good his friends rushed him to the palace on time. I wonder what caused this but I have a great feeling he must be the serpent boy that spied on me yesterday night while I was trying to perform the ritual sacrifice.

King: You think so? but do not worry, gone are the days of Oedipus the King. Tragedy wouldn’t befall my Kingdom. Let’s just exercise more patience; the high priest would be here soon.

(Few seconds later)

King: Oh, there comes the priest.

(Priest comes in singing. He raises a sudden alarm on sighting Odewale. Queen Orisayemi jumps to her feet.)

Queen Orisayemi: High one, Night is approaching, such alarm mustn’t be raised. I am but a mere woman, put no fear in my heart.

(Traditional priest Paces)

Priest: I see fire! I see darkness! I see chaos! I see pregnant women delivering premature babies!

King: High one! Please speak whatever it is that the gods have shown you!

Queen Orisayemi: Shed more light on this matter and speak the truth clearly.

(There is a deafening silence. Priest turns his back to the King and Queen)

Traditional priest: Queen Orisayemi! You will die a barren! Your house would never hear the cry of a baby!

(Queen Orisayemi screams. She begins to weep. The king tries to console her)

(The chorus raises a tragic song offstage. The chorus voice is solemn and low)

Traditional priest: That is your fate!

(Traditional priest turns sharply to Odewale who lies on the floor)

Traditional Priest: That young man lying there on the floor, his life hangs between life and death and as I speak, his spirit wanders in the land of his dead ancestors. They plead with him to stay with them. That young has been chosen by the gods to be the king of our land!

(Queen Orisayemi and the King express shock)

King and Queen: King of our land!

King (Heaves): So what must be done now?

Traditional priest: (Cuts in) A sacrifice must be offered!

(Queen Orisayemi rejoices)

Traditional Priest: What brings joy to your heart my queen…. This is a time to cry!

King: What do you mean old one?

Traditional priest: This young man here must not die. Our land will perish. We would become slaves again not to the white man but to our fellow people.

King: Not during my reign as king!

Traditional Priest: The sacrifice to be offered must be carried by a woman who loves him with all our heart, her body and her soul! She must love him to the point of being able to give up her life for him.

Queen: Ah! Has he a lover?

(The guards whisper among themselves)

Guard: The young man has a lover! There is a rumour that he intends to marry her in the next twelve market days. His maiden’s name is Adunni.

Queen Orisayemi: Adunni!

King: Go and bring her here! Do not touch her but if she refuses then come with just her hands and her legs, that is all we need for the sacrifice!

(King paces angrily. Queen Orisayemi weeps.)

(Chorus raises a song)


Bass: Eyi ga ooo (This is a terrible thing)
Soprano: Oga, oga o, oga se. (Terrible, terrible indeed)
Bass: Eyi le ju (This is a grievous situation)
Soprano: O le, O le o, Ole se. (Grievous, Grievous, Grievous indeed)

(Few minutes later)

(Adunni’s weeping voice is heard approaching. Chorus ends song abruptly. The guards enter the palace dragging Adunni)

(Adunni frees herself on sighting Odewale. She runs towards him. She plants kisses on his face)

Adunni: Odewale mi! My treasure! What has happened to my lover? I have no wishes to sip from sadness wine. You cannot leave me alone!

Traditional Priest: Arabirin (Young woman) He is not dead yet. Your lover still lives but he is cut in between the world of the living and the dead. He needs you to save him! He is paying for the sins of his disobedience, for his eyes have seen the nakedness of the queen. A sacrifice must be offered and you must carry the sacrifice!

(Adunni jumps up in terror. She moves away from the trio)

Adunni: Sacrifice? Sacrifice to the gods of this land? Sacrifice to the dead gods of this land?

(The King slap Adunni angrily. Adunni falls weakly to the ground. She stands up admist tears)

King: How dare you call our deities dead? You fool! You will carry the sacrifice!

Adunni: (In tears) Sacrifice to save my Odewale? I no longer believe in the dead gods of this land. There is another way, the living God can save my Odewale not the gods made from clay!

(The King drags Adunni roughly by the neck)

King: You are the darkness the traditional priest says he sees. Odewale has been chosen as king by the gods! And you cannot save him? Where is the love you profess then? You do not love him!

Adunni: (In tears) This man lying here on the floor can I give up my life for but I cannot do that which you ask of me!

(Adunni runs towards Odewale. She weeps beside him)

(Queen Orisayemi approaches her)

Queen Orisayemi: Adunni, you have to carry the sacrifice? Do you not love your land? Do you want us to be slaves?
(Adunni runs towards the queen. She kneels beside the queen.)

Adunni: There is a new way, a new religion Olori (Queen) We do not have to follow the path of darkness anymore.

King: (Screams) What new ways! What new religion! Before the white man came we have always had our forms of education, our own medicine, our own life! Our own religion and we did well!

(Traditional priest begins to take his leave)

Queen Orisayemi: Baba (Old one) Will you leave us now?

Traditional priest: I must attend to other needs. When the maiden makes up her mind, let me know.

(Traditional priest trembles)

Traditional priest: Darkness and death looms! Darkness! Darkness!

(Traditional priest exits)

King: Woman! Make up your mind now or be prepared to face my wrath! I will start with your family if you have any.

(Adunni continues to weep beside Odewale)

Adunni: Odewale! I cannot do this alone. I need you. You have to fight.

(Adunni stands up slowly to deliver the next lines to the audience)

(Chorus raises a solemn hum offstage.)

Adunni: If it were you, what would you do? You know how I feel right now? Here lies my love slipping right away from me but I cannot do that which is asked of me. I feel empty! My life suddenly falls apart! The joys of yesterday now seems like a fantasy! I am a house invaded by the sea. My soul has lost it wings! But I love Odewale so much!

King: (Screams) enough of the talk! You do not love him!

(Chorus stop humming)

(Adunni is hurt by the king’s blatant expression. All characters on stage freeze.)

(Few seconds later)

King: Leave this palace now! Make up your mind! The guards would be back for you! Guards, throw her out of here!

(Adunni clings tightly to Odewale as the guards drag her out. She struggles with the guards as they carry her out of the palace. Adunni continues to weep)

(Chorus raises a song)


E ma pa na ife (Do not kill the flames of love)
Ema pa na ife o (Do not kill the flames of love)
Ton jo, Ton jo (It burns, It burns)
To mu la la la (Do not kill love’s fire)
Ina ife

Up next- Scene 4

Image Source: Google.

Thanks for reading!

@camzy made this icecreamcious toon for me.


My Pen Bleeds!


Drama queen mimy. Steem on my dear. But if i may ask, do you act?


Yeah, yeah.... I act.

Also look forward into breaking into nollywood very very very soon.

This looks like a complete drama series. I like that. Still waiting for the video though

yea yea... It's complete.

The only copy I have went away with my stolen Pc few months ago. The pain feels fresh now that u remind me of the video, It was a full performance with every necessary things.

Anyway, If you really want to see, all I need to do is get into a costume and make a video right here in my room.

Well, send 200sbd first.... lol.

I just might make a video soon.

You almost sound like those guys on steemit chat. Hehehehe. Send 5 SBD to my bittrex account let me upvote you 100 SBD.... send it now. Lol

Ok. I'm thinking about the offer. It looks too good to be true though :)


Sorry about your PC loss.

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