Deadlier Than The Male - Exclusive to Steemit - Mickey Finns, Spiked Drinks and other Shenanigans

in #story8 years ago

How well does a Werewolf's metabolism work when their drinks are spiked? How much Rohypnol does it take to affect such a being? Find out.

If you've missed the previous episode, it's HERE

Luke was still stressing the following evening, even though he had his disguise on – black jeans, black t-shirt, leather jacket, boots and dark glasses.

“You look like a burglar.” Red laughed.

“And I was going for the suave James Bond look, damn!” Luke laughed. “Seriously though Red, be bloody careful. I can’t follow you into the pubs and I’m still worried, I don’t trust Anna, or Darius.”

“Neither do I, but I have to show willing, she has to think I trust her, even if it’s only a little, she has so much to teach me.”

“Yeah, of course, Red, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks – I hope.”

“Who are you calling an old dog?”

Luke dropped Red off outside The Swan, where she was to meet Anna. Steve and Sparky both made a fuss of her and allowed her past the queue; she disappeared with a wave to Luke.

Inside was crowded, she couldn’t see Anna right away, but she sensed Wolf presence. If she looked close, she found that she could also make out subtle Wolf characteristics in mannerisms and even sometimes a faint outline of the Wolf they could become. It was close to Feralia she realised. All Wolves were nearing their peak of power – including her.

As she was leaning at the bar, waiting to be served, she felt a hand stroking up the back of her bare leg to pat her bottom. Red turned, but everyone within reach looked innocent. Most were not-Wolf. She turned back and heard laughter.

As she was leaning further over the bar, to pay for her drink, she felt the hand again, pushing the hem of her skirt up, invasive fingers curling around inside her leg, squeezing her arse.

Red’s hand snaked around back, grabbed the offending hand by the wrist and held it as she pocketed her change and placed her drink on the bar. Then she turned around, exerting pressure on the radius and ulna. The owner of which began to get uncomfortable.

“Let go then. It was only a laugh!” The not-Wolf owner of the wrist protested.

“Yes, and you’ve had a laugh, now I get to have a laugh – fair’s fair.” Red pulled his wrist towards her, grasping his hand with her thumbs on the top of his hand, forcing it to bend the wrong way, she bent it up in a sharp motion, his fingers directed upwards and then further back, trying to point his fingers back along his arm. She heard a faint pop as a bone re-arranged itself, making him wince. His shoulder was higher than the other because of the angle of his arm.

“Ah! That hurts! Let go you fucking bitch!” He yelled.

“Not yet, I’m not laughing.” Red replied.

“Let him go, get your fucking hands off him!” One of his mates stepped in.

“Oh, I see, it’s all very funny when there’s five – no six – big blokes groping one woman, but when she’s having a little fun at your expense, it’s not quite so amusing is it?” Red then directed her instruction to the guy she had hold of, “On your knees puppy. Beg for my forgiveness. Do it now or I snap it off. And you keep back, or yours is next.” She raised the hand at a steeper angle, forcing him down. His only option was to kneel. As he went down, Red heard the shout go over the radios. The Humes had to have theirs turned up loud because of the background noise. As Sparky came into view, the not-Wolf that had tried to defend his mate made his move towards Red even though she had warned him what would happen if he did. Using the lad in her hands for more balance, she aimed a foot at her attacker, hitting him square in the breastbone. He was pushed back into his mates and a few unlucky bystanders. Sparky stood waiting. Red repeated her order: “Beg for my forgiveness, I don’t give you a third chance.”

“Fuck! Please! Let me go, I’m sorry, forgive me!”

“Mistress.” Red prompted, almost conversational in her tone.

“Forgive me, Mistress!” He yelled.

Red let him go; pushing him so he rocked on his knees, grasping his aching wrist as though he feared his hand would drop on the floor.

Sparky shook his head at her with a faint smile and said, “Always trouble you are.” He herded the lads out and they seemed only too pleased to go.

Red picked up her drink and enjoyed the space that had opened up around her.

Anna dashed up to her and grabbed her hand, leading her into the toilets. Red was very much aware of every eye on her as they went.

“What the fuck was that? Anna said, not bothering to check if the toilets were empty.

“What did it look like?”

“It looked like you were showing off! You’re not supposed to show your true strength to the Humes.”

“I didn’t. I was groped. I hate that and I gave a few people second thoughts about the next time they want to try it.”

Anna was incredulous. “You did that just because he grabbed your arse? God! Take it as a compliment, I do.”

“I don’t think so Anna. It’s not a compliment when men think you’re there only for their entertainment. We’re not living a Porn Film. I’m here to enjoy myself, just like they are. My enjoyment doesn’t include random hands all over my arse thanks. Anyway, I bet Darius wouldn’t like anyone else touching his property.”

“As it happens, he doesn’t mind. He gets off on it.”

Red raised her eyebrows at the comment, but she said nothing.

“Showing your strength only draws attention to us.” Anna continued.

“I wasn’t showing strength. Come here.” Red took Anna’s wrist in the same way she had held the not-Wolf. She bent the wrist and forced the hand up, Anna dropped to her knees in reaction to the angle and pain in her wrist. As Red helped her up, she said, “Now, you tell me what strength I needed there? I used his pain threshold, nothing more. Apart from that, you know I’m a bouncer and those kinds of holds are taught before you even get your licence.”

“What about the kick?”

“It was a push, not a kick. I pushed him away from me. No extra strength needed there either. If I had have booted him hard, my bloody foot would have gone right through. He might have a few bruises, but if it serves to teach him not to paw at women without permission, then so much the better as far as I’m concerned.”

As they came out of the toilets, Red realised why Anna had not checked to see if the toilets were clear, a doorman was holding desperate women back from using them. She smiled at him, but he blanked her.

Sparky saw them coming out and came over to them.

“I suppose I’m in trouble with you too am I?” Red said.

“Surprisingly no, those fellas apologised on their way out, well the one holding his hand on did. The others seemed to agree with him, except the one you flattened. Steve had to have a little word with him.” Sparky assured her.

“I suppose that little word included ripping his legs off?”

“Something along those lines, yes.”

“I was just telling Anna about the holds and that kick.” Red said.

“That wasn’t a kick, you softie, you only pushed him. I’ll get Steve to show you some proper kicks next time you train.”

“Don’t bloody bother thanks all the same.” Red smiled at him as she said it and led Anna back to the bar. “Are you happy now? And look, no one is pointing or staring at us. Red had a little dig at Anna’s expense.

The truth of the matter was that most of the punters that had seen the display were moving on to the next pub; such is the turn-around of custom on busy weekend evenings.

As they left, Steve had a few words of warning for Red.

“Be careful Red. Luke’s worried and so am I.” As Red kissed his cheek he added “And not of that guy you kicked.”

Red smiled and nodded once.

“What was that about?” Anna asked as she took Red’s arm.

Red was a little uncomfortable with Anna’s supposition of close-friendship, but went with it for the sake of her act. “Steve was warning me to be careful, that guy I kicked didn’t take too kindly to being shown-up by a skirt - as he put it.”

The pair drew stares and whispers as they moved around the various pubs. Anna knew the ‘Circuit’ – the order of pub to go to next – and they went to each one just at its busiest time, which was always fun. The advantage of working on the doors, as Red already knew, was that most doormen allowed them in right away. Red didn’t like to press the advantage, it got people’s backs up and a drunken angry person may later take out frustrations on queue-jumpers, but Anna loved the attention, even if some of it was negative attention.

They arrived at the same wine-bar where Luke and Red had met Darius and Anna that first time and Malc, the Head Doorman, allowed them to queue jump again. Red was aware that she was getting a lot more drunk than she would have thought and she suspected Anna was spiking her drinks.

The music was based around summer hits and a Beach Boys tune came on. On a whim, Red climbed up on a table and began ‘surfing’ to the record. Anna looked up at her and smiled. Then a doorman approached and indicated that Red should get down, helping her to dismount from the table. Red was giggling and this time Anna didn’t seem displeased that she was drawing attention to herself.

Anna suggested going on to SlaughterHouse, and they left the bar. Red had to be supported by Anna as the cool night air hit her and exacerbated the effect of the spiked drinks. Malc stopped Red and said, “Are you ok? You don’t look too good do you want me to ring Luke for you?”

“She’s fine!” Anna snapped. “Mind your own business – you get me?”

“Yeah, whatever you say Anna.” Malc replied after getting a nod and a secret smile from Red.

They both staggered up the hill towards the club, but at the top, Red tried to pull Anna to the left instead of going straight on to the club. “Come on Anna, we can get in Flanagan’s still, Pete will let us in.”

“No Red, we promised Darius we’d meet him, didn’t we? He’s going to buy our drinks.”

“I can buy my own, I got money. I don’t need anyone buying my drinks.” Red said, slurring her words.

“He wants to show you the club Red. He asked me to bring you.” Anna cajoled.

“Yeah, he always wants to show me something.” Red said.

“Like what, Red?” Anna asked.

“Nothing, forget it. Come on then, let’s get Darius to spend his money if that’s what he’s promised.”

Anna pulled Red onwards, past the long queue and right up to the door. Dale looked as though he was about to ask if Red was all right too, but Red had gained a little self-control on the walk up and could just about walk unaided. In fact, Red’s body was getting rid of the Mickey Finns faster than Anna had estimated but she was keeping up the pretence by slurring and tripping more than she was compelled to.

She tripped on purpose at the foot of the steps and allowed the not-Wolf doorman to catch her and set her in a sitting position on the bottom step. She sat with her knees together; feet splayed apart, clutching her bag and giggling as though she had given up.

“Red get up, let’s go see Darius.” Anna said.

“Ooh, Darius, is he here?”

“Yes he’s waiting upstairs in the VIP lounge remember?”

Red giggled more, but Dale looked concerned. He held the queue back whilst Red pulled herself together. Anna dragged Red to her feet and led her up the stairs. Red staggered off to the dance floor as they reached the top step, breaking away from Anna. Her short skirt and knee boots drew attention on the dance floor and Anna found herself unable to drag Red off, moreover, she was grabbed herself and was soon dancing alongside Red.

A raunchy rock number came on and Red went into a full-on act, dancing with Anna, discarding her would-be suitors. Soon they had their own audience watching as they danced close to each other with a raw and almost lewd intimacy.

Red noticed lots of Wolves dotted around, all seemed to be sober and were standing out of the way. The audience close to the girls were all not-Wolf as far as Red could ascertain. She noticed Darius watching them from his balcony, but it was a little while before Anna saw him. As soon as she did, she grabbed Red’s hand and dragged her from the dance floor, pushing men aside as she went. Red almost forgot to behave drunk. She had worked her metabolism hard through dancing and the alcohol and Mickey Finns had all but gone. She remembered in time to stumble into the arms of a very good-looking Wolf. He caught her as Anna let go of her hand to prevent Red’s fall from dragging her down too. The Wolf held her until he was sure she was steady on her feet. Anna clicked her fingers and pointed upstairs, indicating that he take Red up there. As he was helping Red up the stairs, she leaned on him.

“Oh just bring her Martin, carry her if you must!” Anna barked the command.

To Red’s surprise and amusement, Martin muttered “Fucking Power-Whore, who the fuck does she think she is?” As he lifted Red off her feet.


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