Deadlier Than The Male - Exclusive for Steemit - Horrific Experiments and Cruelty Beyond Measure

in #story8 years ago

After Jervais’s liberation from the laboratories, Darius located another Throwback without delay, one who was not connected to such an influential family and one who did not carry silver daggers around as a matter of course.

This Throwback in fact, had no idea that he was even part Wolf. He was more human than Wolf – the opposite of Jervais – and Darius’s experimentations could take yet another direction. Because of the higher concentration of human elements in this new subject, the drugs did not show their adverse effects as soon or as strong as they had with Jervais. Yet still, Darius was not completely content, he now wanted Hume test subjects to gauge the way the different drugs affected them. If the Wolf drug took the same short time to have an adverse effect as they had on a Throwback, then Darius would need to make every hit count because Hume subjects would not keep taking something which had such bad side-effects for little or no pleasure beforehand.

So far, the new Throwback seemed to be proving the opposite, that Humes would suffer no adverse effect or at least, not in the first instances. The final alternative, that the two substances be mixed together, Wolf and Hume narcotic, was still a viable option.

It seemed that there was an added side-effect to the Wolf drugs, one that could not have been allowed for. The effect that the Full Moon had upon Jervais was devastating. His blood lust was heightened as was his sadistic tendencies. He went on a killing spree, the like of which had not been seen since civilisation took a firm grip on the world and the Wolf society had to conform so as to not be discovered and wiped out.

Not since the implementation of the First Laws had such a bloody carousal taken place. Victims were ranged far and near. None were taken with discretion and none were disguised to look like a robbery gone wrong as was advised. In the four months that Jervais was on his rampage, nothing could be done to stop him until at last, he was summoned for trial.

Although throughout the hearing, Jervais seemed, at least on the outside, contemptuous of his elders, inside, his heart was in turmoil. He knew that he was a Throwback and that his mother and grandfather had always protected him, but what was only known between Claudia and himself was that after she had rescued him, she had then bitten him to try to quell his insatiable blood hunger, but also to ensure that he was now full Wolf and therefore protected. For some unfortunate reason, possibly the drugs that he had taken and the experiments that Darius had performed upon him, his metabolism seemed to revert him back to his Throwback elements and he was still addicted to the human drugs. He needed Darius to supply his drugs and his escape from the hearing was more because of desperation to get clean of those substances than to avoid his sentence.

When he then found that the Sentinels had been set on his trail, panic set in and instincts for survival took over and he made haste for England and followed Darius.

Darius was located at his new offices in England and approached and begged for help in getting off the human drugs that he was addicted to; Jervais took him at his word when he agreed to help. What Jervais could not have accounted for, was Darius’s complete disdain for him and his family. Though he professed to be pleased that Jervais was now full Wolf, Darius wanted nothing more than to carry on with his trials and so, mixed a lethal dose of human and Wolf drugs for Jervais. The mixture took hold of Jervais as before, and he once again set out on his blood-hungry spree. The result of which was the Sentinel Exemplar was able to take advantage of Jervais’ guard being down and was able to capture and execute him.

Richard Stainsby pieced all the details together to arrive at the full implications – not only of his own actions, but also those of Darius and the other scientists. He realised, albeit too late, that his actions were far from innocuous, he had been party to the murder of more than a few Ancients – at least fifty and a very real likelihood of over three times that many.

The slaying of another Wolf in any circumstance other than war or agreed combat had been outlawed and punishable by death centuries since, under First Laws.

The systematic slaughter of numerous Ancients would receive nothing less from the Sentinels and would doubtless lead to the expulsion of the perpetrator from under the protective umbrella of those First Laws.

This in turn would make him a viable target for a full Wolf hunt – a rare event indeed and one which was relished by the whole of society in much the same vein as the public hangings and executions in bygone times - except for the fact that this would be a participation sport. If a directive was given that a Wolf had been cast out then only death was a certainty. The time and method of their fate was left to be unexpected. Indeed, the number of attempted executioners could also be only guessed at. Unless the crimes were such that an example was to be made and then the Wolf would know on what date he would die – hunted down by his peers.

Such a punishment had not been meted out within his memory, but he had heard such stories from older Wolves, “back in the days when…”

For the crimes he had committed, not to mention the details of Ancients’ whereabouts which he stole and sold, he was in no doubt that this barbarity would be resurrected and enjoyed to its fullest extent. He also realised that his only hope would be to let someone know what was going on and try for damage limitation.

His first port of call was with Luke whom he thought would have the foresight and the connections to understand the gravity of the situation and act upon the information to get the results fast.

However, Luke had not realised the magnitude of what he had been told until after he had discussed the matter with his estranged wife – Sentinel Exemplar.

When Luke failed to inform the necessary authorities, he had one more straw to clutch at and tried then to re-kindle his friendship with Sentinel Exemplar herself. By that time, he was too late.

Once the Sentinel Exemplar had arrived in England, it was later than he had hoped and he was already suspect and under close scrutiny. Instead of dropping from sight and hiding until the whole mess had been discovered and stopped, he was caught. If he had thought the punishment from the Sentinels would have been barbaric, it was nothing compared to the punishment that Darius had in store for him. He was held, tortured and made a subject of his own experimentation for months on end until at last, he was flayed, harvested of his precious glands - during which operation he mercifully died – and was then left to be discovered.

He had been watched for a number of months before he made contact with Sentinel Exemplar. Even though the contact with her was legitimate and explained away as his proper duties within the ministry, his nervousness had begun to mount since his meeting with Luke. Anticipation of a raid which was never going to happen set his nerves on edge which made him a much altered Wolf, even to Wolves who were not looking for such differences in demeanour.

Darius set a team to observe his every movement outside of work. They were watching as he exited his house at around two-thirty in the morning and, cloaked from him, followed for a few miles in Wolf form for ease of travel. He arrived at the wooded area known as Thieves Wood and they watched as he flitted in shadows, observing the comings and goings of Humes in this seedy meeting spot.

Being advised to only watch and listen on these forays, the Wolves did just that. Curiosity as to exactly what their mark was up to, gave reason for one member of the party to ask: “What is he looking for?”

“Not for but at. This is a place where the Humes participate in ‘dogging’.”

Seeing that the other did not comprehend, she continued: “For some reason, Humes are never satisfied with their lot in life. They seek other thrills. Some seek to blot out their mundane existence and turn to alcohol or drugs; others seek the adrenalin rush of competition or danger. Yet others seek sexual thrills such as we find here. These Humes are all getting some kind of sexual kick, either by having sex with a total stranger or by watching the couple mating or even by knowing that they are being watched. They have their own codes too. Watch, if the interior light is on, it means that they don’t mind an audience whilst they mate.”

“You seem very knowledgeable about this…”

“I cannot help but be knowledgeable. I have followed him here on numerous occasions. He likes to cause trouble – albeit minor trouble – but certainly embarrassment to his chosen subjects. Watch him.”

They continued to watch for a while and he chose a car at random to observe the occupants.

After a short time, they also heard another vehicle arrive, but chose to ignore it. It was only when they saw their subject wave in the direction of the newly-arrived vehicle that they decided to take any notice.

They watched as he then knocked upon the window of the car only to mime applause once he had the attention of those inside. Then he stood upright again and made his way towards the car that he had waved at. His followers were all of a sudden more alert because they now realised that he had arranged this meeting.

The watching group were dismayed when their quarry got into the awaiting vehicle and they drove off.

“Damnit! He has never done this before. Come on, we have to keep up with them.” The female swore.

The pursuers managed to keep track of the car, and they caught up as the car stopped and the occupants sat talking.

After a short time, their intended quarry got out of the car, melted into Wolf form, scooped up his clothing and loped off into the woods. The driver shouted a few words in adieu and drove away.

It would now be easy to complete their task. Their quarry was in the same form as they and not expecting to be followed. They found his base, which looked as though it would be semi-permanent at best and one of their number stayed to make sure that he didn’t leave, whilst the female went to make her report.

Richard Stainsby was taken from the woods, still in Wolf form and unable to change into his human shape. He had been overpowered and injected with some of the same drugs that he had had a hand in developing.

From those woods he was taken to his home where he witnessed without full comprehension, the systematic search of his property and possessions and the complete destruction of everything deemed not useful.

From there, he was taken to the laboratory where his stay was prolonged and excruciating beyond the boundaries that he had afforded his test subjects. There were attempts to make him change to human form using as much imagination as could be called upon from the attendees. No experiment was deemed too agonising to try. The stamina of the Wolf was put to stringent tests regarding pain thresholds and at the end of their trials upon him, the Wolf that was still Richard Stainsby – but only just - was taken to an autopsy lab where he could only howl his utter agony within the confines of his head as his skin was, with meticulous care and thorough expertise, removed. He survived for a short time after that and suffered agonies anew as the first of his glands were removed.

A conventional human paralytic had been utilised, using a ventilator but not an anaesthetic. Richard felt every cut and was even to the last, unable to change to his human form.

“The drug works better than expected Darius. Although we should also try it on a more powerful and older specimen, I think that my theory is correct in that it inhibits the ability to revert to human form. In this specimen, no further injections were necessary to keep him in Wolf form; he was unable to change until the end. That is not to say that other influences would not have negated the effect of the drug, such as the Full Moon, for we did not try that particular test. There also seems to be an added side-effect in that the subject seemed devoid of human sensibilities. Not once did our subject attempt to speak to his tormentors, neither to plead for mercy, nor to ask for explanation. It did not seem to occur to him that he could at one time speak. For all intents and purposes, he was rendered completely as an animal – a dumb and unwitting beast.”

Darius was pleased but he still had questions. “It does seem encouraging but I want further tests upon different subjects. I want to know just how resistant an Ancient would be to this drug and how long the effects take to wear off – if at all. I also want tests done on Humes – does this drug affect them in any way? If not, can they then be used as a carrier of the drug? Also, experiment on our resident Throwback. It will not give you any trouble, of that I can assure you.”

“I hope you are certain of that, Darius. Jervais injured a few of my staff and they are loath to approach a Throwback again.”

“Don’t question me. I gave my assurance. There is no need to tell your staff whether their subject is Throwback or not, they don’t need to know everything.” Darius snarled at this underling and the Wolf backed away, nodding and apologising.

Darius gave a little smile. The experiments were going well. He had just been given proof that his drug prevented a Wolf from being able to revert to human form and with the added bonus of being devoid of human sensibilities and abilities. To all intents and purposes, the Wolf was rendered incapable of defending itself from any form of technological attack, it could only fight back as an animal would – that meant it was vulnerable in this very violent and technologically advanced world.

Darius knew very well that if a Wolf died in wolf form there would be no autopsy; if found by Humes they would not autopsy an animal and Wolf society have no need to. If a Wolf died as wolf, then that is what it was and how it remained. The legend that told of a werewolf reverting to its human form was a fallacy but one which nevertheless protected Wolfkind then as it would protect it in the future. Retribution for the slaying of the Wolf would come perhaps from a Sentinel but that risk was negligible – most Sentinels were overseas these days and Wolfkind had gotten complacent.

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